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Exec Meeting @ 2011-09-28 17:45:00

Exec Meeting – 28/09/2011 – 17:45 – PS0.17a

-Welcome and Apologies for Absence:

Present: Edward McCutcheon, Fergus Cooper, Liam McNamara, Oliver Bell, Timothy Green, Harry Austin (late, with apologies), Louise Formby, Scott Griffiths

In attendance: Robert Gardner

Apologies were received from: Matthew Wilkinson, Alex Ware

The meeting commenced at 18:05. Ed welcomed those present to the first meeting of the academic year.

-Confirmation of Ticket Prices

While most ticket prices were confirmed last academic year, it was noted that child tickets were not discussed. It was motioned that child ticket prices be increased by the otherwise blanket increase of 50p; 1 for, 5 against and 1 abstention. Therefore, child ticket prices will remain £2. It was clarified that carer tickets would remain free.

A clarification was sought regarding issuing five-film tickets and member free tickets on free and cheaper-for-member films. It was noted that issuing a five film ticket on a £1.50 screening would be worse value for money for the customer, as would printing a members’ free ticket which could be redeemed against a more expensive film. It was decided that by default we would offer the deal which works out cheapest for our members in the long run, and that a choice would be offered by stewards wherever possible.


Xananas are happy to offer a 10% discount to people who show a WSC screening ticket. The details of how exactly this would work are to follow, but it was motioned to move ahead with this proposal; 7 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

The IT officer is to add relevant information to tickets when this has been confirmed. It was discussed that we could provide advertising for this offer on the big screen or LCDs before screenings.

Harry arrived

-Digital Screenings

It was first minuted that the digital cinema system had been successfully installed over the summer vacation. There are still several outstanding issues to be resolved, many of which are waiting for a return visit from the AAM engineer.

It was, however, noted that the new system is not currently protected by a warranty agreement, and there is currently no service contract in place. AAM have agreed via email to cover the system for the immediate future, due to the holdup on warranty paperwork being on their end.

The question was asked whether we could buy warranty and service from a different supplier – Sound Associates was mentioned as a potential supplier. This possibility is to be investigated.

It was voted, in principle, to go ahead with purchasing warranty from a supplier provided it didn’t exceed the currently quoted first year figure (from AAM) of £2,100, provided the terms are “reasonable” – this is to be addressed in more detail once we have the relevant documents; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Additionally, it was raised that if we were to start using the projector for alternative content at shows (slideshow, KPMG video etc) we would need to correct the picture for horizontal keystone distortion. Fergus is to investigate this in conjunction with the tech team, and report back with recommendations in due course.


Fergus informed Exec that Dominos do not want enter into a new advertising contract, citing budget cutbacks. It was, none the less, decided to offer free pizza for the publicity run and the getting involved meeting. Fergus is to investigate other pizza outlets with a view to free or reduced price pizza deals.

-Publicity Run

Exec were reminded that the first publicity run of term would happen on Saturday at 11am. Additionally, the Freshers’ Fair stall would require manning throughout the day. The stall will be the meeting place for the publicity run.

-Getting Involved Meeting

The Getting Involved Meeting will be held this year on Saturday of week 1 (8th October) at 4pm in L3. There will be free pizza at the meeting, and we will head to a pub afterwards. The pizza order will be 30 large pizzas, to arrive at 4:30pm.

-Sponsored Event

The sponsored event this term will happen on Tuesday of week 4 (25th October) and will feature a free screening of “The Butterfly Effect” at 7:30pm in L3. The event will include free food and drink as well as a film related quiz with prizes. It was agreed to order 60 large pizzas, 180 cans combined of Lager and Cider, 20 assorted bottles of wine and fruit juice. Fergus is to talk to Warwick Food and Drink and organise purchasing the alcohol from Costcutter.

-Exec Office Computers

It has become apparent that many aspects of the office computers are not working as desired. Especially of note was the inability to access the P drive for publicity purposes over the summer. This caused significant problems. Other recent issues include the inability to use M$ Office on Dreamworks, and the complete failure of Warner.

The possibility of using a Windows server, rather than the current Unix system, was raised, but this discussion was redirected to the IT list and would be brought to the attention of the IT officer.


We are actively pursuing various companies for LCD advertising opportunities. The possibility of Leamington letting agencies was raised, and exec members living in Leamington will take this suggestion further.

-Programming Meeting

Olie informed Exec that the programming meeting would be held on Wednesday of week 3 (19th October) at 5pm in L3. The film suggestion page on the website will go live shortly, and Olie will then put together some sort of provisional schedule ready for the meeting. All members are welcome to attend.


It is the opinion of the new Societies Office (Matt Rogers) that all WSC keys should be returned over the summer vacation. It was decided that the cut-off point for the return of keys would be midday on Thursday of week 10, Summer term. Sets of keys will be made available at the gatehouse for those requiring access to L3 during the vacation.

The possibility of card access on the doors was brought up again. It is to be investigated whether we can administer a card access system for the exec office and proj box doors, to eliminate the need for so many keys.


After consultation with the SU, there are several points in our constitution which require amendment. It was decided to arrange a meeting with Chris Luc (SU Democracy Officer) who can provide guidance on acceptable policies. [The meeting has since been scheduled for Thursday of week 3 (20th October) at 5pm.]

-Time and Date of Next Meeting

The next exec meeting will be held on Monday of week 2 (10th October) at 7pm. Fergus is to book a room.


Meeting moved into closed session, and Rob left

Meeting returned to open session, and Rob returned

• Rob informed Exec that he and others are concerned by various aspects of how publicity decision are made on Exec. Some decisions have been taken unilaterally, where in other areas of the society they would be discussed by other relevant parties as well. Additionally, Rob believes communication could have been clearer regarding certain publicity matters arising over the summer. It was mentioned that additional mailing lists might make it easier to circulate information around different parts of the publicity team.

The meeting was adjourned at 21:00.

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