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Exec Meeting @ 2011-05-24 17:20:00

Exec Meeting - B2.03 – 5:20pm

Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Edward McCutcheon, Fergus Cooper, Liam McNamara, Oliver Bell, Timothy Green, Harry Austin (late), Louise Formby, Alex Ware, Matthew Wilkinson, Scott Griffiths.

Apologies for late arrival were received from Matthew Wilkinson.

In attendance: George Marshall (Duty Manager)

Qualification Ratification

Jordan Maciel had a Duty Manager qualification on Sunday 15th May at the screening of Black Swan. The FoH committee voted in favour of his qualification and Exec ratified this; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Yeng Shang had a Projectionist qualification on Friday 20th May at the early screening of Paul. The Projection committee voted in favour of her qualification and Exec ratified this; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Autumn Publicity

It was agreed that we wanted to keep our A4 and A2 publicity as normal, and that we would print business cards again after their success this term.

Harry arrived

A discussion was held regarding the schedule booklet. The estimated cost of this would be £4,500, assuming the same parameters as last Autumn. Ways of reducing the cost were discussed, including dropping the recycled paper, garnering adverts from external companies and reducing the number of pages. It was noted that there were few pages which could be cut.

George highlighted several reasons for keeping the booklet, including needed publicity for less well known films, advertising to freshers in the Fresher Bags as well as being a large part of the award-winning publicity produced by the society.

Based on previous figures and the expectation of being able to pack booklets into Fresher Bags, it was voted that we would order the following quantities of publicity:

2,000 A2s; 8 for, 0 against and 1 abstention
6,000 booklets; 8 for, 0 against and 1 abstention
16,000 A4s; 9 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions
12,500 business cards; 8 for, 0 against and 1 abstention

It was further voted to scrap the use of recycled paper in the booklets, as a cost saving measure; 8 for, 1 against and 0 abstentions, but to keep using recycled paper for the A4s and for the A2s (both votes being 5 for, 3 against and 1 abstention).

Fresher Recruitment

It was noted that if convenient, it would be helpful for Exec to be back before the start of term, to help with various society commitments.

Fresher Bags are packed in the week before term starts, and the society is usually allowed to put publicity materials in the bags in return for manpower to help packing. Volunteers would be most appreciated! (It’s really fun, srsly...)

We will have a stall in the Students’ Union on Coming Up Weekend (Saturday, Sunday and Monday). While this is usually free by omission of charge, Exec voted to pay the £400 fee if requested; 9 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions).

Monday week 2 now no longer lends itself to the Getting Involved meeting, since we shall be showing films on Mondays next term. Therefore, Saturday week 1 and Wednesday week 2 were proposed as alternatives. It was voted to hold the meeting on Saturday of week 1 at 4pm; 9 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Publicity runs will be happening on the Saturday of coming up weekend, and on Wednesday of week 1. It was voted that free pizza would be offered as an incentive for these publicity runs; 7 for, 1 against and 1 abstention.

Outdoor Screening Update

Alex updated Exec that the cost of the Panda is now £630 including VAT.

Matt arrived

24 polo shirts were ordered for the Outdoor screening, at a total cost of £351. Of this figure, crew provided £150 meaning a total cost to the society of £201.


Liam informed Exec that he had no new information to provide on the current state of our finances, however made it clear that current recent predictions remained valid.

Time and date of next meeting

It was decided that the next meeting would probably be held on Saturday of week 9, but the precise time and date would be decided in due course.

Matt left


• It was proposed by Tim that the projection committee decide on a name for the new digital projector at a projection meeting early next term.

• Tim informed Exec that it had come to his attention that various members of the society were being informed of discussions taking place during exec meetings, while the discussions were still underway by use of instant messaging. It was generally agreed that this was not desirable, as only the outcome of discussion points should be relevant and not precise details of how the discussions unfolded, or necessarily which exec members voted in certain ways during decision making. Additionally, if someone is engaged in instant messaging, they aren’t concentrating on the meeting and this probably contributes to the length of many meetings. Tim proposed that the use of instant messaging be banned during exec meetings. Liam pointed out that this would be nearly impossible to enforce, so proposed that all laptops be banned for all but the president and whoever was taking minutes. It was voted to pass this motion; 4 for, 3 against and 2 abstentions.

• Additionally, it was motioned that the content of an exec meeting, beyond the circulated agenda, remains closed until after the meeting has finished. It was reminded that all members of the society are welcome to attend the meetings if they wish to know sooner and in more depth what is being discussed. It was requested that this vote be held by secret ballot; 8 for, 1 against and 0 abstentions.

• Scott reminded those present that some filming for the marketing video would take place after the meeting was concluded.

The meeting was adjourned at 19:20 pm.

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