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DM Meeting @ 2011-06-24 09:25:00

Start 09:25am in Xanananananananas

Attendees: Ed McCutcheon (initially Chair), Harry Austin (late), James McLachlan, Edward McCutcheon, George Marshall, Rob Gardner
Also in attendence: Tim Green (TDM)
Absentees: Jordan Maciel
Apologies: Fergus Cooper, R.H., Veronika Lipinska, Natalie Tyldesley, Liam McNamara, Owen Rye, Mike Joy, Rachel Crofts

Welcome: People were welcomed

Rotas: James will watch over Vanessa's NDM show on Tuesday (The Adjustment Bureau)

Matters Arising: None

Outdoor Screening: Timings, mainly for balloons have been decided. Ideally to start to 10am and have balloons deposited around campus by midday.
First Aiders: Harry and Ed are First Aiding
AOB: All DMs who are working the show must actually DM and not just lie around twiddling their thumbs. Also recommended that gloves be brought.

AOB: Going to the Balcony: try not to wander down close the end of the film. Sit on the top row then head down once the credits start. This is to reduce disturbance to the audience.
Joint DM-Tech meeting: Deemed unnecessary by DM as our timings are sorted and DMs will be working where needed during the day.
Low on cash bags: Harry will collect some more. Harry has since collected some more
Cash boxes: It would be nice to have some lockable floats however the ones suggested by Andy don't come in black which is felt to be necessary
Carbon paper: We're almost out. Rob will be purchasing some more when he can/remembers
R.H.'s DMing: Will continue to be reviewed during some busy shows next term. Still some minor issues to address.

End: About 09:50

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