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DM Meeting @ 2006-11-29 18:00:00

DM Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, 29 November 2006

6:00 pm, Rococo

1. Welcome and apologies

DMs present: James McLachlan, Rachel Crofts, Robert Gardner, George Marshall

Trainee DM present: Nick March

Non-DM present: Martin Mee (Technical Officer)

Apologies: James Emmott, Michelle Foy, Max Leung

2. Rotas

Please sign up if you can DM a show in Week 10.

3. Free five-film passes

The five-film passes given away at the AllNighter have been added to the system. There is now an extra ticket type, the "Comp 5 film ticket", to set up for each show.

4. Tills/laptops

The second slave till is still out of commission. Rachel questioned whether we should be using the term "slave till", but this was deemed acceptable because the tills are not people.
The master laptop needs to be taken to the Union because the membership system is not working on it.

5. Latecomers

Given the attendance problems, it was agreed that DMs should sell £3-50 tickets to latecomers rather than turning them away, although DMs should use their discretion if it is particularly busy or people turn up very late. It was felt that we could charge more, as George had people laugh at the notion of being charged £3-50 as a premium rate. After some discussion, it was decided that £4 would be an appropriate charge for latecomers. James M. will propose the creation of a £4 ticket for latecomers to the Exec. The booklet and the website will need to have clear details of our admissions policy - Right of Admission Reserved, entry not guaranteed after scheduled start time, tickets will be sold at a premium rate after the tills have closed, etc.

6. Comments box

James M. will make the box (or some prototypes) and relevant signs. Nick suggested covering the box with WSC wrapping paper and creating PowerPoint slides of a grid where the Front of House signs appear one-by-one, and of the Terms & Conditions where the writing becomes smaller after each line.

7. Stewarding publicity drive

James M. will produce some signs to display at shows with words to the effect of: "Do you want to see all your films for free? Talk to any member of staff for details."

8. Socials

All those attending the Christmas meal who are yet to pay their deposit or send their orders to Michelle must do so this evening.

9. Pre-show publicity

The DM should ensure that there is sufficient WSC publicity on the L3 noticeboards, the Front of House desks and the tables on the Science Concourse before each show.

10. AOB

(i) George requests tinsel for the desks.

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