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Projectionists Meeting @ 2011-10-10 18:12:00

Monday 10/10/11 (Autumn week 2) 18:12 SSL

Present: Tim G (chair), Omar A, Fergus C, Tim D, Kath B, Alex W, Martin M,
Rob M, Yolanda C

In Attendance: Max H, James M, Andrew M, Mike L

Apologies: Yeng S, Ed M, Rob G, Tristan B

1. Welcome and Apologies
Everyone was welcomed.

2. Rotas
These were sent around as usual.

3. Digital Updates – what we missed!
a. If you want to do a curtain cue – fast forward through the film to the start of credits and set automations on this.

4. Trainee Meeting Feedback
a. It would also be useful if the use of the both the patter and 6000 were used more during shows. Three separate uses of the platter and making-up into it would be very good.

b. They said that the initial training session should have film on screen and cue dots (on screen and off) should be introduced here.

c. During the first show, the trainee should be asked whether they want to jump straight in (C/O wise) or whether they want to take a backseat at first.

d. The interesting parts of the proj training book should be made accessible to the trainees (Training Guide).

e. The practical and discussion parts of the snaps test can be split if the trainee wants – due to the lack of intake of information after such a long time. Only one projectionist is needed for the discussion.

f. Home-made cue dots (making-of and playing through) should feature in one the ATS 2.

g. The scope/x-wide film ratio of trainees should be more carefully watched. A notification should come up on the rotas.

h. This should all be covered by checklists in the new booklet.

5. Training
a. Mike was introduced as a new trainee.

b. Initial training sessions will be organised for Saturday Rob M, Tim G and Fergus can carry these out.

c. Tim D asked if the emphasis of the Q-show Brief be changed to: What the aim of the show is, and for trainees to interpret as they want.

6. Projection Procedure Changes
a. Santander advert is like Sky – don’t rack to with equal bars top and bottom.

7. Time and Date of next meeting
Monday 17th October 18:10 in SSL

8. AOB
a. Election on Wednesday at 5:30pm.

b. Don’t necessarily trust the problem indicator lights of the fuses.

c. The required fuse ratings have not been calculated in a while – perhaps we should consider re calculating these.

Meeting Ended at 18:58

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