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Exec Meeting @ 2011-02-15 19:30:00

WSC Exec Meeting - 15th February 2011 - H1.02 - 7:30pm

1. Welcome and apologies for absence

Present: Fergus Cooper, Edward McCutcheon, Sophie Carroll, Nikita Shah, Liam McNamara, Owen Rye, Oliver Bell, Matthew Breeze, Timothy Green, Robert Gardner, Linas Trumpickas, Joseph Morgan, Alex Ware and Matthew Wilkinson.
In attendance: George Marshall (Duty Manager, arrived ~10pm)

2. Handover progress

President: Fergus reported that the handover is nearly complete, but is waiting on a visit to the union and a meeting (should it be desired) with our KPMG rep.
Secretary: The handover to Vice-President is complete.
Treasurer: Nikita and Liam reported that handover is approximately half done.
Films Officer: The final part of the handover would be completed tomorrow (16/02/2011).
Chief Projectionist: Tim and Matt reported that the handover is probably done, pending anything else that they could think of doing.
Chief DM: No handover due to position remaining vacant.
Publicity Officer: The handover is complete.
Technical Officer: No handover necessary as Alex remains in post.
IT Officer: The handover is complete, bar certain permissions which can only be bestowed by Tim Davidson.
Marketing Officer: The new position remained vacant and Elizabeth Wilks has agreed to stay in the post of Marketing Coordinator until a new candidate is elected.

3. Vacant exec positions

The posts of Chief Duty Manager and Marketing Officer remained vacant after the AGM on Monday 7th February. It was agreed to run a further election for both position on Monday of week 9 (7th March). The election will be held at 7:30pm in L3, with nominations opening no later than Monday of week 8. Fergus shall be the returning officer.

4. Publicity Positions

Joe is to open applications shortly for the three vacant posts of Chief Editor, Titles Coordinator and Graphics Coordinator.

5. AllNighter

a. Running order
Film 1: Tron Legacy
Gap 1: Quiz
Film 2: Despicable Me
Gap 2: Qualification prizes & Exec handover
Film 3: RED
Gap 3: Quiz answers & raffle
Film 4: The Mystery Film
Gap 4: Short(s)
Film 5: Wayne’s World
Gap 5: Shorts(s) / empty
Film 6: Trainspotting
End: ~8:30am
We will have a Term 3 video to show, which isn’t more than two minutes long, and possibly a short from Tim Kaufman.

b. Qualification prizes
Easter eggs are to be bought as prizes for projectionists and duty managers who have qualified since the last AllNighter. It was noted that various Easter eggs are currently half price in Tesco. Fergus is to buy these.

c. Other prizes
The following were decided as prizes for the quiz and raffle at the AllNighter:

Raffle: #1: Kindle 3G, #2: £40 IMAX vouchers, #3: Remaining DVD box set, #4&5: Choice of five film pass or Lord of the Rings AllNighter ticket.
Quiz: #1: 3x DVD box sets, #2: 2x DVD box sets, #3: 1x DVD box set, #4&5: Choice of five film pass or Lord of the Rings AllNighter ticket.

Ollie is to suggest some DVDs.

d. Stall
Ed is to arrange a stall in the Students’ Union for Thursday and Friday of week 7 from 11am to 4pm.

e. Publicity run
There will be a publicity run on Wednesday of week 7 starting at 2pm in L3 and ending in a pub. A4 AllNighter publicity will be taken around campus, as well as our regular publicity to Claycroft. Ed is to email information to crew, Rob is to coordinate making stewards aware and Tim is to mention it at the next projection committee meeting. It was decided by general consensus that no incentives would be offered for this publicity run. Exec members were reminded that they should all be present if possible.

Joe is to produce the AllNighter slideshow, based on the template which Owen currently has. Ollie is writing the quiz and answers. Andy is to be approached about buying snacks for crew - largely savoury snacks and drinks, with a budget of £50. Ed is currently pursuing various companies for merchandise such as Relentless.

6. Outdoor screening

It was unanimously decided to hold an outdoor screening in the summer term. The date of Wednesday 29th June was picked. Our preference for the location is Tocil Field due to its central location on campus and the availability of a power supply. Ed is to coordinate the booking of a field, and to check for possible clashes with other events. The Arts Centre are to be contacted to see whether they will be having another event on Tocil Field which may compromise our event as happened last year. The choice of film was not confirmed, and it was decided that the exec would research options with a Universal certificate which are in an x-wide aspect ratio.

7. Sponsorship

Fergus informed those present that our current sponsorship contract runs out before the end of this academic year. It was agreed that we put together a sponsorship package to send to interested parties in order to cultivate multiple options for renewal. It was pointed out that we will not offer space on society clothing for branding.


Fergus informed those present that our current full membership of BFFS is soon to expire. It was voted unanimously to renew our full membership, at a cost of £85.

9. Summer term

Owen reported that Of Gods and Men, I Spit on your Grave and The Tempest have been lost from the schedule as a result of being digital-only releases. Beaver and Sucker Punch have also been lost because of their release dates. Replacements are currently being considered.
Fergus noted that our use of L3 for the Summer Term is already booked, although Ed noted that Central Timetabling need to be made aware that our AllNighters will follow through until Saturday morning.

10. Clothing order

There is currently a clothing order live on the website. Liam is to put a news article up tomorrow (16th February). The deadline for orders is Wednesday of week 7 at 6:30pm. Payment is required upfront.

11. Current state of finances

Nikita reported that we currently have slightly more than £22,000 in our accounts. Our second lump sum of sponsorship is still to be added to that, and it is still unclear as to whether many transactions have come through into the new finance system. It was noted that as a matter of urgency we need access to the transaction history from our accounts on the old system - for instance we are currently unaware of whether we are still owed money from the Arts Centre. Ed and Liam are to investigate this. It was noted that we are receiving lots of requests for advertising at the moment.

12. Digital projector

Fergus pointed out that we have now lost more than half a dozen films in two terms due to being digital-only releases, and more still which have been 3D-only. It was agreed that a priority is to find accurate costs for digital and 3D systems so that we can plan finances with less speculation. Alex is to find definitive prices for full systems. Joe suggested talking to the Vice Chancellor as a potential source of funding.
George arrived
It was decided that further discussion could only be fruitful in light of more accurate information. Liam is to do some projections on different ticket price systems which could draw more revenue.
Sophie and Joe departed

13. Time and date of next meeting

The next exec meeting will be held on Tuesday of week 8 (1st March) at 7:30pm.

14. AOB

Alex updated the exec on some problems sourcing a new speaker part. It was agreed that a projector service and sound EQ should go ahead, as decided by the technical committee.

Owen reminded Fergus that today is in fact a Tuesday.

Ed is to get in touch with the Students’ Union regarding AllNighter advertising on their website.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:51pm.

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