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Projectionists Meeting @ 2012-01-16 18:12:00

Monday 16/01/12 (Spring week 2) 18:12 SSL

Welcome and Apologies for Absence
Present : Tim G (chair), Tim D, Max H, Fergus C

In Attendance : Neil A, Andy M

Apologies : Yeng S, Ed M, Mike L, Rob M, Rob G, Alex W, Yolanda C, Omar A, Kath B

Enrik's ATS 1 and ATS 2 will be this Wednesday at 5:30pm (as it was cancelled last week due to Tim G's inability to attend.)

Tim G asked those present if they felt that they required further training in the use of the digital projector (given that its use is now a major part of a showing). No one seemed that interested, and so it shall go to the listing.

Tim G asked if we were ready to take any new trainees on. It was pointed out to him by Fergus that the rotas for trainees were full for the next few weeks. Max H and Mike L will both be becoming full projs by the next meeting and so, due to extra slots, this issue will be brought back up then.

Projection Procedure Changes
The instructions for digital ads changes, trailer changes, and the new busy show shut-down procedure have been sent to the listing, are on the board in the proj box and are on the wiki.

Tim G asked if digital shows could count towards the nominal three shows that a qualified projectionist remains a new projectionist. It was the general consensus that, much like AllNighter shows, they should not.

Due to the now-completely digital start-up, it was suggested that q-shows should be more carefully picked, so that they are at least 6 reels long.

It should be noted that the P3 button should be pushed promptly after the fade to black of the penultimate slide.

Time and Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Monday 23rd January in SSL starting at 18:10.

Tim D informed those present that the size of the T-drive had been increased.

The DAC will soon be installed in the proj box. This will mean that the minidisc player will be going, and the operation of CDs, microphones ect. will change. Updates to follow.

The Meeting Ended at 18:36

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