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DM Meeting @ 2006-11-22 18:00:00

DM Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, 22 November 2006

6:00 pm, The Graduate

1. Welcome and apologies

DMs present: James McLachlan, Robert Gardner, George Marshall

Trainee DM present: Nick March

Non-DMs present: Tom Hunns (projectionist), Martin Mee (Technical Officer)

Apologies: Rachel Crofts, James Emmott, Michelle Foy, Mike Joy, Max Leung

2. Rotas

Please sign up if you can DM a show in Week 9.

3. Venue of next meeting

Several people are unhappy with The Graduate due to the noise, smoke and lack of pork scratchings. Rococo was proposed as an alternative venue for next week's meeting and meetings thereafter. All were in favour of this, and Nick added that we should resolve to find an alternative source of pork scratchings.

4. AOB

(i) Andrew has reimaged the master laptop so that WordPad now opens on starting Windows and the cookie folder is cleared on shutting down.
The second slave till is currently out of commission because the USB card on the printer is broken.
Andrew will change the layout of the tills in the flight cases to allow more space for cables.
Rob reminds DMs and stewards firstly that the catches need to be closed properly on the flight cases before carrying them to and from the Science Concourse; and secondly that general abuse of the flight cases (e.g., hurling them onto the desks or pushing open doors with them) must be avoided.

(ii) The proposed comments box was discussed. The best place to display it could either be just outside the door (which would require a table) or on the balcony where people enter L3. We could advertise it with a slide, with signs and on the website.

(iii) The longer-serving crew present reminisced about the old signs and the "T". Yet more signs may need to be produced to advertise the comments box, provoking groans from George.

(iv) Nick suggested the following point:

When the agenda is posted to the DM mailing list, we should use the mailing list to raise AOB which can then be added to the main body of the agenda - including points such as this one.

Two votes then occurred: the first was for the motion to include the point above in full in the minutes; the second was for the motion to pass the point in the form indicated by the first vote. For the first motion, there were six indicative votes in favour, no votes against and no abstentions. For the second motion, there were four indicative votes in favour, two indicative votes against and no abstentions. Although the meeting was not quorate, anyone who wishes to raise any other business for a DM meeting is welcome to do so on the DM mailing list or by email to the Chief DM.
At this point, George commented that DM meetings are becoming surreal.

(v) One World Week performers are practising on the Science Concourse every night and encroaching on the desks. The DM should ask them to move down the concourse and stay clear of the desks whilst the tills are open. If the concourse is really crowded, it was suggested that we place Hospitality's poles and cordons (there are a few around L3) behind the desks.

(vi) Rob reminds DMs to replace the Warwick's Favourite Film publicity on the desks if it has been removed; it was torn off on Wednesday morning.

(vii) The Chief DM needs to bring more paper to future meetings.

(viii) Crew should obey the food and drink rules in L3 during shows and should respect the DM's decision on such matters. Also, the Exec Office door should be closed during shows to prevent noise reaching L3.

(ix) Ideas for a publicity drive for stewards were discussed. Signs on the desks pushing free films would be a good way to target the audience that we do have.

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