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DM Meeting @ 2006-11-15 18:00:00

DM Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, 15 November 2006

6:00 pm, The Graduate

1. Welcome and apologies

DMs present: James McLachlan, Rachel Crofts, Robert Gardner, Mike Joy, George Marshall

Trainee DM present: Nick March

Non-DM present: Martin Mee (Technical Officer)

Apologies: James Emmott, Michelle Foy, Max Leung

2. Rotas

Week 7 is fine, but Week 8 needs DMs.

3. Refunds

Several people bought tickets for the AllNighter at the stall and then later found that they could not attend. They returned to the stall or came to the door to request a refund but were refused. One member complained to the Union about this, arguing that the non-refundability was not mentioned on the tickets. This complaint has been handled by the Exec and, as a result, "Not Refundable" is now printed on the tickets. Refunds should only be given if we make a mistake or if the show is seriously compromised.
A light-hearted discussion about pre-printed tickets ensued, with Rob suggesting we use Costcutter receipts. This was dismissed by all.

4. Social

There will be a Front of House social to see Casino Royale on Saturday. We shall meet at the Odeon in Coventry at 4:00 pm. Afterwards, who knows?

5. AOB

(i) In absentia, Michelle and James E. raised their concerns that "the manner used by some DMs/stewards is far from ideal and at times very rude and abrupt". They remind everyone that Front of House represents the society at shows and, as such, stewards and DMs should be polite and friendly at all times. George noted that Michelle and James' points are worth bearing in mind. The DM should tell stewards to be more courteous if necessary; poor manners will only harm the society.

(ii) Following Thank You for Smoking on Thursday, which was the busiest show of term, and Monday's projection meeting, the recurrent issue of shutting down was discussed. On Thursday, the DMs made a last-second decision not to shut down and had to rush to the projectionists to inform them. George defended this decision because the queues were cleared more quickly than expected. Due to the data projector, it now takes longer to shut down and then restart, and so Rachel urges DMs to make their final decision before the last trailer. Regularly updating the projectionist should help this. Ultimately, the decision to shut down rests with the DM's judgement, and it was agreed that it is often a difficult decision to make.

(iii) Also following Monday's projection meeting, Andrew reminds DMs that the doors should be open before half-past so that the audience can watch the slides shown with our expensive data projector.

(iv) According to Nick, WSC booklets and posters were on display at the AIESEC careers fair.

(v) George raised his concerns about the lack of stewards this term, and that the situation will only worsen next term unless there is a publicity drive. Ideas floated were the use of A5 or A6 fliers and signs for the doors, but this issue will be discussed further.

(vi) Rachel suggested that we have a comments box outside L3 after shows. This idea was well received, as it would not require much effort to implement and could yield some constructive criticism from our audiences. People could write comments on the backs of their tickets if they do not wish to remain anonymous.

(vii) Nick suggested that we create a sign for AllNighters and other special events that reminds people to keep their tickets with them. With all this potential signage, George is worried that we'll end up with another "T". (Those who remember the old Front of House desks/trolleys
will understand.)

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