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DM Meeting @ 2011-01-26 18:10:00

WSC DM Meeting - 26th January 2011
Location: 'The Bar', Rootes Social Building

Present: Robert Gardner, Fergus Cooper, Edward McCutcheon, James McLachlan and Liam McNamara.
In Attendance: Andrew Maddison (Projectionist) and Harry Austin (Trainee DM).

1. Welcome and apologies
Rob welcomed all those present to the 3rd DM Meeting of Spring Term 2011. Apologies for absence were received from Veronika Lipinska, George Marshall, Owen Rye & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
The only remaining DM slot available in weeks 3 and 4 is the 9.30pm screening of ‘Let Me In’, for a qualified DM, on Friday Week 4.

3. Announcements from the Chief DM
Rob has received a few requests from around the society for the following points to be raised:
* Watching films – please when in L3/the exec office for a film, either stay in the exec office, or watch the film. Do not enter and leave the exec office/L3 repeatedly during the film, as this is unprofessional and distracting to others.
* Please tidy up after yourself in the exec office. Over the past couple of weeks, there have regularly been DM items (coin bags and the rip-off strips from deposit bags) left around the office, in addition to the eternal nightmare that is plastic cups!
* Publicity – If there is no publicity left after your screening and there are plenty of shows where the same publicity you gave out could still be useful, please print off more – these are available in the Publicity drive under /Linas/Leaflets.
* The Nandos & The Mechanic social is happening next Monday (31st Jan) and you can sign-up online.
* Spare change – please, please, please don’t split the bags of coins in the spare change float – they should always be in £20 (£1 coins) or £10 (50p coins) bags!!!
* The DM Training Booklet is now available and accessible to all in PDF form

4. In-show checklists for well-progressed trainees
Ed has forgotten to do this - it shall be deferred until next week.

5. Discussion of the training scheme
Rob has emailed all trainees and had no responses of any sort. Having spoken to one trainee they said they “genuinely couldn’t think of any ways of making it better”.
Those present deemed that the current scheme must be “the bees’ knees”.

6. AOB
i) “The jalapenos on Pizza Hut pizzas are evil”, reports Andrew.
ii) The IT Team are reluctant to get the internet port on the concourse moved – we shall stick to using the yellow network cable and the active port.
iii) “Carrier cats carry messages written on lead bullion.”

The meeting was adjourned at 6.38pm.

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