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DM Meeting @ 2011-01-19 18:10:00

Minutes of the DM Meeting held at 6.10pm on Wednesday 19th January 2011
Location: 'The Bar', Rootes Social Building.

Present: Robert Gardner, Fergus Cooper, George Marshall, Edward McCutcheon, James McLachlan, Liam McNamara, Owen Rye and Natalie Tyldesley.
In attendance: Harry Austin

1. Welcome and Apologies
Rob welcomed all those present to the second DM Meeting of 2011.
Apologies for absence were received from: Mike Joy & Natalie Tyldesley (the very same present one!).

2. Rotas
Qualified DM slots were filled for all screenings up until the end of Week 4. However, a subsequently arranged Exec Meeting has left the Wednesday Week 4 slot (Dinner for Schmucks) available.
Thursday Week 4 (Adrift) remains available for Trainee DMs.

3. Front of House Social
Monday Week 4 (31st Jan) is free for a social for FoH if we so wish. Votes gave a preference for food followed by a film, with votes resulting in the following preferences:
Nandos (beat Cosmo), and the following ordered list of films: 1. The Mechanic (Starring: Jason Statham); 2. Hereafter (Director: Clint Eastwood; Starring: Matt Damon); and 3. Tangled (Disney’s Rapunzel film; Voiced by: Mandy Moore, Zach Levi, Ron Perlman)

4. DM Training Feedback
Rob is keen to ensure no delays are had during the training of DMs, especially with the current waiting list for the scheme. The following points were made:

Rob wants all qualified DMs to give a full set of feedback to their trainee after each show – point out the trainee’s strengths and weaknesses on the show, but give the trainee the chance to go through the screening first. Owen suggested that DMs should specify in training booklets what the next DM should look out for.
Rob suggested that DMs email a trainees next Qualified DM if there are specific things to look out for – akin to Owen’s suggestion, but more relating to what the DM should (or not) do with/for the trainee’s show.
Ed proposed that a checklist be made, allowing qualified DMs to tick things off during the progression of the show. Rob proposed that Ed prepares this for the Committee’s perusal at the next week’s meeting.
Opinion from Harry (current trainee): “Maybe throw people in at the deep end more often.” Please note – drownings are not a recommended element of the training scheme.

Rob will encourage the rest of the current trainees to give more feedback on the scheme, as all will view it from different perspectives.

5. Stewarding Slots
Rob proposed that we cut back down to four Stewarding slots being available per screening, as many of the double screenings rotas are filling for the early and thus being a person shy of what may otherwise have been the case for the late. All those present agreed with this and Ed will make it so.

6. AOB
i. Owen said “It’s cold in here!” and James retorted with: “It’s warm!”
ii. Owen suggested that we discuss trainees’ progress on a weekly basis. Rob is happy to do this for all trainees that have done shows during the preceding week.
iii. Andrew now has Freddos and Fudges available for 15p each and 2-finger Twix at 30p in the office.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:58pm.

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