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DM Meeting @ 2010-11-17 18:10:00

Minutes of the DM Meeting held on Wednesday 17th November at 6:10pm
Location: L3, Science Concourse

Present: Robert Gardner, Fergus Cooper, Rachel Crofts, George Marshall, Edward McCutcheon, James McLachlan and Owen Rye.
In Attendance: Harry Austin, Ollie Bell, Jordan Maciel, Liam McNamara (all Trainee DMs) and Alex Ware (Tech Officer).

1. Welcome and Apologies
Rob welcomed all those present to the seventh DM Meeting of the Term, which followed on from the election of Alex Ware as the new Technical Officer. Congratulations to Alex.
Apologies for absence were received from: Veronika Lipinska & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
The rotas for weeks 8 still need qualified DMs to sign-up for:
Sunday (6:30pm) - Scott Pilgrim
Wednesday - E.T.
Friday (6:30pm) - Twilight - Eclipse

Rob was unable to pass around paper rotas as the IT Officer and new Tech Officer have transpired to prevent the printer and exec office computers from working in the run-up to the election and DM Meeting.

3. The AllNighter
Rob encouraged all those present to sign-up for the stall in the SU Atrium at the online rota.
L3 will be free from 6pm on Friday night, so there was talk of a pre-AllNighter trip to Varsity at 5pm, with KFC at 10pm, Dominos at 2am and Varsity again at 9am!

Availability to DM on the balcony during the night:
Toy Story 3: Owen, George
Kick-Ass: Ed, James
The Other Guys: George, Rob
The Mystery: Fergus, Rachel
South Park: Owen, Rob
Truman Show: James, Ed.

All DMs present are welcome to sit on the balcony for more than just the films stated above.

4. Qualification
Liam will have a second qualification at the early screening of 'The A-Team', on Sunday week 9. Rob is unable to make this, so George shall be acting Chief DM in what will quite possibly be the last DM Qualification he ever attends. It was noted that that has been said before!

5. AOB
i) Rob will look into getting some more doorstops, as two have gone missing and another has been more than slightly destroyed.
ii) Fergus will contact Pierre to inform him of the new doorstops purchase.
iii) At this point a projectionist thought it would be amusing to keep on turning off the L3 lights. Said projectionist (and we don't know who it was) is a bit of a moron.
iv) Rob has been asked to raise at exec the issue of the lack of a proper space in the office for bags, and the lack of coat hooks for all crew at shows.
v) DMs need to keep an eye on the back row of fluorescent lights in L3, as the projectionists may note notice that these are not currently turning off properly. If so, inform the screening's projectionist, who will then deal accordingly.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.52pm.

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