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DM Meeting @ 2010-10-27 18:20:00

Minutes of the DM Meeting held on Wed 27th October at 6:20pm
Location: L3

Present: Robert Gardner, George Marshall, Edward McCutcheon, James McLachlan & Owen Rye.
In attendance: Liam McNamara

1. Welcome and Apologies
Meeting commenced later than expected (6.20pm as opposed to 6.00pm), as a result of the Programming Meeting (see the Spring Schedule for more details!)

Apologies for the meeting were received from: Fergus Cooper, Mike Joy, Veronika Lipinska & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
Ed and George are both available for the Midnighter at the end of week 4.
Trainees were encouraged to sign up to more shows.

3. Memberships
i) Associate Memberships – are now available for purchase from the SU.
ii) Internet access on the Concourse – the yellow cable is still required.

4. DM Training Guide, Points 1-10
Various suggestions and changes were made to the early components of the DM Training Guide - we shall look at this again in the future.

5. Front of House Social
Trip to see Red, preceded by a Nandos meal next Monday (Week 5)?
Will send warnings to people regarding the bus times!!!
Rob to book table. And might give them a separate ring later on to check they have booked it.

6. AOB
i) Ed asked about the black and gold A3s for the corridor. Rob said shmeh – likely to be in term 2 week 5.
ii) Next week’s meeting will be at 6.10pm in ‘The Bar’.
iii) Warwick STAR may want to do a quick speech at tonight’s film. The Mac is DMing so all is good.

The meeting was adjourned at 7.00pm.

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