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DM Meeting @ 2010-11-24 18:10:00

DM Meeting 24th November 2010
6.10pm, 'The Bar', Rootes Social Building.

Present: Robert Gardner, George Marshall, Edward McCutcheon and James McLachlan.

1. Welcome and Apologies
Rob welcomed those present to the eighth DM meeting of term.
Apologies for the meeting were received from Fergus Cooper, Mike Joy, Veronika Lipinska, Owen Rye & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
The Trainee/New DM rotas were already filled for the rest of this term prior to the meeting.
The Qualified DM rotas for the remainder of term were filled for the rest of term during the meeting.

3. Tweaking the DM Training Scheme
Owen has raised several points concerning the DM Training scheme, in particular highlighting the ‘middle phase’ of training:

“there seems to be around 5 or more shows in the middle of training where it's just shadowing every time, and often not a lot happens, and there's only so much you can actually talk to the trainee about (unusual situations, etc). As an example, we identify weaknesses fairly early, but don't address them until later in training, so the trainee spends quite a lot of time carrying on without being encouraged strongly enough to iron weaknesses out with a view to qualifying sooner.”

Potential moves to changes this (again from Owen in advance), were:

“Essentially, I think it might just be an idea for QDMs to think about pushing trainees towards qualification standard sooner rather than just milling along and expecting them to pick things up for themselves, which is probably a slower process. I feel that the scheme could afford to be more dynamic and demanding, rather than rehearsing a routine again and again at each show. I expect trainees would respond well to being pushed a bit more too, since it makes training a bit more of an active process that acknowledges their willingness to learn and eagerness to qualify.”

Those present at the meeting were in agreement that this is an issue. The following points were agreed upon as ways of hopefully improving the situation.
We should aim to give mid-term trainees (6-10 shows) more freedom (the QDM doesn’t check everything they do every time) and thus responsibility.
The qualified DM of a show should also make it clear to Stewards that the Trainee is in charge (once they’ve done >5 shows).
Mild elements of highjacking can go on to aid trainees’ understanding of how and why we do things.
Rob will speak to Liam post-qualification to take in his views on the training scheme as someone who has just passed through it.
Several points of importance were raised though:
Whenever we have a quiet show, there isn’t much that can be done for the trainee further than asking them various questions and proposing scenarios.
Any hijacking done to make training more hands on should not have much an impact upon the audience.
We can’t cut too many shows from training, as there is vital experience to be gained from shows of all levels of attendance.
Rob will strive to discuss trainees more frequently at the end of DM meetings to ensure more thorough knowledge of their progress is held by all.

It is also important to note that DMs should be giving full feedback on how shows have gone to the trainee after each film, and allowing them to read through their own booklet to view all comments made.

4. Further requests for Training as a DM
Rob has at least two people enquiring about the possibility of training as a DM.
It was decided that we should encourage these people to keep on Stewarding as much as possible as this will probably result in them progressing more rapidly through the DM training scheme once they have the opportunity to be on it.
Rob will also email them with links to the FoH wiki pages so that they have the chance to read ahead if they so wish.

5. Qualification
Liam will have a qualification at the 6:30 screening of “The A-Team” on Sunday (28th Nov 2010).
George will be heading the qualification in Rob’s absence.
Both James and Ed will be in attendance, in addition to anyone else who can help out!
Liam will be contacted by Rob and asked not to enter L3 prior to 5.45pm. Qualified DMs to arrive by 5.30pm.

6. Christmas Meal
DMs are encouraged to sign up to the Christmas Meal (at the Burnt Post on Monday week 10), as well as encouraged to encourage their Stewards to attend said social – 2/3 courses for £9.95/£11/95.
Deposits (£5) due by 9pm on Sunday 28th November (Sun week 9).
A night safe box for this is in the DM locker. DMs to accept deposits at shows, place money in box and add member’s name to list in deposit box!

7. AOB
i) Please can everyone try to remember to set-up the master till’s desk on the concourse as a publicity table at the end of shows.
ii) The two missing doorstops have now been found. Please let people know if you notice that things have either gone missing or been found! Rob will still look into getting some more doorstops as our current set are looking a little worse for ware, in addition to not matching at all!
iii) In the run-up to Christmas, it was agreed that the Front of House tinsel should be in use from 1st December (Wed week 9) at shows. This is currently at the top of the DM cupboard, but will be kept in one of the till desks throughout the second half of week 9 and all of week 10.
iv) There will be a curry order prior to the Midnight screening of Rec 2 this Saturday. James will place the order at 9pm as per usual, so be there or don’t complain that you’ve not got curry!

The meeting was adjourned at 6.49pm

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