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Exec Meeting @ 2010-05-05 18:05:00

Meeting Minutes 5th May 2010 - This message will self-destruct within days...
Meeting commenced: 18:05

1) Welcome and apologies for absence

· Present: Fergus Cooper, Sophie Carroll, Nikita Shah, Owen Rye, Robert Gardner, Linas Trumpickas, Tim Bradley, Edward McCutcheon

· In attendance: Andrew Maddison (for input on point 2)

· Apologies were received from Matthew Breeze

2) Outdoor screening

· Tim reported that Panda (speakers, cables etc) require a deposit of £200 in addition to 25% of the total costs up front. This comes to a total of £349.47.

· Future Projections (projector, screen, cooling system, lenses) require 50% of the total price to confirm the booking. This deposit comes to £1158.50. The total cost (£2317) must be paid before collection.

· The van and generator remain to be booked. Andrew Maddison reported that there is a slim chance of borrowing a generator at no cost. Otherwise one could be booked from HSS with a 50% discount.

· The timing for collection of equipment needs to be confirmed, but can be decided closer to the date. The current plan is to pick up from Panda on Monday and Future Projections on Tuesday.

· Tocil field has been booked. Although it has now been seeded, there is not much grass. The Maths & Stats field is a backup. Fergus will check the likelihood of Tocil field being ready in time.

· Society members will have a further chance to buy outdoor screening shirts, which have not been ordered yet.

3) Autumn term schedule

· Owen enquired whether the exec were happy to have Green Zone and I Love You Phillip Morris as two free screenings at the start of term. The consensus was yes.

· Owen reported that Warwick STAR and Philsoc have approached us for joint events. The actual slots are to be confirmed.

· Owen reminded those present that the programming meeting is to be held on Wednesday 12th.

4) Coloured shirts

· Rob has a purple filmsoc shirt, which was deemed as controversial and was buying these shirts was banned by the exec two years ago.

· Various people are of the opinion that souvenir and casually worn shirts should be of any colour. It was proposed that clothing of any colour could be bought provided only black is worn at screenings and that all free or subsidised clothing be black. This was taken to a vote.

* Vote: For: 6 Against: 0 Abstentions: 2 Motion passed

5) L3 refurbishment update

· After a refurb meeting this afternoon, Fergus was able to report that permission has been given for LCD screens outside L3. Large numbers of other cosmetic alterations to the concourse are also planned.

· Fergus has seen a step edge lighting unit. It is reputed to be identical to those used in Cineworld, however seemed quite bright. The viewing angle does, however, reduce the impact to those watching the film.

· Windows will be put in the entrance doors to L3. These would be 2 or 3 15x15cm windows and affects the disabled access door and the two sets of doors on the b2.0 level. It was remarked that this is not ideal as the corridor lights will only shut off after 5 minutes of inactivity.

· The secretary is to find out about booking L3 for next year and will email the previous secretary for more information. It was noted that L3 should be booked for as early as possible on week days and all day on weekends.

· There will be a type 3 asbestos test in L3 on the weekends of Wolfman and Hot Fuzz. There will be no access to L3 from 8am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday of both weekends.

· The head of estates was shocked that we have a toilet. Estates would pay to have the toilet brought up to standards and would have it added to the rota to be cleaned. It was noted that this may be problematic.

· Andrew Maddison would draw up additional refurbishment plans with Fergus. These plans would try and maximise the use of space in the exec office. It was noted that the refurb of L3 offers an excellent opportunity for this. The figure of £5,000 seemed acceptable to most of those present.

· The refurb group would prefer if we did not have access to L3 during the works, but will provide us with storage space for items needed at the outdoor screening.

6) Mailing lists and forums

· The mailing list cleanup was stalled after objections that removing some, including Rich Clark who has extensive society knowledge, would put the society in trouble. Fergus emailed Rich who said the plan to remove him from the mailing list was fine.

· The cleanup would go ahead forthwith, since the Exec seem happy with Fergus’s draft email.

· The current plan: Reinstate the alumni mailing list. This would be updated frequently with information about the society. Ed reported that the alumni mailing list is already set up and that the non-members removed from other lists can be added to alumni if their email addresses are sent to the IT officer.

· Ed expressed concerns about the alumni list remaining un-moderated. This concern was not, in general, echoed by others present, and it was decided only to impose moderation if there became a need for it.

· Certain exec members would be added to alumni to send designated emails and to keep an eye on the list.

· Tim reported that he was happy for trainee projectionists to be on the tech mailing list. Rob reminded those present that only qualified projectionists may be on the tech committee.

· The need for an annual clean up was discussed. This would be the Sunday of week 4 in term one. This would include more than just mailing lists.

· Ed raised the point that IT officer should be kept on the tech mailing list. This would be useful as the IT officer is involved in issues such as the data projector.

· Ed raised whether the forums should be included in the cleanup. Fergus is against removing non members from the forums. A vote on removing people from forums was called.

* Vote: For: 0 Against: 6 Abstentions: 2 Motion defeated

7) Life support training

· After discussion at the last DM meeting, Ed is now qualified to teach a bare bones life support course. Skills would include CPR, electrocution, choking etc. The cost would be £7.50 per person.

· It was proposed that the society pays for those taking the qualification, and that a bottle of wine be bought for the examiner, who does not get paid.

* Vote: For: 7 Against: 0 Abstentions: 1 Motion passed

· Ed brought forward a point put to the previous exec: to buy two pocket masks for more effective and safe CPR.

* Vote: For: 4 Against: 0 Abstentions: 4 Motion passed

8) Card readers on doors

· Discussion was raised as to whether we would put a reader on the corridor door, or limit card access to exec office and proj box.

· The general consensus was to keep keys for the corridor but implement card access for our two doors. This was partially decided on the basis that time constraints make it difficult to do in tandem with the refurbishment of L3.

· Benefits of the card reader system were mentioned and included requiring fewer keys (which may get lost) and a much easier ability to add / remove access for crew members.

9) Time and date of next meeting

· Will be organised by email as needed

10) AOB

· Collection of empire magazines: The society shall keep two years’ worth. Tim will remove the other Empires.

· It was noted that there are items under the floor in the proj box which could be removed. 16mm projectors were cited as unnecessary now. It was decided that further discussion was required within the technical committee.

· Screens outside L3: We have been given permission from the Estates to put up LCD screens outside L3. It was reported that the poster boards would be removed. The cost per screen is estimated at £400-500. It is proposed that cables would run into the L4/5 booth or through the ceiling to the proj box. The possibility of clear plastic protection for the screens to stop vandalism was discussed.

· BFFS awards: Rob thinks we should start thinking about submissions. Submission information is not on their website yet. Rob reported that our membership normally expires just before the awards. Fergus will look in the finance office to find the cheque for BFFS membership.

· Tim likes Fergus’ new beard.

· It was reported in the boar that the Union have proposed a change to the membership structure which could cost WSC ~ £6000 a year. Fergus reported that in an email to him, James Hall (societies officer) has given an assurance that this will not happen.

· Digital projection fund: Fergus requested that we set up a new account entitled “Digital Projection Fund”. We would put all our money bar perhaps £10,000 into this account so as to make the reasons for our large amount of money more transparent. Having spoken to Future Projections, Tim has estimated the cost of digital projection at £65,000.

Meeting adjourned: 20:09

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