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Exec Meeting @ 2010-05-27 19:00:00

Exec Meeting Minutes: Thursday 27th May 2010
7.00pm, H0.56, Humanities.

Present: Fergus Cooper, Nikita Shah, Robert Gardner, Linas Trumpickas, Tim Bradley & Ed McCutcheon

1. Welcome and Apologies
Fergus welcomed all those present to the second exec meeting of May 2010.
Apologies were received from Sophie Carroll, Owen Rye & Matt Breeze.

2. Outdoor Screening
Still need to order ~40m NL8 and XLR audio cables.
Tim has phoned David Swift Re: Insurance but he needs pricings, so Tim will call him back tomorrow with those.
We nolonger need to order a generator as the TES supply is still available in Tocil field (we’ve been given permission to use this) and we’re going to use the 32A supply contained therein. We won’t touch the 63A supply.
Andy has also been informed that we can borrow some stuff from the Arts Centre, as per previous years, e.g. staging.
The van still to be hired, though that is not expected to be a problem.
Future Projections have been paid. Panda Hire’s invoice has been submitted to the Union’s finance office.
(7:08pm: Rob received a call from Natalie (Tonight’s DM) to inform that tonight’s projectionist hasn’t turned up so asked if one of us could come and project. Tim left at this point to project “The Last Station”.)
Publicity runs to accommodation will take place during week 9 – more info to come.

3. (Exec Office) Refurb
Still yet to see the carpet samples as we’re waiting for Alec from the refurb group to bring them for us to choose from.
This weekend we need to remove everything from the office on Saturday (29th) and after exam (on Sunday 30th) May, into the proj box.
We’re intending to:
get rid of the 3 desks and 2 shelving units.
keep the shelves on the corridor wall for now.
move network into the roof temporarily.
Move the server rack to H0.36, which we’ll have sole access to.
Need plenty of manpower to move stuff through.
(Ed had his wallet delivered by courier after losing it earlier).
Refurb itself:
Windows to be removed, fake wall with plumbing to 2nd toilet to be removed, water cooler, sink and boiling water dispenser to be added to office side of toilet wall.
~928mm work surface to go on that wall – fridges to go below it. ~730mm high work surface on other two walls. (L3 and corridor walls).
Estates to refurb toilet suite itself.

4. Mailing lists
Qproj mailing list still needs cleaning-up (ie: having non-members removing). IT, Tech and FoH have been done.
The revived alumni list is up but has not yet been populated. Andy is hoping to get info to the facebook alumni group about the alumni listing.
Fergus has asked that all posts to/on lists are kept relevant and on topic – there have recently been emails not aiding conversations on several of the mailing lists.
Several of the listings have also had quite a lot of aggressive emails being sent to them recently – please remember that we’re all volunteers and don’t deserve attacking, especially whilst people are in exam-stress mode.

5. Card readers on doors
Everyone seems to be in agreement about wanting card readers on the proj box and exec office doors. Nolonger enough exec members present to vote on corridor door.
(Tim returns at 7:26pm after the projectionist turned up to show at 7:23pm)
Keeping key to corridor door prevents risk or random people getting into the corridor and so nowhere near exec/proj.
If have card on corridor door, don’t need key agreement, many less keys so fewer key agreements/issues getting all keys back from graduands.
3 locations possible for the reader (behind plasterboard, mounted outside with cable inaccessible, or next to glass window in proj box).
Vote on whether or not to pursue having a card reader on the corridor door: 1 for, 5 against.

6. Qualification Ratifications
Owen did a proj qualification at “A Single Man” and the proj committee present at the screening were unanimous in favour of his qualification.
Exec ratification: 6 in favour, 0 against.
Veronika did a DM qualification at “Ponyo” and the DM committee present at the screening were unanimous in favour of her qualification as a new DM with a few key things to look at during her next few shows.
Exec ratification: 5 in favour; 1 against.
(Fergus leaves)
Fergus did a proj qualification at “Invictus” and the proj committee present at the screening were unanimous in favour of his qualification.
Exec ratification: 5 in favour, 0 against.
(Fergus returns)

7. Touch screen tills
DM committee have voted in favour of purchasing further touch screen overlays for the tills (~£55 each) for the tills, having been trialling Andy’s prototype for the past few weeks on the newer EPOS skin created by Ed.
Vote on purchase of three such overlays: 6 in favour, 0 against.

8. Constitution
Fergus will look at updating the constitution (changing outdated elements and tweaking other sections) prior to forwarding these proposed changes to the exec. Further discussion will then occur on exec prior to finalisation in advance of the next academic year.

9. Time & Date of Next Meeting
It was agreed not to have the next exec meeting before the end of the academic year. Outdoor screening discussions will continue on listings.

10. AOB
i) Ticket prices for next year:
Rob proposes to keep all prices as per the 2009/10 academic year for the 2010/11 academic year.
Ed proposed possibly offering a discount to all those members who purchase memberships and 5-Film passes at the societies fair.
Vote to keep everything as it was: 6 in favour, 0 against.
ii) Rob asked where/when the publicity for outdoor screening was going to be done, since our printer will be out of action after the weekend due to exec office clear-out.
Debate ensued as to whether or not we should be trying to take one of the printers to H0.36 with everything else. Ed will enquire with IT, as to whether or not it’s possible.
iii) Rob asked whether we’re going to have any advertising in the booklet for the “Getting Involved Meeting”. It was decided to provisionally set the Getting Involved Meeting for Monday Week 3, and if this can be confirmed in time, this should go in the Autumn term booklets.
(It has since been noted that the 'Getting Involved Meeting' was held on Monday Week 2 in 2009 Autumn Term, so we shall aim to do this again in Autumn 2010)
iv) Related to the previous point, Rob asked about the stall for the Socieites Fair and if we knew anything about it. Fergus to contact James Hall and inquire.
v) Rob asked about ‘Coming-Up Weekend’. Fergus stated that he isn’t going to be here. Fergus to speak to Jackie Smyth (SU Marketing Manager) about both getting our booklet in the freshers’ packs and booking a stall for the coming-up weekend.
vi) It has been proposed that only those with key access are to be permitted to do private work in the exec office or proj box.
6 in favour, 0 against.
vii) If former committee members decide to resume roles in WSC then they may be permitted to resume as a trainee in the relevant role.
Vote on the above point: 6 in favour, 0 against.
viii) Tim raised the issue of the need for new lamps (the one in P2 appears to be flickering). Was proposed to buy two (one for each projector) at ~£400 each.
Vote on spending ~£800 on new lamps: 6 in favour, 0 against.
ix) Tim raised the proposition of purchasing a new gate for P2 (or just the relevant components) with a cost of up to £500 in total.
Vote on spending up to ~£500 on this: 6 in favour, 0 against.
x) Tim would like the snaps document (on the website) to be sent on to Matt as it is unavailable. Ed will forward this on to Matt once he has found it in the projectionists’ area (it’s not currently available on “/files”).
xi) For purchases being made during the office refurb in September, we will have problems to authorise individual/overall purchases during the exec office “rebuild” in September. When we want to make purchases, items will be posted to exec listing prior to purchase for quick approval/denial.
xii) Ed is meeting with Dan Connolly from the Students’ Union IT department tomorrow to discuss various aspects of what more the union can do for societies on the IT front. Suggestions for Ed to relay were welcomed.
xiii) Ed has asked if the society can pay for people to be bought food if they’re helping out for a prolonged period during the clear-out of the exec office and outdoor screening.
Vote on society paying for half price Dominos pizza for an order after the screening of Exam. 5 in favour, 0 against, 1 abstention.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.

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