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DM Meeting @ 2011-02-16 17:45:00

DM Meeting, 5.45pm, Wednesday 16th February 2011
Location: ‘The Bar’, Rootes Social Building

Present: Robert Gardner, Fergus Cooper, George Marshall, Edward McCutcheon, James McLachlan, Liam McNamara (late with apologies) & Owen Rye (late with apologies).
In attendance: Omar Al-Maary (Projectionist)

1. Welcome and Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Mike Joy & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
Qualified DM slots are available for each of:
* Africa United (Thurs Week 6);
* Paranormal Activity 2 (Sat Week 6);

A Trainee DM slot remains available for:
* Paranormal Activity 2 (Sat Week 6);

3. Double show banking procedures
As a confirmation, Rob informed all those present that we are going ahead with implementation of cashing up double screenings in one deposit bag. The procedure is now as follows:

At the early screening:
* DMs return floats to £100 each as usual.
* Cash up as usual, but use the banking book labelled "Single Reports Only". This doesn't contain any carbon paper but only one copy of the banking slip is required.
* Coins should be placed in the small bags as usual, and then all monies and the single deposit slip should be placed in a single nightsafe box, in the DM locker.
* Deactivation of the EPOS system is still required. Enter no financial details, and click on the link that says: "EARLY SHOWS Deactivate without Submitting Banking"

At late screenings:
* Do everything as normal, though you need to combine the two screenings' takings into one deposit slip.
* This means no time is required on the film, but session IDs from across the two screenings will be required.
* The combined figures should also be used on EPOS and on the nightsafe bag, which should be deposited as per usual.

4. Ed’s in-show training checklist
Ed made a full checklist during Sunday’s screening and this is currently being discussed in a separate DM listing thread.
It was agreed that once finalised, this should be made available, both in PDF form on the Exec Office computers, and in paper, to be stored in the tray at the top of the DM lockers (with the Training booklets).
DMs will not have to use this for all trainees, but it was agreed that it could prove very useful where small errors are made repeatedly, and for time management issues.

5. FoH Committee Function
* Rob encouraged DMs to respond to the draft DM Meeting Minutes, if only to confirm that they are happy with minutes. Draft Meeting Minutes should not be passed to people not on the Committee - the minutes are posted publicly in good time after confirmation that they are accurate and if there are any inaccuracies, those not at the meeting should not be viewing them.
*The question was raised of what is to happen to the Chief DM role post AllNighter. At the Exec Meeting, it was agreed that there is to be an election on Monday Week 9 - details TBC. As regards the period between the AllNighter and said election, it is up to the Exec to decide what happens.
*DMs are reminded that as members of the Committee, they should attend DM Meetings wherever possible, or send apologies as appropriate. It is important that as many Committee members attend to ensure a more rounded view when decisions are being made.
* At future DM Meetings, all qualified DMs will be listed under one of 'Present', 'Apologies' or 'Absent'.

6. The AllNighter
* On the night: All those present at the meeting are probably going to be in attendance and available to help for the duration of the evening - details to be confirmed next week.
* Tickets in advance: Publicity has been produced saying that we will sell tickets throughout week 7, so we shall start this on Tuesday evening at 'Raging Bull'. Ed may or may not add raffle tickets as a component of the ticket being printed out - confirmation of this to be given by Tuesday's screening.
* Stall: The stall will run 11am-4pm on Thursday and Friday of Week 7 in the SU Atrium. Please sign-up to the stall (under the rotas tab) for whenever you can lend a hand.
* Publicity Run: We will be meeting at 2pm in L3 on Wednesday Week 7 to do a publicity run around campus. Please try to encourage Stewards to help out :-)

7. Child Tickets Availability
These are now available and can be accessed through DM override (as per carer tickets). One is set up for 0-5 year olds (free) and another for 6-11 year olds (£2). Children of 12 years and up should be admitted as external guests.

(Owen received phone call so was away from meeting)

8. Ethernet Cable for Slave Till 2
This is no longer required. We are currently trialling the concourse hotspot with the second slave till during ticket selling, with an eye to going wireless. You can sign in to the Cisco Any Connect VPN application (which loads automatically when Windows starts) rather than using a web browser, using SU399, with the password as per the Union POS sign-in. If the system is slowing down, then you can hide the EPOS Webcam and/or plug the ethernet cable back in.
DMs were asked to please provide feedback on the quality of the signal/any impact this has on ticket selling, including none at all, with a view to moving fully wireless.

9. AOB
i) Fergus briefed those present on the alcohol rules voted for at the recent Exec Meeting. These will be made available once the confirmed Exec Meeting Minutes are released.
ii) There will be a curry order on Saturday prior to the midnight screening of 'Paranormal Activity 2'. The order will be made at 9pm, so be there or contact James in suitable time with your order.
iii) Rob queried the removal of "Please don't fill" from recent shows. James revealed that he removed these as he doesn't like seeing it on the rotas once the screening had passed.

(Owen left)

10. Trainee Discussion
A summary of this will be distributed on the QDM Mailing list. Key points of note:
It was agreed that Jordan will have a qualification show at 'Raging Bull' on Tuesday Week 7. Rob to confirm details on QDM listing.
It was provisionally agreed that Harry could have a qualification show at 'The Girl who Played with Fire' on Thursday Week 7 - details to be confirmed at the Week 7 DM Meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.59pm.

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