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Projectionists Meeting @ 2011-05-23 18:10:00

Monday 23/05/11 (week 5) 18:10 SSL

Present: Tim G (Chair), Ed M, Nikita S, Rob G, Tim D, Fergus C (late),
Martin M

In Attendance: Tristan B, James M, Neil A, Rob M, Yolanda C, Andrew M,
Rachel C

Apologies: Yeng S, Omar A, Alex W, Kath B

1. Welcome and Apologies

Everyone was welcomed and Tim was told that Alex and Kath had also apologised.

2. Technical Officer’s Report/Outdoor Screening Tech (in Tech Officers Absence)

a. P2 X-wide lens may need pre-focusing.

b. Alex said that he will shortly be sending off details to Panda Hire so that we can get a quote.

c. Rachel stated that during the tech session lots of exciting things were found under the floor of the proj box.

d. Sound Associates need to be chased for the replacement clutch plates.

3. Training

a. Yeng was congratulated for passing her qualification show.

b. Kath completed her snaps test, the health and safety as well as projection theory discussions were not completed during the session, but were by Rachel during the showing of ‘127 Hours’.

c. It was stated that Kath’s qualification show would be the early showing of ‘The Fighter’ this Friday (27th May) – Owen, Nikita, Fergus, Martin and Tim G said they would be able to attend.

d. Tim G tried to organise Tristan’s snaps test for the next Saturday (28th May), however there were not sufficient Qproj available.

e. Rob M’s AT2 was organised to be held by Rob G the following Wednesday (25th May).

4. Time and Date of next meeting

The next meeting was organised to be Monday 30th May at 18:10 in SSL. However Tim G was informed that it would be a bank holiday and so the Rootes Social building may be closed! So the plan was to hold the meeting in SSL if it was accessible, otherwise the attendees would rendezvous in the SU marketplace/atrium.

5. AOB

a. It was stated that ‘The Fighter’ and ‘Chico and Rita’ had yet to arrive, and that could they be chased if they are not with us fairly promptly!

b. Tim G informed those present that the new Marketing Video would be removed prior to the showing on Tuesday (tomorrow), and that Yeng would be informed.

c. Rachel requested that the frame-rate issue be solved for the next marketing video.

d. Otherwise it was stated by Owen that the video was too long, in future they should be shorter and that perhaps where they contain teasers for films they should only show films for a small part of the term. Also more of a link should be shown to the website and schedule.

e. Rob G informed the committee that the current Ads time is incorrect and that there is a lab splice within one of the trailers.

f. Owen also stated that the A+Ts reel is quite dirty – and if only we had a way to clean it.

g. Ed stated that several Pearl and Dean Ads sheets were returned due to not being signed – he kindly informed the committee that it is of the utmost importance that they are signed and send back to P+D with the greatest haste as otherwise we risk losing money from their advertising.

h. Andy very kindly informed those present that skittles were now being sold in the office for 20p! This was met with general approval.

Meeting Ended at 18:47

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