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IT Meeting @ 2012-02-03 17:15:00

<h1>Minutes of the First Ever Marketing Meeting - Marked as IT meeting so the IT team is encouraged to create the option to post Marketing minutes!</h1>

<p>17:15, Friday Week 4, Term 2 (03/02/2012), Room H0.43</p>

<h2>1) Welcome and Apologies for absence</h2>
<p><b>Present:</b> Claire Baldrey, Jacqui Bowley, Samuel Carr, Fergus Cooper (Vice President), Aimee Crickmore, Jack Ghaleb, Timothy E Green (Chief Projectionist), Scott Griffiths (Marketing Officer), Maria Kalpachka, Robin Kerrison, Samuel Kidman, Avanika Kiswani, Adam Laughton, Daniel Mountain, Selena Nguyen, Hugh Nurse, Ankira Patel, Elina Rage, Samuel Shepherd, Lia Suissa, Matthew Wilkinson (I.T. Officer).<i> The meeting was quorate.</i></p>

<p>Apologies received from: Amrit Arneja, Harry Austin (Chief Duty Manager), Robert Gardner, Rachel Oates.</p>

<p>Scott (Marketing Officer) welcomed everyone to the first ever meeting of the WSC Marketing Team. Everyone in attendance briefly introduced themselves to the rest of the team.</p>

<h2>2) Introduction to Marketing team & WSC</h2>
<p>Scott briefed the team on its purpose and aims: creating digital trailers for the new digital projection format, creating the content for the LCD screen and pre-show slideshows, and compiling termly “What’s on at WSC” video trailers and other promotional videos. All present were reminded that they must be a member of WSC in order to participate in discussions and to function as a part of the team.</p>

<h2>3) Advert slide training sessions</h2>
<p>Scott checked that everyone who wanted it had received the “starter pack” for creating advert slides for the LCD/pre-show slideshows, and asked if anyone had any comments or questions regarding it. Scott reminded everyone that the documentation was a work in progress and that any comments would be useful in shaping it. No comments were made. Scott then informed the group that training sessions on producing effective slides could be arranged upon request, and that he would be happy to look at any “practice” slides made in order to give feedback.</p>

<h2>4) Advert slide signups</h2>
<p>A list of films showing this term was read out so that people could sign up to make advert-slides for particular films. Movies before Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 had already been taken care of prior to the formation of the Marketing Team. Scott reminded the team that each person will be rewarded with two free films, assigned to their University ID cards, for every slide they finish, and that “first drafts” of slides need to be received by the Marketing Officer at least two weeks before the film being advertised is shown, so that there is time for feedback to be acted upon before the slide needs to be used.</p>
<p>The table below lists who signed up to make each slide. <i>Note: There is no way in hell I'm bothering to format that properly in HTML.</i></p>
<br/>Week 6
<br/>The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (18:30, 21:30) Robin Kerrison
<br/>Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (Midnight) Daniel Mountain
<br/>Week 7
<br/>Midnight in Paris (18:30, 21:30) Claire Baldrey
<br/>The Ides of March (19:30) Elena Rage
<br/>Schindler's List (19:30) (Oscar Tuesdays) Scott Griffiths
<br/>50/50 (19:30) Hugh Nurse
<br/>THE ALLNIGHTER - SPRING 2012 (19:30) See point 8 below
<br/>Week 8
<br/>Melancholia (18:30, 21:30) Sam Shepherd
<br/>Wuthering Heights (19:30) (Free for members) Maria Kalpachka
<br/>Amadeus (19:30) (Oscar Tuesdays) Scott Griffiths
<br/>North By Northwest (19:30) Jack Ghaleb
<br/>Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (18:30, 21:30) Samuel Carr
<br/>Die Hard (70mm) (19:30) Jacqui Bowley
<br/>Week 9
<br/>New Year's Eve (18:30, 21:30) Selena Nguyen
<br/>Hugo (19:30) Samuel Kidman
<br/>The English Patient (19:30) (Oscar Tuesdays) Scott Griffiths
<br/>Miss Bala (digital) (19:30) Samuel Kidman
<br/>Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (18:30, 21:30) Robin Kerrison
<br/>The Thing (2011) (Midnight) Timothy E Green
<br/>Week 10
<br/>The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) (18:30, 21:30) Avanika Kiswani
<br/>Happy Feet Two (19:30) Adam Laughton
<br/>Gone with the Wind (19:30) (Oscar Tuesdays) Scott Griffiths

<p>Tim queried whether certain logos (Free For Members, Midnight Frights, etc) were included in the starter pack. Scott stated that the WSC, KPMG, and Midnight Frights logos were included but others were not. Scott will email appropriate logos to the people who need them.</p>

<h2>5) Trailers Co-ordinator</h2>
<p>Scott informed the group that there had been a lot of interest in this role but that only a small number of statements had been submitted for consideration. He reminded the group that a statement will be required from anyone wanting to be considered for the role. Applications will be accepted until shortly after the WSC AGM in Week 5 since it will be up to the newly-elected Marketing Officer to pick a suitable applicant.</p>

<p>Scott briefly explained the roles and responsibilities of the trailers co-ordinator. Since acquiring our new digital cinema projection system over the summer, we have now started showing trailers for upcoming films in the digital format, rather than using film-reel trailers. Since it can be quite a laborious task to locate suitable digital trailers and convert them to the correct format, and this is such an important task to do, this named role was created to ensure the job gets done.</p>

<p>Fergus, who is currently taking care of digital trailer conversion, outlined the process, explaining that it is largely an automated process but it can nonetheless take two or three hours to produce a week’s worth of trailers.</p>

<p>It was asked whether this process could be done on an average laptop or whether more powerful hardware would be required. Fergus pointed out that we are currently using a PC in the office dedicated to his purpose, and that using a laptop would be unlikely to be appropriate. Scott pointed out that the Trailers Co-ordinator will be given keys to the WSC Office so that they can use the software and hardware at any time.</p>

<h2>6) Photography Co-ordinator</h2>

<p>Scott informed the group that there had only been a couple of applications for this role so far and encouraged others to apply for it. He outlined the purpose of this role: to ensure that photos are being taken at all of WSC’s special events (such as AllNighters, Sponsored Events) which can be used on our website and in printed publicity, etc, and ensure that our archive of stock images of the day-to-day running of WSC are also kept up-to-date. </p>

<h2>7) Marketing drive & IT access</h2>

<p>Scott informed the team that we had been allocated hard-drive space on the WSC servers for us to use as needed. This is for the purpose of having a shared repository for e.g. slide templates, logos, etc, and as convenient storage space for trailers and other videos. Matt, the IT Officer, informed everyone present that the IT Team will set up a “Marketing” account so that anyone on the team can connect to the server and download/store files as they need to. Scott said that once this had been set up, he would distribute a guide on how to use the system.</p>

<p>Scott also informed the group that the computers in the Exec office were equipped with the full Adobe CS4 suite (including Premiere, After Effects, and Photoshop), and that if anyone needs to use this software then they should be able to arrange a time with the Marketing Officer for them to have access to the office. It is possible to use this software via “remote desktop” from any internet-connected computer, which the publicity team does for using Photoshop, but this would not be advisable for the use of any video-editing software.</p>

<h2>8) AllNighter marketing</h2>

<p>Scott explained the extra marketing required in the run-up to WSC’s AllNighter event on Friday, Week 7. Additional slides need to be made to advertise the event, as well as a trailer compilation of the films being shown. Robin Kerrison, Sam Shepherd, Lia Suissa, and Samuel Kidman agreed to work together to produce these advert slides. Elena Rage, Samuel Carr, and Samuel Shepherd volunteered to work on the video. Both these groups will be contacted by Scott at a later point in order to organise their respective activities.</p>

<p>It was questioned whether there would be a reward for helping out with the video, or whether this only applied to the slides. Scott stated that all contributions to the marketing team’s activities will be rewarded with free films or crew status as appropriate.</p>

<h2>9) Next Term's "What's On" Trailer</h2>
<p>Scott explained that the team would need to work together in order to produce the termly compilations of movie trailers showing what is on at the cinema the following term. A rough draft would need to be ready by approximately Week 8, so that it can be finalised and shown before films from Week 9 onwards. A preliminary schedule for next term’s films has been decided but not yet finalised. This will be made publicly available as soon as possible.</p>

<p>A soundtrack for the trailer needs to be decided upon, and this will be discussed on the mailing list. Elena Rage, Samuel Carr, and Samuel Shepherd agreed to work on the trailer.</p>

<h2>10) Date of next meeting</h2>

<p>Scott suggested that the next meeting will probably be around Week 8, allowing the “what’s on” trailer to be previewed and discussed, and for slides for next term’s films to be allocated. The exact time and date will be confirmed at a later date.</p>

<h2>11) Any Other Business</h2>

<p>No further points of discussion were raised.</p>

<p><b>The meeting was adjourned at 17:40.</b></p>

<h2>Summary of Actions to be taken</h2>
<li>Anyone who signed up to make a slide needs to send a draft of the slide to the Marketing Officer at least two full weeks before the film is to be shown</li>
<li>Scott will send relevant extra logos out to anyone who needs them</li>
<li>Anyone wanting to apply for the Trailers or Photography co-ordinator roles needs to send a statement to the Marketing Officer soon</li>
<li>Scott will issue a guide to accessing the Marketing Drive as soon as possible after access had been set up by the IT Team</li>
<li>AllNighter marketing (slides and trailer) need to be taken care of, which will be discussed with the relevant people via email.</li>
<li>The “what’s on” trailer will be discussed with the interested people via email. Everyone will be able to participate in a discussion regarding the soundtrack.</li>

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