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DM Meeting @ 2010-11-10 18:10:00

Minutes of the DM Meeting held on Wednesday 10th November at 6:10pm
Location: 'The Bar', Rootes Social Building
Present: Robert Gardner, Mike Joy, George Marshall, Edward McCutcheon, James McLachlan and Owen Rye

1. Welcome and Apologies
Rob welcomed all those present to the fifth DM Meeting of the Term.
Apologies for absence were received from: Fergus Cooper, Rachel Crofts, Mike Joy, Veronika Lipinska & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
The rotas or weeks 7 and 8 were passed around since the week 6 rotas were full for both trainee and qualified DMs.

3. Qualification - Prince of Persia Early.
George, Owen and James should be free to turn up at 5pm, with Rob arriving for 6pm.

4. The AllNighter
* Ticket-selling information - It was agreed to sell tickets at all screenings from Tuesday week 7 (CDM - This has now been brought forward to include the Monday screenings of Inception).
* Availability on the night - All those present will be in attendance, apart from Mike.
* Stall Information - The stall should be Thursday and Friday in... well, in Students' Union South (can't find a name for it), Fergus will confirm. Owen was the only person present likely to be free to help out much with the stall.

5. Training Scheme
* Mailing Lists - Rob has proposed changing the DM mailing lists to mimic those of Projection. We will be instigating a list solely for trainees (to which qualified DMs will be on the accept list), a list solely for qualified DMs, and an overall list that will forward to both. These would imaginatively be: QDM, TDM and DM @filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk with the full equivalents too.
* Wiki pages - Further steps still need to be taken with the Wiki pages, though feedback indicates the pages are useful and should be recommended to trainees early in their training!!!
* Forums - DMs should encourage Stewards and trainee DMs to join the forums :-)

6. AOB
1. Rob asked for people to please not split up bags of coins in the spare change - 50ps should always come in bags of £10, and £1 coins in bags of £20.
2. It is likely (hopeful!) that there will be extra screenings of Inception on Monday at 7.30pm and possibly also 10.30pm - Rob, Ed, James and George should be able to be there to man the shows.
3. The exec office is a bit of a mess. Request have been made to get rid of the hand-dryer and install coat-hooks. Stewards should also have a specific space available to place their coats and/or bags.
4. The new trainee DM booklet is on the P drive. James has added the tick list. It is not exhaustive, but covers the things noted in the relevant meeting (16th February 2010). People should go through this list at the final pre-qualification show of the trainee to ensure they know everything they should.
5. Rob was asked about the requirement to put elastic bands around the notes when they are submitted in the banking bags. Rob doesn't think this is an issue for us since when he was shown how to use them, he was quoted figures of up to £8,000 per bag! Also, please remember to fill in the outside of the banking bags with our accounting details!!!
6. Please do not leave yourself logged in on computers in the exec office. Similarly please don't abuse the accounts (be they WSC, Gmail, Facebook or whatever) of those who have left themselves signed in.
7. Publicity - Please remember after shows to put out the publicity on the master till's desk - turning this round so it's nice and accessible to passers by. Please can DMs also top it up if they pass it during the day and it's looking a bit sorry for itself.
8. James is DMing the midnighter but will not be here in time to order the curry.

The meeting was adjourned at 6.45pm.

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