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Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-04-23 18:10:00

Monday 23/04/12 (Summer week 1) 18:10 SSL

1. Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Enrik N (Chair), Rob M, Andy M, Tim G

In Attendance: James M

Apologies: Alex W, Max H, Fergus C, Rob G, Mike L, Yolly C

2. Technical Officer's Report (Courtesy of Mr Rob Mass)

WSC Technical officers report:

During proj meeting the following topics were discussed:
• WSC Inventory
• Maintenance Contract
• Summer outdoor screening
• 35mm projection - Lenses and Aperture Plates
• Cooling of the proj box

Rob updated those in attendance with the WSC Inventory, and will send out an editable version through to the technical and it team, to ensure that the inventory is up to date before submission to the SU.

The next update included the maintenance contract. After a call to sound associates the dates on the contract were changed. The equipment information is being prepared and updated. A copy will be sent out to the tech mailing list to allow extra information to be added. Aim is to send off the contract by the end of the week.

The next discussion involved the outdoor screening. After confirming approval has been granted with the President Rob has made the following list of stuff that needs to be done:
• Order projector + arrange collection
• Order sound equipment + arrange collection
• Sort the barriers + cones
• Sort the Van hire
• Sort the staging to be borrowed from the arts centre
• Sort our equipment
• Sort the van to be parked overnight in the physics compound

After discussion and reflection on how the outdoor screening ran last year, the following was decided:
• Keep the equipment specifications the same
• Move the start time to 10am
• Keep the collection and drop off days for the equipment the same

Rob bought up why we use Panda hire and future projections, and will get in contact with some other local companies to see if we can get a cheaper quote and save driving the van long distances. Feedback will be sent through to the tech mailing list.

Van hire was discussed. Andrew said he would be happy to drive the van. Rob said he would be happy to drive the van; however he may not be able to on the insurance. Andrew will investigate. It was discussed it would be preferable to have two drivers, so he will ask Tim D if he would be around. A third person would be preferable to go in the van on Wednesday night. Tim G offered. This will be confirmed nearer the time.

A rough timetable of activities based on last year was drawn up:
Monday Pick up sound equipment
Tuesday Pick up projector (Early)
Sort WSC equipment (Afternoon)
Wednesday 10am start setting up the equipment on tocil field
Thursday Return projector and sound equipment (Morning)
Return barriers (Afternoon)
Friday Return Van

Enrik proposed that the publicity team get a HUGE inflatable Dragon!

The next topic discussed was the aperture plates and lenses on the 35mm projectors. Fergus was investigating this. Rob will order “JB Weld high tensile glue” as he needs some for his car. We can use this on the aperture plates. Razor blades can be used to sharpen the edge of screen. Rob will contact Fergus for an update. It was suggested we leave the aperture plates in the projectors from now on.

Finally the issue of cooling the proj box was bought up. Rob will probe sound associates further to find out exact details regarding the digital projector heat specifications. A temporary solution was discussed, where we could test a portable air-conditioning unit near the digital projector. The “exhaust” could be run outside of the proj box into the corridor and plant room (estates agreeing). The other option was to run the “exhaust” to the current ventilation system. This should allow enough heat to be removed to cool the air flow to the digital projector.

It was discussed that evaporative cooling could influence the moisture in the air. Further investigation is required to see whether the projector would cope with this cooling method.

Rob updated those in attendance that more information is required, and communication with estates is on-going. For now we need more information from Estates before making any decisions as a bursary may yet make it within budget. The current quote received was £12,000 including VAT.

3. Training
- Rob M will try to do the session for R. H on Wednesday
- Tim G will try to do the session for Alex P on Friday
- The other trainee’s (Sam K, Alex T, Josh C) will have their availabilities sent to q-proj mailing list by Enrik

4. Projection Procedure Changes

Once the aperture plates have the razor blades attached to them (by Fergus) for a sharper edge on screen, the new procedure will be to leave the aperture plates in the projector. This follows on from the discussion that occurred in the last proj meeting.

5. Time and Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on Monday 7th April at 18:10 in the SSL.

6. AOB

Tim G:
-Remade his discs. Please note: Andy may dislike you playing them.

Rob M:
- Proj box cooling developments were brought up: the details of which are written in the last 3 paragraphs of the Technical Officer’s Report.

Meeting Ended at 19:29

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