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DM Meeting @ 2006-12-06 18:00:00

DM Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, 6 December 2006

6:00 pm, Rococo

1. Welcome and apologies

DMs Present: James McLachlan, Rachel Crofts, Robert Gardner, Mike Joy, George Marshall

Non-DMs present: Jessie Booth (steward), Martin Mee (Technical Officer)

Apologies: James Emmott, Michelle Foy, Max Leung, Nick March

2. Latecomers

A £4 ticket for latecomers has been created on the EPOS System. This ticket should be selected in the show setup and can only be sold to non-members. Therefore, all such tickets should be sold to Percival Tucker.

3. Updates

– Creating the comments box will be a Christmas project for the Chief DM.
– The master till and the first slave till are fully operational, but the second slave till consists of a scanner and some cables at present.
– Version 2.0 of the EPOS System should be ready by next term. The ability to refund tickets and passes will be the most significant addition.

4. AWG

Awareness of the Attendance Working Group and its aim – to increase WSC’s audience numbers – was raised. If anyone is interested in contributing, then please sign up to the mailing list: awg@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

5. Publicity

Since we started covering only half of the L3 notice boards with A2 posters, George has observed that others are preferentially putting up posters over ours. It was agreed that we should monitor what covers our posters. George can do this most evenings. We should maintain the semi-coverage of the notice boards for at least the start of next term.
There will be a big publicity run during the weekend before term starts. If anyone can help with this, then email George, the newly appointed Publicity Distribution Coordinator, at pdc@filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk.

6. Open day

A WSC open day has been proposed for the first Saturday of next term (the 13th of January). There will probably be DMs available for this.

7. AOB

(i) The next DM meeting will be held on Wednesday, 10 January 2007. Thereafter, the day of the weekly meetings might change.

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