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DM Meeting @ 2011-04-28 18:19:00

DM Meeting 6.19pm, Thursday 28th April 2011.

The Terrace Bar, Students Union

Present: Harry Austin, James McLachlan, George Marshall, Ed McCutcheon, Owen Rye, Mike Joy, Robert Gardner.

In attendance: Tim Green
Apologies from: Liam McNamara, Fergus Cooper
Absent: Rachel Crofts, Weronika Lipinska, Natalie Tyldesley

1. Welcome.
People were welcomed.

2. Summer Schedule rotas.
The empty slots were perused by those who attended.

3. Matters arising from the previous meeting's minutes (16th March 2011).
More should, and needs to be done to create the disaster checklist. All those with ideas with what is to be included need to email CDM.

4. Time & Date of Next Meeting.
Meeting 18:10 Wednesday 04/05/11, Rootes Bar

5. AOB.

- Ticket sales: Tickets for both AllNighters will be on sale from Sunday 1st May at tills.

- The list of people helping out at the LOTR stalls on Wednesday to Friday is horrifically poor. Please can some kind, amazing DMs start signing up

- There will be a stall at the AllNighters which will sell cheap Costco food and drink, as supplied by Andy. This will be manned by DMs between films and covered up during.

- There may be performance by Brass Soc. before the start of the films. Each member performing gets a staff ticket. These are transferrable but should they wish to they must be seen leaving L3. The tickets will be given to them before the show so if they arrive at the stall during the week asking for a ticket direct them to either Ed or Tim (G).

- There will now be certificates given out to newly qualified DMs at the usual point when they get shiny things at AllNighters. The (hopefully completed) draft is floating around in the emails if you want to peruse and comment. If you’re really desperate for one as a QDM I’m sure something can be arranged.

- We are short of stewards on many shows. An email has been sent round to them to this effect.

- Slave 2 is very iffy at the moment. It exudes heat, smells, shuts down, the works! Try to avoid using it if possible. The IT officer has been contacted to this effect.

- The FoH social is decided to be ‘Blitz’ with the Stath. preceded by Cosmo. The offered days are 21st, 23rd or 25th of May. You can vote for your preference in the FoH section of the forums.

- We have now paid the deposit for Digital Cinema.

- Thanks to all who have helped with the sponsorship pack, finding email addresses, etc!

Meeting adjourned at 18:50

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