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Projectionists Meeting @ 2011-11-21 18:10:00

Monday 21/11/11 (Autumn week 8) 18:10 SSL

Present: Tim E G (chair), Fergus C, Rob M, Mike L, Tim D, Alex W, Kath B,
Max H, Omar A, Yeng S

In Attendance: James M, Marin M, Enrik N, Andrew M

Apologies: Yolanda C, Rob G

1. Welcome and Apologies
Everyone was welcomed!

2. Rotas
These were passed around for general perusal.

3. Technical Officer’s Report
a. AAM actually came this Wednesday! Popping from DC has been ‘fixed’.

b. Platter use with P1 is now fixed. Rollers fitted to P2, can now be used to play off platter.

c. X-wide masking setting needs readjusting.

4. Training
a. Mike L qualified at the showing of In a Better World on Thursday.

b. Neil’s Q-show will be at the showing of Horrible Bosses which is next week. Rob M, Mike L and Fergus C said they could attend.

c. Yolanda has now completed three shows as a new projectionist and is happy to take on trainees.

5. Projection Procedure Changes
a. The platter is now working on P2, and due to stability issues on P1 – it is advised that we use P2 to play off of the platter.

6. Time and Date of next meeting
The next projection meeting will take place in SSL at 18:10 on Monday 28th November.

7. AOB
a. Projections must remember to turn the lights off on the back row before showings and turn them back on again at the end.

b. If auto-digital has been disabled on the CP500 (perhaps during a Snaps Test) do not forget to specifically re-enable auto-digital on both P1 and P2 as well as selecting the Dolby SR and A as the sources and Dolby Digital as the target.

c. Projectionists are reminded that removing frames from films for any reason other than for projection necessity is unacceptable.

d. As always try to avoid making many trips to the office during films, this causes a lot of noise.

Meeting Ended at 18:49

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