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Exec Meeting @ 2011-10-10 19:00:00

Exec Meeting – 10/10/2011 – 19:00 – B2.03

Welcome and Apologies for Absence: 19:11

Present: Edward McCutcheon, Fergus Cooper, Liam McNamara, Timothy Green, Harry Austin, Louise Formby, Matthew Wilkinson, Scott Griffiths

Apologies were received from: Oliver Bell

The meeting commenced at 19:11.

Getting Involved Meeting

The getting involved meeting was popularly attended. It was noted, for future reference, that the pizza order of 30 large Dominos pizzas was about the right quantity for the meeting, and that holding the meeting on Saturday rather than Monday did not appear to have impacted on popularity.

Publicity Distribution

After the very successful publicity run at the start of term, only the task of pigeon holing remains. This will take place this coming Wednesday (12th October) at 2pm, and will also include distributing to departments.

Financial Update

Liam informed Exec that the SU are still updating the accounts and so it is not currently known precisely how much money we have. However, our financial situation remains stable, with a broadly positive outlook.

Sponsored Event

It was decided to keep costs to a minimum for this sponsored event, so the standard event with pizza and drinks would take place again. Fergus is to arrange the necessary arrangements with Warwick Food and Drink, Costcutter and organising the pizza. Times for purchasing the alcohol will be discussed further on the mailing lists.

Digital Cinema

It was announced that the first ever digital screening at WSC was a huge success. The system worked impressively and as expected, and was attended by Clive Gardener and Terry Williams.

Arts Alliance Media (AAM) will be returning on October 26th to complete outstanding work from the installation.

There are still warranty issues – AAM are yet to provide the necessary documentation for us to make an informed decision about purchase – it remains unclear what would be covered by the warranty. Similar issues exist with the service contract – further discussion is required on the tech mailing list before a decision can be made about which, if any, contract to purchase.

Air Conditioning

It has come to light that the new digital projector requires an ambient temperature of no more than 35 degrees. Since this would likely be a problem in summer, it has become necessary to think about air conditioning. It is understood that the rough cost of such a system would be £3,000-£4,500. It was voted that the new technical officer would investigate the possibilities of installing an air conditioning system; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Key Agreements

A vote was held on whether the wording of the proposed new key agreement was acceptable; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions. The new wording, subject to approval by the Societies Officer, will be:

I understand that the keys I have been issued with shall remain the property of the University of Warwick Students’ Union and must be returned immediately upon the request of the WSC Exec, any Students Union Sabbatical Officer or the Societies Administrator. Keys must be returned to the WSC President, or their nominated representative, who must be an officer of WSC or the Students Union.

I agree to use these keys only to carry out official WSC business and understand that unofficial use, or non-return of keys, is a serious breach of conduct, and could result in disciplinary action in conjunction with the Students’ Union, the University or both.

This key agreement expires at noon on Thursday Week 10, Term 3, and so all keys loaned by this agreement must be returned before then, ahead of the summer vacation, unless you are a member of the WSC Exec at the time, when this agreement will roll over to the end of your term on the WSC Executive. I understand this and will return my keys before this deadline.

Keyholders are reminded that the University has Security Policies regarding keys to University premises. These policies apply to all keyholders, and you consent to abide by them by accepting custody of university keys. Important points include automatically returning keys when requested, not loaning your keys to others and leaving the area secure. Full documentation can be found on the University Security website: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/security

If at any time I become aware that these keys have been lost or stolen, then I shall notify the WSC President immediately, to allow them to act accordingly.

It was voted that all key agreements would be rescinded in order for crew to sign the new key agreement; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Time and Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be Thursday, week 5 (3rd November) at 6:15pm.

• Prizes for the sponsored event will be an IPod Shuffle, two gift cards and two Five Film Passes or AllNighter tickets.
• It was suggested that more emphasis should be placed on film suggestions for this term, as not much has yet been done in that regard.

The meeting was adjourned at 20:30.

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