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Projectionists Meeting @ 2011-06-20 18:10:00

Monday 20/6/11 (week 9) 18:10 SSL

Present: Tim G (chair), Martin M, Yeng S, Rob M, Tristan B, Nikita S, Rob G, Owen R, Tim D, Matt Breeze (late)

In Attendance: James M, Yolanda C, Andrew M, Rachel C, Max H

Apologies: Alex W, Fergus C, Ed M, Kath B, Neil A

1. Welcome and Apologies

Tim G welcomed all to the meeting; he asked but received no further apologies.

2. Gates and Gate Tension discussion

a. This discussion was brought to the committee because of the stability problems during the Sunday screening.

b. Tension problems in previous rights screening were due to P1 gate being far too loose. This has since been fixed.

c. Tim G played through several bits of film to check everything was working.

d. Rachel said that she had also played through one of the test loops for a while and no tension problems were evident.

e. Matt Breeze informed the committee that the gates are not interchangeable between projectors, but a gate and back plate combination is.

3. Training

a. The committee was informed that Yolanda’s snaps test was completed on the Saturday prior to the meeting (18th June).

b. Yolanda’s Qualification show was arranged for this Wednesday (22nd June). Nikita, Rob M and Tim G are able to attend. Martin might be able to and Owen might be able to come for part.

4. Rules and Regulations of Q-Shows

a. This discussion was brought to the committee because of the case in the lead up to Tristan’s Q-show that two reels had been made up on to a 6000.

b. Rachel said that qualifying projectionists should be able to project the way that they like but that this should be taken into account when the committee is deciding whether they have qualified or not.

c. Nikita stated that she believes the more C/Os the better because the presentational tweaks between reels are vital to a qualification show.

d. Matt Breeze believes the Q-show should be used to demonstrate as many forms of making-up as possible including 6000s and platter.

e. Nikita stated that a more clear guidance than currently, should be laid down.

f. Rachel stated that it would be dangerous to check-up on and thus hinder the projectionists as this would lead to a slippery slope.

g. It was stated that whatever forms of making-up were used – these should be disclosed to the presiding qualification committee prior to the start of the film.

h. Matt Breeze opined that all trainee projectionists should be given the same paragraph, or so, of brief of the conditions and judging of Q-shows (that can be as open or strict as we so desire) so as to standardise Q-shows.

i. Nikita stated that she thought that use of platter and 6000s were in fact in the purview of making-up ability and training and should not need to be judged during qualification.

j. Rob G suggested that in regard to this a check list should be used to ensure that prior to qualification all trainees should have played part of a film on 6000s and the platter.

k. In conclusion Matt Breezes suggestion of a brief will be created and the committee will have a final say in its content.

l. On the subject of playing through reels prior to the Q-show:

i) This was brought to the committee because of the case recently where Rob M asked if he could play through one of the reels of his Q-show to check the cue dots were visible.

ii) Owen was of the opinion that this should be allowed when something is encountered during the making-up that the trainee has not encountered before

iii) Nikita pointed out that if this is the case then they shouldn’t be at qualification level.

iv) Andrew then countered that circumstances are as such that trainees quite understandable may not have.

v) Tim G thought that this issue may be partly resolved by the check-list, and otherwise if film had to be played through then it is the sort of thing the trainee should ask prior to doing and that should be disclosed to the presiding qualification committee prior to the show.

5. Time and Date of next meeting

Tim G informed all that the next meeting will take place on Monday 27th at 6:10pm in SSL.

6. AOB

a. Tim G informed the committee that following our seemingly never ending key shortage - more corridor keys have arrived and that more proj box door keys should be arriving within the week.

b. Those present were informed that the ‘Courtesy’ and ‘Feat. Pres.’ logos in the A+Ts reel have been replaced with our shiny new spares – the old ones have been kept for now just in case.

c. Tim G asked those present who will need to return their keys at the end of the year – Rachel, Nikita, Owen and Martin said they would. Nikita, Owen and Rachel requested that they keep their keys over the summer due to the digital installation.

d. It was suggested by the chair that dust sheets be used to cover the speakers between screenings to keep them clean – this was met with approval but the committee thought plastic sheets would be better to stop liquid getting through.

e. It was stated that recently people have appeared in the proj box unlooked for and that this can be quite startling to the projectionist. It should be emphasized that no one should be in the proj box during a screening without the express permission of the projectionist on the night.

f. Nikita informed those present that people have been leaving the proj box in an untidy fashion – and that it should be left in the same state that it was found or a tidier state. She made the point that masking tape and razor blades are normally the items left out.

g. Nikita wanted to emphasize the point about cross Q-DM and Q-Proj that has come up before. It is her opinion that when this happens it is unfair on both the trainees as it decreases the quality of their training.

h. Owen and Rachel chipped in here, Owen – that recently during one of his QDM shows, after only a short absence from his trainee they had charged the incorrect amount to a late-comer. Rachel – that we have a tendency to be lazy training-wise during screenings and that there is always training that can be done or something that can be discussed.

i. Rob G stated that it can be rewarding in certain circumstances for qualifieds to leave their trainees ‘to it’ – he cited the recent example of Yolanda’s pre-qualification show, where it was the first time that Yolanda would have been left in the proj box during a show for an extended amount of time.

j. Max H stated that he needed his AT2, Tim G said that he would try and organise this for before the end of term, Rob M displayed an interest in taking the session or helping out.

k. It was stated that the doors are being used to much during screenings and loudly – in particular the toilet door is quite loud. It was requested that people close doors quietly and that sponge is installed on the doors.

l. Rob M informed the committee that he intends to fix the pressure hose on the making-up bench.

Meeting Ended at 19:08

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