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Projectionists Meeting @ 2011-06-06 18:10:00

Monday 6/06/11 (week 7) 18:10 SSL

Present: Tim G (chair), Ed M, Nikita S, Owen R, Martin M, Alex W (late),
Matt Breeze (late)

In Attendance: Max H, Rachel C, Yolanda C, Rob M, Andrew M, James M,
Tristan B, Kath B (late)

Apologies: Rob G

1. Welcome and Apologies

Everyone was welcomed to the meeting.

2. Technical Officer’s Report and Outdoor Screening Tech

a. Alex said that we need to better look into a time during the holidays for digital installation. And inform Arts Alliance when the lecture theatre is free.

b. Alex believes that prior to the installation we would benefit from an Estates electrician looking into the wiring of the proj box as there have been a number of concerns about the wiring in the proj box and we have duty of care to the projectionists therein. A vote was held to suggest this to exec – 8 For, 1 Against and 0 Abstentions.

c. Future projections wanted us to collect the equipment on the Friday prior to the Outdoor Screening – but they have been told that this is not possible. Alex informed those present that we still have yet to hear back from them.

d. A vote was held on whether to buy a 63A – 16A converter due to it being £42 incl. VAT to hire each year and £59 incl. VAT to buy. The vote passed unanimously.

e. Alex finished his exams on 23rd June and will be generating a list of to dos for the Outdoor Screening.

f. Due to DTS problems the tech officer intends on doing some DTS testing on a film that has DTS and the discs.

3. Training

a. Tim G informed the committee that Rob M’s Snaps Test would be this Wednesday (8th June) starting at 12:30pm for QProj and 1:00pm for Rob. Nikita, Ed and Tim said that they could do part of it. Alex said that he could help out for the whole day and Rachel said that she could join the session after 5.

b. Tristan’s Qualification show was organised for the early showing on Friday 17th – Company Men. Nikita, Tim G, Owen and Martin said that they would be able to attend.

c. Rob M’s Q-Show was organised for the early showing of Hereafter on Friday 10th. Nikita, Alex and Owen said that they would be available.

4. Projection Procedure Changes

a. The issue of the correct racking of hard-masked X-wide was discussed and it was stated that one should not just correct the racking to ensure that no black is on screen but also that the image is centred vertically; a good way to check is that heads are not partly cut off or touching the top of the screen.

5. Time and Date of next meeting

The committee was informed that the next proj meeting will take place on Monday 13th June at 18:10 in SSL. Matt Breeze and Owen R gave their apologies.

6. Rotas

a. A QProj will be needed for the Tuesday showing – this will be sent to the listing.

7. AOB

a. The Spare Ads reel is too old, long and dirty. We could create a newer replacement reel that is shorter – thus meaning that we can show more trailers.

b. ‘Feature Presentation’ in the A+Ts reel needs to be replaced as it is in a bad way (splice with thick tape just before the end).

c. Of late at several screenings the doors seemingly haven’t been opened until quite late. Tim G will request that the DM committee look into this.

d. The L3 availability schedule during the holidays was given to Alex to organise a date for the digital installation.

Meeting Ended at 19:07

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