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Projectionists Meeting @ 2010-02-15 16:03:28

Meeting Minutes Week 6 Mon 15th Feb

Matt Brennan, Owen, Janis, Omar, Tim, Sarah, Andrew, Vicky, Rob, Charlotte, Tim, Martin, James

Amy, Alex, Rachel

Show reports

Tuesday – Ocean's 11 – Charlotte and Vicky
Late to change to P3, start of a new slide before KPMG video
Sound trailer late and silent as sound button not pressed
First 4 reels forced to SRD, then changed to DTS
Last C/O started Proj early, stopped, then started again on Q. Was imperceptible
R5 had dodgy sound, fixed by R6
P1 tilt was off on R2, then again on R6. Hadn't been altered in the meantime.
Credits (P1) OOF on the left side, in focus on the right. Possibly the gate?

Wednesday – The Constant Gardener – Janis and Omar
Platter problems delayed the start-up by ~8mins.
Ads OOF, jumped OOR after P&D
R2 OOR, had to go all the way around

Thursday – Howl's Moving Castle – Rob and Alex
Fuse in P2 rectifier blew during A&T
Tilt was a problem
“The aperture plates could be better” <paraphrased>

Friday Early – 2012 – Rachel
Start up of film - the scope lens was majorly out of focus. In focus before the writing came on, but I don't know why it was so far out. There were no probs on P1 and I assumed the pre-focus wouldn't be out so soon! After start of R1 I noticed the SDDS wasn't reading any data - I laced up P1 first, then had a look, and decided to just drop it down, as there was nothing obvious to be changed. Martin and Tim had a look and managed to fix it partway through R4, it turns out the part that links the C/O system to the SDDS unit had come loose - possibly when people are messing around in the back of the sound rack to play DVDs(?) Tim/Martin will probably be better able to say about this.
Missed 1st q-dots on R5, downed and muted fast but I think we saw a white line for a milli-second. Appx six seconds of black on screen. At the start of R7(?) P2 looked very dim - turned out the fuse blew for one of the phases on the rectifier, so the lamp dimmed. (Who knew it would stay alive with two phases? not me!) Again, T&M changed the fuse while I laced up etc, but everything was fine after that.

Friday Late – 2012 – Sam and Daniel
A&T laced the wrong way around, shut down to relace.
R2 & R4 laced 1 sprocket OOR
Headlines at the bottom of a CNN screen were tilted, left side racked too low, right side fine. Racked up but the text was still tilted. Worth keeping an eye on in case it's not just the film.

Saturday – Saw VI – Sarah
Sound trailer (Volcano) snapped and burned on screen. Lights went up.
It is now fixed, with a new 2ft of black film at the start.

Sunday Early – Moulin Rouge – Sarah and Tim K
Mary Poppins

Sunday Late – Moulin Rouge – Amanda
It all went fine.

We need more fuses, particularly 10A quick-blow ones.
New Aperture plates have rounded edges. This is bad. They need un-rounding

New Qualification Procedure
Trainee qualification shows will still be watched by at least 3 qualified, and the show will still be discussed with the trainee afterwards. However, before a final decision is made the show report will be made available for a discussion amongst all the qualified projectionists. The consensus decision, along with a write-up of the show report, will be given to the trainee within 24 hours. This should stop decisions being affected by the qualified projectionists present.

People are forgetting to mention things that go wrong in their show. It has been suggested that projectionists who watch the film should mention things the projectionist may have forgotten, at the risk of causing them heartache. If a projectionist is particularly shy it would be nice to have an anonymous comments box or online submission form so that issues get raised rather than glossed over. Also Trainee Tim agreed to bring the make-up book to meetings.

On a similar note, people are not mentioning minor things that go wrong in a show. If a lot of proj are experiencing problems, it'll only really get fixed if it becomes clear that it's an issue, which won't happen if people think they're too minor.
In brief: be thorough in your show reports.

The ads and trailers are very long. The 2nd free-running cats advert will be removed, and trailers will be removed as usual but not inserted until the reel becomes less ridiculous.

A new making-up book needs making up (preferably 2). Andy has agreed to see to this.

Some people still do not have tech box keys (to the key cabinet insite the proj box door). Matt B has had some made, talk to him or Fergus

The anamorphic lens is prone to moving. ALWAYS move it using the metal arm, not the gold lens collar. Also the lenses need pre-focussing.

The sound cables were pulled out for the Friday early show. This is possibly due to people not being careful when moving the racks and wires, or when changing to/from DVD etc. It was suggested that the leads are labelled DTS/SDDS etc.

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