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IT Meeting @ 2010-10-26 19:30:00


Present: Edward (IT Officer), Chris, Ross, Jon, Alex, Adam, Stanimir, Andrew, Scott, Hao, Richard, Emma
Apologies: Fergus, Tim

1. Welcome and Apologies
Edward welcomed everyone to the first meeting of term, in a random room!

2. New IT Crew
Everyone introduced themselves and the area they work on if a returner.
Edward explained that he wanted to trial a new system; assigning Projects with leads on each project.

3. WSC Status Update
Edward brought everyone up to speed on the Ticketing Policy changes planned for January, and that this would have some impact for EPOS in particular. The main IT problems of note are honouring the old pricing for pre-Jan 2011 members. More information on the new ticketing policy can be found in the Crew Update email, and shortly on the website.

4. New Website Update
Matt showed off the new website to everyone, recapping the 'SuperClass' (ModelBase) system. This now has View/New/Edit functionality, and Matt is next going to work on Browse/Search. He gave a brief overview of how the classes and templating system works.

5. IT Work to do in the Exec Office
Andrew updated IT that the works left to do were mainly dependant on Estates, and little progress other than trunking the Printer cables would be made before Christmas. He explained that all the network cabling to the office had been replaced, and a total of 12 cables run to the office.

6. LCD Screens - Videos
Edward explained that part of the brief of the LCD screens was to include the ability to show videos (particularly trailers) on them. The organisation and creation of said videos would be the job of the (at that point unappointed) Marketing Coordinator. Alex then stepped in to explain his system for video display. Broadly, this system allows files to be queued up in a batch script, and a program, created by a friend of his, would enumerate through them. However, there's a couple of hours work to be done before this script will be ready for testing. Alex will email it when complete (in an non-7z format) to the IT listing for us to have a look at.

7. Projects
Edward explained each project listed below in a little detail, identifying the project lead. The agenda was then passed around for people to sign up to projects.

a) Train Up New Server Admin
We need more people to know how the server systems work, with a view that when Tim/Adam/Chris leave, or if they are unavailable, others can help. We also need to complete the integration of Samba, amongst other started projects.
Leads: Chris, Adam, Tim
Signed up: Ross, Jon, Alex

b) Document Servers/Network
There is little information stored on the wiki about the network configuration, and most data is out of date.
It was agreed this would be completed by the server admins, with the assistance of Stanimir and Andy.

c) New Website Classes & Templates
Those with PHP experience can be brought up to speed on coding for the new site, so progress can accelerate. Those without can be taught HTML, so they can help create templates, or basic coding for the templates. This frees up Edward / Matt to work on other matters.
Lead: Matt
Signed up: Richard, Ross, Jon, Scott, Hao, Stanimir

d) Slideshow PC
Our existing slideshow computer is slow, and struggled to display a video at the Getting Involved meeting. Exec have approved the expense for a new machine, provided the University does not have one we could obtain - which it doesn't. Therefore, a new computer needs to be specified, ordered and built.
Lead: Edward
Signed up: Emma, Alex, Andy
A meeting of this project was provisionally pencilled in for Friday PM Wk 5.

e) Touchscreens
We still have three touchscreens at WSC to install in the tills.
Lead: Andy
Signed up: Stanimir

f) Complimentary Ticketing Code
EPOS needs the Compilimentary ticketing systems finishing - these are used to issue free credits to publicity peeps / competition winners.
Lead: Edward
Signed up: Adam, Richard

g) Card Readers
We wish to install card readers on the Exec Office and Proj box doors, and we are going to do so ourself because of the expense the University would charge.
Lead: Andrew
Signed up: Scott, Adam

h) WSC Videos
Edward wanted to take the names of those interested in creating videos for electronic publicity, to be passed on to the Marketing Coordinator.
Lead: Marketing Coordinator
Signed up: Emma, Alex, Hao

8. AOB
Richard asked some pertinent questions about various projects, notably whether we have a spec for the new website (sort of), and how we would proceed from here.
Edward explained that subsequent meetings were to be arranged by email, and that Project Leads are responsible for ensuring some form of progress.
Edward added he would apply Crew status to those who attended the meeting and signed up for projects, and that status would be retained whilst they actively helped the projects development.

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