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Exec Meeting @ 2006-11-02 18:00:00

Here follow the minutes from last week's Executive Committee Meeting:

1] Welcome and Apologies

Present: James E, James C, James M, Robert G, Victoria G, Matt P,
Martin M, Rachel C

Apology: Michelle F

2] WFF

The link currently sends to filmsoc but after a bit of tweaking
(something involving the menu?) and a "subject to availability"
disclaimer has been added, Matt will set it to go to WFF and we'll be
on our way.
The initial plan is to show the top 3 in descending order on Wedneday,
Thursday and Friday (a single or double showing depending on film
lenght/potential popularity) of week 4.
Publicity will be distributed a few days after the AllNighter publicity.

As an aside here next term's publicity will see fewer A2 schedules but
more A4 ones, and perhaps slightly fewer booklets. Victoria will
investigate deadlines.

3] Deloitte Event

Other than what we already know (7:15, 10 minute talk etc) we now also
know that there will be food for 150 (but not where). Publicity should
be given out at films, and Michelle should be receiving the slide
soon. There should be people working it, but currently we still need a
projectionist. Also, the tickets need to be set up for it, and a
Title/Deloitte logo for the website/logo are needed too.

4] AllNighter

We will so totally be showing G103.
The order will be as follows:

Superman Returns
Quiz - Jimmy C is going to write a "proper" quiz, and is happy to mark
it (with help!)
You, Me & Dupree
Quiz Answers, Raffle and Short Films
"Whatever Trevor" - Copyright Jimmy C 2006

Will we be getting Deloitte pens for the quiz?

Quiz Prizes:
1st: 2 DVDs + 5 Film Pass
2nd: 1 DVD + 5FP
3rd: 1 DVD
4th: 5FP (possibly 3/4 other way around)

Raffle Prizes:
1st: Deloitte Prize + 5FP
2nd: DVD
3rd: 5FP
4th: ???

+ Posters (not that we have many, and possibly some others from some guy)

+ Studentbeans etc

We will have a stall in the union on Friday 10-4 (90% likely to be Cholo (apparently the new policy is
to not give anyone stalls upstairs, but all the companies get
downstairs so there's no room) which James E is to sort out. Tickets will be sold at shows from Wednesday.

5] Free Films

The pros and cons of continuing the "free film when you join" policy
were briefly discussed. The result of the vote:

6 in favour of continuing
1 against
1 abstention

It will be important to publicise this.

In response to a James E rant about the Crew Newsletter it was
suggested that people who choose not to receive it yet still want to
know the details within it should sign up to Associate Announce. James
E still hasn't a clue what this is.

6] Socials

Week 8 - Andy is currently sorting out his minibus licence with the union.

The Christmas meal will probably be Saturday end of Week 9 and after
way too much discussion about the whole Cov vs Leamington thing the
initial vote saw:

Beefeater 0
Benny & Frankie's 6
The Bear again 1
The Varsity 0
1 Abstention, which at the time James E divided by 4 and added a
quarter to each of the above.

There will probably be no aftershow thing following the WFF winner on
Friday week 4 term 2.
The big membership event in term 2 will be a 30th anniversary thing:
Free film (either a film made in 1976 or the first 35mm film WSC ever
showed, or any other cool relevent idea like that, that we can sell to
Deloitte) followed by a film quiz in the union with 1 free drink on
presentation of film ticket.

We still need an Alumni event, we thought dinner one Saturday night,
but we'd have to pay for ourselves in all likelihood.

Jimmy C whispered in Jimmy E's ear that there should be a WFF slide to show, and then someone added "and an AllNighter one too".

Out of courtesy we should email Deloitte to check its OK about
studentbeans etc advertising with us (i.e. give out awesome Jelly

Michelle shall have a word with Marketing about next year,
because the question of sponsorship came up and we should get in as
early as we can really.

7] Next Term

Jimmy C is very close to "finalising" the schedule, but Michelle
will email the following people, explaining the options and give
them a deadline to decide. Also ask for a preferred date of showing.

One World Week (Americas and Carribean Day Wednesday 24th January) -
athough speaking to The Carribean society president it is possible its
Video Game Society
Economics Summit
Classics Society

Once Jimmy C has finished with the schedule we will out of courtesy
show it to the Society of Alternative Film.

It was to be minuted that Jimmy C is a legend. It is done.

Whether the room we were in was even booked (or at least for more than
an hour) came into question for a while.

Robert told the meeting we have money in our accounts to pay for
publicity when James E asked about it. Of course publicity is a
necessity, in fact moreso than anything else, because only when we
have attendence do we have money coming in, and only then can we spend money on other things.

8] WGA

James E stood up and read from the slides from the recent WGA "getting
funding" presentation. There were one or two useful tips e.g. "don't
underestimate the importance of a follow-up email" and the deadline
for WGA funding application is 19th January. The outdoor screening may

10] Vote on Appendix Ammendent

This concerned the updated roles and responsibilities of the President
and Secretary. Martin got understandably bored during the reading out
and briefly left the room.

There were two issues with the Appendix alterations:

1] The presence of "general meetings" is perhaps surplus to requirements.
2] People feel the president should be responsible for the
relationship with the sponsor because in future years when the
secretary is less knowledgeable it would be appropriate and useful for
the president to be the contact.

The Exec shall vote on this next time.

9] Risk assessments

Mercifully brief discussion. The main problem is that the risk
assessments weren't gone about in the proper way. But we may as well
give in what we already have and then if the union doesn't like it
they can set up a meeting with relevent people (just not Andy James).

11] AOB

It's possible Victoria is having trouble with her emails to
WTV - there was a slight issue with using the Arts Centre as a venue
for the set for the reviews show. James E will take this up with WTV.
Stormbreaker was decided as an inital pilot.
The possibiliy of changing the start time of films to 7:35 to
accomodate the reviews show was discussed, not altogether
conclusively. We probably won't, and just hope people are there at
7:30 to see what we show.

Tuesday week 7 was mooted as the date of the next exec meeting.

Robert showed the meeting the free invoice for The Son's Room, and an
invoice for Spiderman (confusion between that and Superman Returns
apparenty). He also read from a letter concerning Momentum, namely we
are to ignore their correspondence, post invoices to Jay and allow 1
working day for shows not turning up.

Feedback from the Deloitte "meet your sponsor" event: We are supposed
to know all the answers about Deloitte. www.graduates.deloitte.co.uk
or whatever it is, is important.

The question of the Deloitte event email Michelle received from Alex
was raised. It was pointed out that departments should be targeted

It appears the Society of Alternative Film are not complying with what
was agreed, they showed a film that we could quite feasibly show, they
didn't run it past us first, and they're still advertising themselves
as Alternative Film Society. James E is to talk to Steph about this.

Meeting adjourned 8:40 (2 hours 40 minutes, not at all bad considering
12 agenda points, ignoring W&A this is about 14.5 minutes a point).

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