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Exec Meeting @ 2011-06-25 20:30:00

Exec Meeting - L3 – 8:30pm

Welcome and Apologies for Absence

Present: Edward McCutcheon, Fergus Cooper, Liam McNamara, Oliver Bell, Timothy Green, Harry Austin, Louise Formby, Matthew Wilkinson.

Apologies for absence were received from Alex Ware (owing to the Apocalypse) and Scott Griffiths.

Apologies for late arrival were received from Matthew Wilkinson.

Apologies for early departure were received from Oliver Bell.

Qualification Ratification

Vanessa Kok had a Duty Manager qualification on Wednesday 22nd June at the screening of No Strings Attached. The FoH committee voted in favour of her qualification and Exec ratified this; 7 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Katherine Bates, Robert Maas, Tristan Bentham and Yolanda Chegwidden had projection qualifications on 5th, 9th, 16th and 22nd June respectively, at the screenings of Rabbit Hole, Hereafter, The Company Men and No Strings Attached. The projection committee voted in favour of their qualification in each case, and Exec ratified these decisions; all votes were 7 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

Financial Update

Liam informed Exec that once all outstanding and planned expenditure is accounted for, we have approximately £10,000. However, it appears that the maintenance and service contracts for the digital projector are significantly more than planned (see later).


Ed informed Exec that KPMG intend to continue their sponsorship contract with WSC next academic year, and at the same level as this year. Responses from other companies are still incoming, but Exec voted to proceed with the KPMG deal unless a better offer is made before the time at which we need to sign; 7 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

In the event of continuation with KPMG, potential changes to the contract were discussed. We will ask for clarification on which companies we can and cannot peruse advertising deals with on our LCD screens. Ed is to request this clarification as well as to enquire about the Autumn sponsored event. Olie is to put forward suggestions for a sponsored event film.

Membership Perks

A suggestion was made that we could introduce a few screenings per term that would be free for society members. This would be with the primary aim of widening the distinction between university members and society members, by giving additional perks to the latter.

It was mentioned, against this proposal, that society members already get cheaper films and that there is an opportunity for society members to join the crew if they want more significant benefits.

Notwithstanding, the motion to offer some films free to society members (perhaps films which are culturally relevant or which would otherwise have poor attendances) was passed; 7 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions.

The point was made that the choice of films should be not considered purely on financial grounds, but also on whether a film may be interesting or relevant for a number of members but which may not be well enough known to entice a large audience. This promotion could be used to get our members more interested in seeing films which they may otherwise have not wanted to.

The number of films per term, and the particular choice of films is a topic to be discussed over the summer on the mailing list.

Matt arrived

Outdoor Screening

Ed informed Exec that everything important was so far in order. The van (driven by Andrew Maddison and Timothy Davidson) will be leaving on Monday morning, however due to problems sourcing the van from our usual supplier, there will be no insurance excess waiver in place.

There is to be a meeting on Tuesday if the weather looks as though it may cause problems for the screening. Forecasts currently predict a rain shower at some point on Wednesday.

Since the previous exec meeting in which it was decided to order our free Dominos Pizza for those staying to help clear up, the pizza has become no longer available. Since it was felt that the society had given a commitment previously, it was motioned that we buy pizza from Tesco to be cooked in nearby accommodation; 7 for, 1 against and no abstentions.

Fergus is to buy cheap hand towels for use in drying cabling to be sent back to Panda Hire.

It was reported by Harry that there have been problems with some of the balloons so far inflated as tests. More are to be tested, and Ed is to contact the balloon company if there is a significant problem.


Society administered keys in the possession of those who are either associate members or who are finishing their degrees before October should be returned to the President before the end of this term.

It was noted that all those in possession of society administers keys have signed a key agreement stating that they must be returned at the request of either the Exec, officers of the Students’ Union or the Societies Administrator at the Students’ Union.

Further to the society key policy (which can be found in Appendix D of the society constitution), the University have their own key policy which we must abide by. This policy may be found on the University intranet, and in the context of WSC makes it clear that keys may only be returned to the President.

However, since some society members have expressed a wish to help with technical work over the Summer, it may be arranged to leave keys at the security gatehouse which may be signed out by duly authorised parties.

It was voted that relevant keys should be returned to Ed by the end of the Outdoor screening; 8 for, 0 against and 0 abstentions. Fergus is to write an email to this effect tonight.

IT info and update

Matt informed Exec that there would be a week of server downtime (including the website) during the Summer.

Additionally, Matt informed Exec that the new website would be live at the start of October.

Entering and Leaving during screenings
The Chief Projectionist reminded all those present that they should minimize the number of times they walk in and out of the corridor during screenings. It was noted that the DM committee also echoed these sentiments in a recent DM meeting.


Exec were informed that a proactive member of the technical committee fitted foam to the Exec Office and Proj Box doors to make them close more quietly. However, due to the lock design, the same could not be done for the toilet door. Therefore, it was motioned that a new lock be sought, and if possible purchased, to aid in quiet closing of the aforementioned door; 7 for, 1 against and 0 abstentions.

Olie left

BFFS Awards

As we are members of the British Federation of Film Societies, we are eligible to enter the Film Society of the Year Awards this year. [In the past, WSC have won many awards across a large number of different categories.]

Ed suggested we enter the categories of Best Marketing and Publicity, the Jim Dempster Award for Innovation, BFFS Award for Outstanding Contribution by an Individual, Best Student Film Society/Cinema and The Engholm Prize for Film Society of the Year.

It was suggested that Louise and Scott collaborate to do the Marketing submission, and Tim to update the Best Student Society document. Other categories will be assigned on the listings.

Digital Cinema

It has come to light that the warranty and service contracts for digital cinema will be significantly more expensive than previously thought. We need:
• Confirmation of quotes for service contracts from both possible providers, including the combined price for a service contract including our current Vic8 projectors.
• A recommendation from the Tech committee, based on a comparison on what can be offered by each provider.
• To know whether we can buy on a rolling contract or whether we have to commit to the number of years’ cover we want, and if so whether we can pay on a rolling contract or whether it must all be paid up front.
• To know whether we can purchase more warranty if we miss a year without warranty.
• To know whether there would be a discount if we offered to pay for it all up front.
• To know if a service contract from a company other than AAM would change the warranty price.

Tim expressed concerns over the level of professionalism demonstrated in some email dealings with providers. It was noted that dealings should remain professional at all times.

Exec list moderation

A society member raised concerns that some emails may be being blocked from reaching Exec by the President, and that therefore some important correspondence may not be seen by Exec.

Matt pointed out that the mailing lists are a tool to make the communication more easy and are not an official way for contacting exec. Points of urgency can be brought to Exec in person, or in an Exec meeting. Further, Matt clarified that mailing list moderators have the power to administer their lists as they see fit, however we have elected these officials to the executive with a reasonable assumption that they will act appropriately in this regard.

[As a point of clarification, the moderation is required in order to, for instance, stop spam going to the listings, or to intercept emails such as equal ops complaints which are inappropriate for general reading.]

Time and date of next meeting

It is hoped that a meeting can be held before the start of next term, but this will be finalised on the listings in due course.


• It was agreed to raise the price of a latecomer ticket next year to £4.50 as otherwise it would be the same price as an external guest.
• The projection committee have recently recommended that an electrician from Estates come into the proj box to check our electrical wiring. Exec agreed; 5 for, 2 against and 0 abstentions.
• The champagne won last year at the BFFS awards shall be drunk after the Outdoor Screening.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30pm.

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