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DM Meeting @ 2010-10-20 18:10:00

Minutes of the DM Meeting held on Wed 20th October at 6:10pm
Location: 'The Bar', Rootes Social Building

Present: Robert Gardner, George Marshall, James McLachlan & Mike Joy
In attendance: Andrew Maddison

1. Welcome and Apologies
Rob welcomed all those present and apologised for being a minute late – he’d been removing headers and footers from the ‘middle’ of the ads & trailers reel!
Apologies for the meeting were received from: Fergus Cooper, Veronika Lipinska, Edward McCutcheon, Owen Rye & Natalie Tyldesley.

2. Rotas
Week 4 still has slots for qualified DMs available for:
Sun (6:30pm) The Ghost
Sun (9:30pm) The Ghost
Sat (12:00am) A Nightmare on Elm Street
Fri (6:30pm) Iron Man 2.

3. Trainee DMs
We currently have three trainee DMs. It was agreed that we should take on more where appropriate, though with a maximum of seven trainees at any one time. Several names were discussed and Rob will contact these candidates.

4. DM Training Scheme / DM Reminders:
Rob is worried that people are starting to teach a whole variety of different approaches to the trainees, as well as forgetting about things in their own shows.
Points of note:

Sell-out shows: The start-up of ads and trailers should never be delayed by a DM unless:
(a) overrun of first screening - but then not by more than absolutely necessary, or;
(b) medical issues.
If ticket-selling is experiencing difficulties, then communicate with the projectionist to shut down after the ads and trailers. Note: It was also asked to bring this up at the proj meeting, as a late start-up should not be ‘offered; to the DM.

Numbers of Stewards at shows – trainees should be made fully aware that at many shows three stewards are more than sufficient. If we suspect an attendance of 30, don’t recruit a fourth or fifth Steward!

Tick boxes at top of EPOS show set-up page – please remember to check whether the trainee knows what these boxes are for and that they are all ticked where and when appropriate!
We need to put more effort in to ensure that the doors are opening ten minutes before the advertised start time, since adverts in the slideshow are paid for!

Need to remember to check whether or not Stewards have earned their Crew and/or full Steward status after shows – this has not happened after several shows this term and will (in addition to potential complaints from Stewards) not aid Trainee DMs development!

DMs must put out the new vertical banner for KPMG at every show!

Rob will email this list of points around as a separate email, to ensure that it is read by all on DM listings.

(Note: Point 5 – Wiki Pages was skipped at this point to be addressed back in the exec office)

6. AOB
There is no update thus far on the yellow cable in the roof, though it is on a long list of things that Andrew is dealing with in relation to IT Services.
We recently received a Northern Irish bank note. Please only accept this if you’re completely confident that it is genuine.
James wanted to criticise Ed for something at this point, but could not remember what for.
Please remind all Stewards not to cut across the path of the projectors when picking up litter at the end of the film. Also, please ensure they don’t cross the upper balcony when going to the left seats from the exec office.
A Front of House social to see Red has been proposed - Rob will speak to Sophie (Secretary) to ensure that this doesn’t clash with any of her plans. Keep an eye out – this could take place on Monday week 5!

At 6.33pm the DM Meeting was adjourned to allow for translation to the Exec office.

The DM Meeting resumed in the Exec office at 6:39pm.

5. Wiki pages
http://wiki.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/Stewarding_Guide Lots of minor corrections have taken place and this is now suitable to recommend/link to Stewards. All that is currently required is some photos of the tills in the office and on the desks.
http://wiki.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/EPOS_for_Stewards This is now ready to be sent/shown to any Steward struggling with use of our tills.
http://wiki.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/Duty_Manager_Training_Guide There was not sufficient time to go into this. Please look at both this and http://wiki.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/EPOS_for_DMs, which we shall go through next week!

The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7.35pm.

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