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Exec Meeting @ 2010-11-08 19:00:00

1. Welcome and apologies for absence

Fergus welcomed those present to the 3rd meeting of term.
Present: Fergus Cooper, Nikita Shah, Owen Rye, Matthew Breeze, Robert Gardner, Linas Trumpickas, Edward McCutcheon.
In attendance: Joseph Morgan, Alex Ware
Apologies were received from Sophie Carroll and Tim Bradley.

2. Marketing coordinator

Alex thanked the Exec for creating the new post of Marketing Coordinator. Owen offered Alex his congratulations.
Alex enquired as to whether he could standardise fonts on slideshows to one set of typefaces. Rob suggested he should lease with the Publicity team, however Linas remarked that electronic slideshows didn’t specifically fall within the publicity remit. Ed suggested keeping a common font theme for the LCD slideshows outside and the slideshow inside. Matt suggested a serif font to aid readability. It was decided that Alex would choose sensible fonts himself in order to standardise the slideshows. Alex added that slides on the LCD screens for specific films would use different fonts, and it was reminded that all such slides should include the WSC and KPMG logos.
Alex specified that he was aiming to push more advertising of niche films on the LCD screens. There was mixed opinion as to which types of film should be pushed hardest.
It was reported that M$ Office 2010 had now been installed on the slideshow PC, possibly allowing the easier addition of videos to the slideshow. This is to be investigated.
Ed reminded Alex that he should update the big screen slideshow, as some content is now dated.
Rob suggested that Alex work with Fergus to make better use of our space on the Students’ Union website.
Ed informed those present that there are new members of the IT team who would be willing to coordinate with Alex on the creation of promotional videos for WSC.
Owen threw his name into the ring for potentially creating the AllNighter slideshow, as it was decided that this did not necessarily fall within Alex’s duties as Marketing Coordinator.

3. Advertising

Joe, in his official capacity within TedX, informed those present that TedX would like to advertise with WSC from week 1 to week 8, term 2. They would be interested in slides in the big screen slideshow, as well as slides (possibly with live content) and video on the LCD screens. It was agreed that pricing options for such a bulk booking would be discussed by Exec before submitting proposals back to Joe.
Joe departed.
A discussion about pricing for videos on the LCD screens then took place. It was decided that the maximum length of a video would be 1 minute. It was decided to price videos at: £40 for 15s, £75 for 30s, £105 for 45s and £130 for 1m. These prices are for Warwick societies and not for external entities.
Fergus requested from Nikita a spreadsheet of how much money WSC has taken from advertising sources so far this year.

4. AllNighter

Prizes for the AllNighter were discussed. The following were agreed on:
Nintendo DSI with Toy Story 3 game
Digital Camera
2 DVD box sets (6th and 7th choice from 7)
Five film pass / Spring AllNighter ticket + Kick Ass poster
Five film pass / Spring AllNighter ticket

2 DVD box sets (1st and 2nd choice from 7)
2 DVD box sets (3rd and 4th choice from 7)
1 DVD box set (5th choice from 7)
Five film pass / Spring AllNighter ticket
Five film pass / Spring AllNighter ticket

Rob will buy these prizes, after further discussion by Exec, on Wednesday 10th November 2010.
Fergus is to book a stand at the Union to sell AllNighter tickets. This is hoped to be Thursday 18th and Friday 19th November 2010 between 10am and 4pm.
The chosen short films are videos courtesy of Tim Kaufmann, subject to them being a high enough resolution, and the winning entry from the Warwick TV competition. Fergus will find out the video specs from Tim. It was noted that the video resolution should ideally be 1365*768.
It was decided that Andrew Maddison would be approached for buying crew snacks and drinks from Costo. A budget of £50 was agreed upon. Dominoes would be contacted for a second order of crew pizzas, and it was decided that Fergus would ask for alternatives to the standard Pizza to cope with special dietary requirements and a desire to have nice pizzas.
A publicity run will be scheduled for Saturday 13th November 2010 at 1pm. It was decided that we would attempt to distribute to most of campus to make up for a poor start of term distribution run.
Qualification prizes are to be bought before the AllNighter. Those needing prizes are Veronika Lipinska, Owen Rye and Fergus Cooper. Those possibly needing prizes are Liam McNamara, Tim Kaufmann and Omar Al-Maary.
Fergus is to contact suppliers of energy drinks to see if free drinks might be given to attendees.
It was noted by Rob that the heating in L3 needs to be on all night. Fergus is to contact central timetabling. Rob is to contact security to let them know we will be using L3 all night.
Rob announced that Varsity will be serving breakfast on Saturday morning after the AllNighter.
Alex departed.

5. Spring term schedule

The programming meeting was held on wed 27th October (week 4). Since that meeting, several films have been dropped due to availability issues. There are currently no gaps, though Owen raised the issue that the schedule was perhaps less strong than hoped.

6. Digital projection

Many unavailable films were due to being released in Digital formats only. Therefore, it was decided that digital projection would be looked into immediately. Specifically quotes for digital and 3d projection are sought.
Exec office refurb

It was decided to take no further action for the time being regarding the office refurb, other than a further email to Estates. Owen proposed that we buy a toilet brush and toilet cleaner. General agreement ensued.
7. Meeting with the union

Fergus is to schedule a meeting with Andy White to inform the union of our change in ticketing policy. It will hopefully be arranged for 4pm on Wednesday 17th November 2010. Fergus, Nikita and Rob will attend, with Nikita to take minutes.
8. New website

Ed clarified that the new website would not be ready within the current exec term.
Slideshow pc

Ed reported that Andrew could not find a suitable replacement to the slideshow computer, so Ed informed Exec that he would spend ~£275 + delivery to buy parts for a new one.

9. Tech stuff

Nikita reported that the new lamps had been delivered to the resources room. Exec was updated that it was still not known when the projector service was scheduled for. There was general consensus that the amount of tech work needed to be increased, since the quality of shows was starting to drop. The primary causes of concern remain poor aperture plates, flickering lamps, picture area on screen and picture stability.
Projectionist access to show history

It was proposed by the projection committee that projectionists have access to see how many shows their trainees have worked. Rob informed Exec that they currently do not have this feature because it had been abused in the past. It was agreed that projectionists would have access to the same system that DMs currently have, provided this can be achieved by the IT team.

10. Time and date of next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting would take place on Wednesday week 9, 7:00. If possible, we would like this to take place in a concourse room.

11. AoB
Safety posters – It was raised by a member of the projectionist committee that there are safety signs in the Projection Box with inaccuracies. It was agreed that a PDF of the current signs would be circulated around the projection team so that amendments could be suggested.
Owen opened a discussion about the WSC Empire film magazine subscription. It was agreed to keep it.
Nikita reported that she would be opening a new clothing order, including lots of funky items. It was agreed that payment for clothing items must, this time, be collected up front.
The possibility of an extra screening of Inception on Monday week 7 was discussed. The agreement was that an extra screening should go ahead should there be enough audience demand. It was agreed that the Monday should be kept free of a social for the event that there is a screening.
It was agreed to distribute excess Autumn Term publicity to far flung parts of campus during the AllNighter publicity run.
The exec shall discuss and provisionally amend the WSC constitution at the next meeting.
Rob raised the point that some crew might not be getting enough information about what is happening at WSC. It was agreed that emails should be sent to crew informing them of developments, and that something should be posted to the Alumni mailing list.
Owen suggested that there should be a publicity meeting sometime before editing starts.
Ed reminded those relevant that mailing lists should be kept clean of people no longer required to be on them.
Rob suggested the creation of a Trainee Duty Manager mailing list, since there are now a large number of trainees. It was agreed that this should go ahead, pending discussion with the DM committee.
Fergus was reminded that several people needed still to hand back WSC keys.
It was agreed that any new posters to be displayed at WSC must first be emailed for approval and editing to the relevant mailing lists.
It was suggested that we investigate a number of possibilities for the Christmas meal, and that these should all be on a bus route.

Meeting adjourned at 23:04

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