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DM Meeting @ 2011-06-07 17:34:00

Start 17:34

Attendees: Harry Austin, R.H, James McLachlan, Edward McCutcheon, Owen Rye, George Marshall
Also in attendence: Matt Wilkinson (TDM - arrived 18:35), Tim Green (TDM)
Absentees: Jordan Maciel
Apologies: Veronika Lipinska, Natalie Tyldesley, Fergus Cooper, Liam McNamara, Mike Joy, Rob Gardner, Rachel Crofts

Welcome: James is very well, Owen likes the Chief DM's new phone.

Rotas: Peered at, all good :)

Matters Arising: None

Signs on tills: Should we have signs saying no alcohol in L3? No was the general consensus. However should have signs for whenever subtitling changes - i.e. was say there will be and there isn't, or vice versa. Subtitling information should be present on the weekly publicity --> Will contact the Publicity Officer to this effect.

Rudeness to crew: DMs reserve the right to remove abusive people from the film, e.g. if they refuse to hand over alcohol. If the situation warrants it, i.e. you feel its getting too uncomfortable to deal with the situation, recruit other DMs to help and finally call security as a last resort. We always reserve the right of admission. This should be reinforced in the training scheme.

Broken trolleys and tills: Avoid opening the left hand side door of the trolleys. Various incidents have occurred in which on trying to close it again the door locking mechanism has been broken. This results in a reduction in the lockable integrity of the trolleys - i.e. they don't lock.

Funky Crew Guest manipulations: This occurred when a TDM sold a ticket to a latecomer who didn't have enough. This was done by giving away a crew guest and putting the show up by £2. The correct way is to sell a latecomer and put the show down £2 or just give away a crew guest. i.e. never charge for a crew guest ticket. Ever.

New Epos: See Forums for a list of past requirements. It would be nice to have the EPOS window fit into a non-full-screen window. And big buttons. And touch screens on all laptops. IT officer has been informed and this will discussed at further length later on.

Laser Quest results: The Chief DM was the best. Other people were ok I guess.

Exec Office Tidying: Everyone should tidy up. Currently only a few people do it. It is a Health & Safety issue. If people want to leave free cake, label it appropriately so people realise this!

DM Feedback: An email will be sent to TDM listing saying if they have any issues with their show or training talk to the DM on the night of the Chief DM. There will be bi-termly meeting of just TDMs and the Chief DM about the training scheme, etc.

George's (re)Qualification: George doesn't want one and so won't get one. I am very nice :)

Outdoor Screening: 1) Food: BBQ same as last year. Bring your OWN food to be cooked. Around 7pm. At 2am there will be free pizza for those helping with packing up.
2) Arrangements: Meeting 9am ish, there will be a Pub Run on the day, we will mainly be using cones.
3) There will an Outdoor Screening general meeting (at some point) and an exclusively FoH meeting about it to be announced.
UPDATES: We will have 10 radios, which is now confirmed. These should all come with headsets and throat mics.
We will be distributing balloons on the day. Details to be announced nearer the time.

AOB: Professionalism: No shouting, pointless arguing or swearing should occur during a show. DM and TDM relations must remain professional.
Make sure doors don't open late: This was brought up by Proj. but is in fact due to low attendances so no one actually arrived in time
DM and Proj. staffing considerations: Brought up but insufficient time to discuss. Will be an agenda point on the next agenda

End: 18:55

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