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Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-05-07 18:10:00

Monday 07/05/12 (Summer week 3) 18:10 The Mighty Duck

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Enrik N (Chair), Max H, Tim G, Andy M

In Attendance: Alex P

Apologies: Georgie R, Neil A, Alex W, Yeng S, Omar A, Mike L, Kath B, Fergus C, Rob M, Rob G, R. H

2. Technical Officer's Report

Whilst the Technical Officer was not present, Enrik filled in the report via an e-mail he had received from Rob.

Outdoor Screening Update:
- Projector + Screen Ordered
- Sound hire sorted for £340.00 + VAT. Not ordered as of yet.
- Power distro hire being sorted.
- Arts center stuff - Andy e-mail in tech mailing list explains
- Van – Andy will be organising
- Barriers, etc – Security

Tech session sometime:
- Intermittent on P2 (Stability)
- Oil change on projectors
- Aperture plates
- Lenses

3. Training

All the training sessions required had been completed, Enrik thanked those that had helped.

4. Projection Procedure Changes (Wall of text imminent)

Enrik showed everyone the new Start-up Timetable that he has updated slightly. It now has the days of the week which we project on written on the side. This is so to make it far less tedious when updating the trailers. More information will be e-mailed out by Enrik with instructions on how it works.

How to find out what the temperature in the proj box is and when to take action were discussed. Enrik asked Andy if he knew which of temperatures shown on the P3 projector head shows the ambient temperature; Andy said he didn’t know. Enrik will e-mail Rob M to see if he can find out from someone which (if any) of the readings shows the ambient temperature. In the meanwhile, Rob M has attached a thermometer to P3 with an A4 sheet instructing projectionists to switch off the head if the thermometer reads 33˚C. Alternative procedures were being discussed but no decision was made as Enrik had to leave to project. Hence, Enrik said that at least until the next proj meeting, the current procedure will be as instructed on the A4 on P3.

Several aspects on how to control the proj box temperature were also discussed. Enrik said that the most likely time for proj box temperature to reach 33˚C is during a double showing. Two ways of minimising heat gain is by using the auto strike feature of P1/P2 or by using the platter – both effectively meaning that only 1 lamp will be on at all times. A vote was not called as it was decided the best thing to do was for the q-proj of the early show to decide on which format to go for depending on certain factors. These being: the training requirements of their trainee and that of the late showing trainee (in terms of platter practice or changeover practice) and the age/condition of the film. If these measures are not enough to keep the temperature below 33˚C for when the ads/trailers need to be played again for the late showing, Tim suggested that a 35mm reel containing assorted material needs to be made-up and be ready to play in such an event so the audience have something to watch whilst tickets are still being sold.

In the event of a double screening of a digital film: the temperature will need to be monitored closely and action will need to be taken accordingly. The first of these is on Friday week 7, so hopefully some cooling of some kind (temporary or permanent) will be in place and allow us to project both films. Otherwise, the second screening will not occur and refunds may be required if the first showing was cut short (this is more of a DM issue).
Any other points will be carried over to the next proj meeting.

5. Time and Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday 14th April at 18:10 in the SSL.

6. AOB

There was at least one AOB, but it was not discussed as Enrik had to leave to project. Enrik said that those AOBs will be addressed in the next proj meeting, along with the remainder of the points not discussed with respect to proj box cooling issues.

Meeting Ended at 18:49

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