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Exec Meeting @ 2011-01-19 19:30:00

WSC Exec Meeting - 19th January 2011
Held in Room C1.11/15, Social Studies.

1. Welcome and apologies for absence
Present: Fergus Cooper, Nikita Shah, Owen Rye, Matt Breeze, Robert Gardner, Linas Trumpickas, Alex Ware and Edward McCutcheon.
Apologies: Sophie Carroll.
In Attendance: Martin Mee.

2. Marketing Coordinator
Fergus proposed that we create this as an exec role for the 2011/12 Exec Term. Ed stated that he believed the role to have sufficient responsibility to be an Exec role at WSC.
A vote was then held proposing that the position be added to the Exec in the constitution for election at the AGM.
In favour: 6, Against: 1, Abstentions: 1
The precise name of the position was then discussed. This included proposal of the inclusion of ‘Social Media’, but it was deemed that this would make the role’s title long-winded.
Vote on “Marketing Officer”:
In favour: 7, Against: 0, Abstentions: 1.

3. Secretary
Proposal to slightly modify the responsibilities of the role, and to change the title of the position to ‘Vice President’. Fergus proposed changes to induce a more fluid partnership between President and Vice President – the latter possibly having more email responsibilities.
Fergus will speak to Sophie regarding her thoughts on the role as it currently stands and the proposed changes.
Subject to this an indicative vote on this was held:
In favour of changes: 7, Against: 0, Abstentions: 1.

4. AGM
Confirmation of the list of dates for nominations and the AGM:
Nominations to open Monday Week 3 before 7pm and close Wednesday Week 4 at 7pm.
The AGM will be held on Monday 7th February 2011 (Monday Week 5) in L3.
Arrive from 7.00pm for speeches starting at 7.30pm. Last checking of university cards at 7.45pm for those wishing to vote in the election.
Consideration then followed of limits on speech & questioning duration times. Though not confirmed during the meeting, but will be prior to the AGM.
The AGM will be followed by declaration of results in one of the SU Meeting rooms – Sophie to book this. We also need to book a meal in Xananas – Sophie also to deal.

5. Sponsored Event
Initial discussion concluded that Exec is happy to use our pizza deal with Dominos for food for this event. Fergus will investigate if we can get two months’ worth of our pizza for the event.
We are going to buy a variety of alcohol – wine, beer, ciders, ensuring to have some German products available. Fergus to get in touch with Warwick Food and Drink regarding the necessary provision of servers for alcohol.
We want to attempt to book the rooms closest to L3 on the concourse – Sophie to deal.
Owen to organise a film quiz on slides.
Final details to be confirmed later as to the precise running order of the night.

Prizes for quiz:
1: £50 Amazon Voucher? 2 & 3: ? 4 & 5: 5-Film Pass
Further discussion to take place on the Exec listings with confirmation at of before the next Exec Meeting.

6. The AllNighter
Prizes for raffle:
1. Amazon Kindle (3G).
Discussion of possible shorts to be included – speak to previous suppliers, eg: Warwick Shootout and Tim Kaufmann.
It was agreed that we should get in touch with the Union regarding promoting The AllNighter in ‘The Bubble’, on their website, and possibly in/via ‘The Boar’.
Further discussion to take place on the Exec listings and at the next Exec Meeting.

7. Summer Term Schedule
Owen suggested that in weeks 6-8, rather than just cutting the Wednesday screenings, to also consider removing the Tuesday screenings, since these are repeats of the Sunday films and those candidates are intentionally weak, due to the exams period. This was briefly debated, then agreed to be discussed further at the Programming Meeting (Thurs Week 4 at 5pm in L5).
Several Lord of the Rings related items then followed :-) (LOTR AllNighter is a must!)
The possible dates for the Outdoor Screening were discussed. Probable candidates are the Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of Week 10, with note taken that the Sports Ball is to be held on the Tuesday.
It was noted that Easter Term starts on a Wednesday.

8. Child Tickets
The DM Meeting of the 12th January 2011 gave the following thoughts/recommendations:
All recollections for previous child attendance were for children up to 7 or 8 years old.
Certain scenarios, such as sell-outs, should result in students being given preferential treatment over children.
For young children, a maximum of two per adult, but up to four if they are older and seem well behaved - common sense required by DM on this front.
Proposal for ticket/age brackets: Free for up to five years old. Six to eleven year-olds to get Child rate. Twelve and over to attend as External Guests.
Exec agreed with the Front of House Committee’s recommendations.
Proposal to charge £2/child ticket.
In favour: 6, Against: 1, Abstentions: 1.

9. LCD Pricing
We have come up rather short on takers for adverts on the new LCD screens – the last advert accepted was in Week 4 of Term 1. Discussion ensued as to the potential for reducing prices, trying a “sale period”, etc.
We agreed to email all those who have previously enquired as to prices to offer them slides at £15 each. This would serve as a test of the new price.
Rob proposed that we should target large events and offer them LCD advertising space. This was thoroughly agreed to and proposed to be added to the Marketing Officer roles and responsibilities.
It was then proposed to change the Society LCD slide price to £15, including in all of our advertising, with general agreement that this should be the case.

10. Real Ale
Matt reminded us that we have already agreed a page swap of advertising with Real Ale Soc, so will have an A5 page for advertising. It was agreed to use this to advertise The AllNighter, as we need it to be financially beneficial, as well as upcoming films.
We could look to do two half A0 height, A0 width banners, in addition to the WSC Banner. One for the AllNighter and one for future films.
This is in return for LCD advertising space.

11. DVD Swapping Proposition
Following on from the email query from a University member about the creation of a DVD swap club. Owen agreed to take the responsibility of responding, asserting that we are interested in the film discussion element, and possibly arranging some screenings with him accordingly. We will state very clearly that we are not sure of the legality of the DVD swap proposal, and this is up to him to research.

12. Constitution
Fergus has drafted a new version of the constitution, and to date has:
a) removed sections, and;
b) performed minor edits. No new sections have been inserted.
The new Exec position of Marketing Officer and the renaming of Secretary to Vice President will need to go in there.
Exec members need to read through the edits and respond to the listings, including updated roles and responsibilities for each position.

13. Time and date of next meeting
This was set for Wednesday Week 4 (2nd February 2011).

14. AOB
i. Purchase of the replacement speaker part is still causing issues – including the repeated delay of the EQ and service. It was agreed that if we can’t get the part through Future Projections, then it might well be worth going via Sound Associates instead.
ii. An update was asked for regarding the clothing order placed before Christmas. It still hasn’t arrived, though it was due last week. Nikita to chase this with ADM and the Students’ Union.
iii. Martin asked that all Crew Members are aware that they shouldn’t be entering and leaving during the film (via the crew corridor) unless absolutely necessary.

The meeting was adjourned at 9.56pm.

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