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DM Meeting @ 2011-11-10 00:00:00

Start: 18:20
Welcome: All those present were welcomed. These were George Marshall, Fergus Cooper, James McLachlan, Natalie Tyldesley , Ed McCutcheon, Mike Joy, R.H., Liam Mcnamara (late), Matthew Wilkinson (late), Lipinska, Weronika
Also in attendance: Ben Wen, Daniel Wilcock
Apologies: Timothy Green, Robert Gardner
Absent: Vanessa Kok, Jordan Maciel

Rotas: Fill up any free slots. But otherwise basically full until the end of term
Rotas for next term: Please don’t fill up too many slots next term. If there are one or two specific films you want to DM that’s fine but no more than that this early on please.
Cashing up and Spare Change: -We now only have 50p coins in the float. This is because we have been building up the number of £1 coins in the float while dropping the number of 50p’s.
- Of late there have been issues with the spare change float having the wrong amount of money in it. Please make sure you fill it up correctly if you swapping money around. The £1 bags come with £20 and the 50p bags come with £10 in them. Please remember this.
- There have been a lot of random till differences of late. Whether this is due to new stewards or not it extra care needs to be taken when cashing up (this ties in with the previous point) and keep a closer eye on stewards when possible
DM Christmas: A DM secret Santa will be organised. The limit is £2.50 and gifts will be exchanged Week 9. The names will be allocated shortly.
The AllNighter: - Rotas: All sorted. Please see additional attachment
- Timings: These are included in the above attachment
- Food for crew: £50 is being spent on crew for food and drink. This is mainly going towards drink. If you want anything specific please contact Ed before Thursday 17th November 2011. Please can you empty the left hand fridge of your stuff before the AllNighter otherwise it may well have to be removed for you. The food and drink being purchased is for crew ONLY!!!
- Other rooms for sleeping: L4/L5 are both free but not booked so sleep can occur in these.
- AllNighter Stalls: - Ticket selling stall is running on Thursday and Friday (17th-18th) from 11am – 4pm. This is where tickets can be bought and collected and hence needs a DM at all times. The signup will be on the website shortly as the IT Officer was contacted.
- Snack Stall is officially dubbed “Rofl’s Shop”. She is the main person in charge but may not necessarily be running it at all times. This will be during the breaks in films.
- Online ticketing and redemption: We’re selling tickets online now. The stalls and our tills are pick up points for them. For further information on how this is to work please see the wiki.
DMing Standards: It is imperative that standards are maintained at ALL shows by the DMs on the night. This is independent of the number of attendees, the situation or other factors. Other issues include unprofessional conduct, being rude, drinking cans of coke, etc, which need to be reduced. If this is not upheld by every DM I will be having strong words with them and should the situation continue the matter will be raised with the fullest severity at a DM meeting. In addition please refrain from walking in and out of the exec office during a film or lectures. It interrupts the film/lecturer causing issues for the customers/students.
AOBs: It was raised that it would have been useful for the ticket pricing scheme for next year, specifically the £1.50 for Oscar Tuesday, to have been brought to DMbefore the Exec meeting and as such the comments of DM brought to bear on the issue. From a DMing standpoint the main issue is that it doesn’t actually make anyone become a member and trying to tell it to people buying memberships, as well as all the other offers, doesn’t happen due to the volume of information trying to be communicated. Contrary to this it was raised that the offer is also to make WSC seem less like a business, an issue we often have with other organisations.

Duty Manager 1 Duty Manager 2
Cowboys and Aliens Matt Wilkinson Liam McNamara
Quiz Break Harry Austin
Back to the Future McCutcheon George Marshall
Raffle and Qual. break Harry Austin
Rango R.H. Natalie Tyldesley
Quiz Answers Harry Austin
Mystery Film Harry Austin James McLachlan
Random video shizzle Harry Austin
Mean Girls Natalie Tyldesley James McLachlan
Generic Break Harry Austin
The Prestige James McLachlan George Marshall

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