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Exec Meeting @ 2010-10-21 07:15:00


1) Welcome and apologies
Present: Fergus, Sophie, Nikita, Owen, Linas, Ed, Rob, Matt (late with apologies, as was making up the evening’s film which was delivered extremely late).
Apologies: Tim

2) Sponsored event
-Prizes have been ordered and delivered.
-Quiz being made - was agreed that it needs KPMG questions.
-Fergus is having issues with Warwick Food and Drink. Need their staff to serve alcohol as they are the licence holders - university will charge for this. Either we buy alcohol from F&D or Costcutters. They want to deal with all the food as well. We cannot buy it from F&D because it is too expensive. Either we go to Costcutter or arrange the food independently. It was decided that drinks will be bought from Costcutter and food would be got from the cheapest of Tesco/Costco.
-Quantities - Wine? Usually not popular with students - should not buy too much. Will get 24 red, 18 white, 12 rose- 5 people to a bottle- 50 bottles as not everyone drinks and we may not get full attendance.
Soft drinks - orange and apple juice (tetra packs) and water (we will get a jug and fill this from the water dispenser on the concourse). It was agreed to also get the juice from Costcutters with the wine, to save time and hassle.
Food - 75 baguettes from Tesco (Fergus to contact the store in advance), cheese (6kg camembert circles, 6kg brie, 4kg cheddar), 20 jars of jam, 30 pate (Note: Tesco Finest Ardennes and Brussels Pate is currently half price at £1). Maybe croissants if we can find cheap packs.
-Just drinks last year £525.55. We will spend less this year.
- We will add a message about free alcohol onto LCD slides to get 300 people.
-Quiz then food (for time to mark quiz). Food to be served outside on the concourse. Encourage crew to help out. Former WSC Treasurer Helen Coe will give the KPMG talk.
-B2.04 is currently booked. Confusion as to where we are having the quiz (L3, B2.04) - we will hold the quiz in L3 after the film, and use B2.04 for food preparation purposes - and will have to ensure to clean and hoover it appropriately afterwards.

3) AllNighter
-Free pizza allowance to be used for crew at around 2/3am.
-NO ALCOHOL TO BE CONSUMED IN L3, whether by crew or customers. Projectionists suspected of having been drinking will not be allowed to enter the Proj Box. Similarly for any other crew entering the exec office.
-Shorts: Warwick TV’s competition submission, Tim K and Jethro’s two shorts (5 gaps) - assuming they have versions available at a suitable resolution.
-Quiz prizes: 5 winners, of which two prizes will be five film passes.
-Raffle prizes: 5 winners. Nintendo DSi Console + game (specific game TBC), DVD boxsets, 2 five film passes. Ed suggests giving away the Toy Story / Kick Ass posters for last place.
-Discussion to move to an email thread.
-Interval 1: Quiz, Interval 2: Quiz Answers, Interval 3: Raffle+Qualification Acknowledgements, Interval 4: Tim’s 2 shorts, Interval 5: Warwick TV short

4) Pizzagate
-Do we ever want to give out free pizza apart from what Dominos gives us?
-Publicity runs: difficult to coordinate this particular deal - cannot get what/when we want. We will assume we cannot use the deal for these sorts of things.
-Have a social instead? No incentive for people to help out then, people will just attend the social. People generally do not want to do publicity runs.
Compromise - next big run after Christmas. Make sure people know well in advance and try without free pizza. We can reassess the situation then and potentially offer free films. Fergus agreed to organise this Publicity Run & Social as Linas is out of the country.

5) Taxigate
-Some confusion over whether we can claim taxis on society. Agreed ‘yes’ if necessary- e.g. projecting/DM-ing late showings, missing last bus after exec meetings.

6) Sabbatical Officers Ticketing Policy
-Brought up as some confusion about whether Complimentary tickets should be issued to Sabbatical Officers.
-Ed proposes be more generous - they are working very long hours for our benefit. Might bring good feelings especially given the amount we bring to them.
- Fine line between sweetening up and bribing. Officers’ work because they are doing their job.
- Mistakes and Union problems aside - they should not expect free things
- General issues surfaced about our Associate Members not being able to join (continued later)
-Vote for free tickets for SU Sabbatical Officers - Yes: 1 No: 7

7) Associate Membership Issues
-A lot of people trying to get associate memberships - union does not know what the Associate membership procedure is. Several crew have followed all instructions available on the SU website and have heard nothing back. Andy White has not got back to Fergus’ queries. Fergus has talked to Pam in the Resources room and she will try to find out. We have our week 3 rule (all crew must be members by the end of Week 3 or they cannot participate), which hinders issues.
-Are we happy to let people project, DM, etc. whilst waiting for membership to be renewed? (Several would-be Associates have already projected/DMed this term). They are not covered, risk of breaking thinks, potential to injure others. But any problems are the union’s fault.
-Agreed people cannot do crew tasks until associate membership comes through - whilst many are insured in other ways, the Society could still end up facing stiff sanctions if anything untoward were to happen.
-Fergus will go to union on Friday (tomorrow) in a further attempt to resolve issues.

8) Time and date of next meeting
-Week 6

9) Any other controversial issues
-Can we buy another chair for the exec office? No longer relevant as Fergus has brought one in. Fergus has also brought more bins (both recycling and general waste) for exec office & proj box.
-‘Buy’ another slideshow computer for the slideshow screen. Should not cost more than £250. Andy would like a new slideshow computer- it is old and struggling to cope with requirements being made of it - particularly culpable for projection issues this term. Exec happy in principle to purchase of new machine if IT cannot get one from somewhere else. Vote yes: 8
-We seem to have a lot of leftover publicity. Seems silly to pawn them off to freshers. Consider getting less next autumn order.

10) AOB
-£3,770 has been chased up to the Arts Centre. An invoice has been sent to them to pay us back.
-Commented that exec have not had much contact with crew and they don’t know the outcomes of last meeting. Crew could do with an email about (in particular): week 3 deadline, ticket price changes - this is required by our constitution.
-Advertising ticket changes - when to start? In principle - soon as. We have permission to change these prices - might want to confirm that in writing.
-Membership price down to £1. Yes - 8
- AllNighter price to be confirmed next term.
- 12 film pass for £16- investigate further. Yes- 2 Against- 3 Abstention- 3

Meeting adjourned: 22.36

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