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Exec Meeting @ 2010-01-20 14:40:00

Present: Mat, Gaby, Owen, James, Vicky, Nikita, Rob, Ben, Matt B

1. Welcome and Apologies
· Mat welcomed everyone to the meeting
· There were no apologies

2. Sponsored event
· Copper rooms is unavailable, Atrium isn’t bookable, Socs space is out of action – therefore only available place is Science Concourse
· The casino organising company that Mat has contacted haven’t responded – we could try some others
· The casino could be in one of the double rooms on the concourse (B2.02 is free currently from 9pm)
· We’re thinking of not offering free food this time, as it will be too messy. However, we’ll still give out drinks after the film.
· The drinks will be through Warwick Hospitality.
· Prize Budget of £150-ish
· Send out an e-mail about the event on the weekend before it.

3. AllNighter
· Running order – UP (Quiz), Big Lebowski (Qualifications & Handover), Zombieland, (Quiz Answers & Raffle) Mystery, (2 Shorts) Anchorman (2 shorts), Matrix
· Stall needs to be booked soon (Atrium is popular but might be an issue with power cable; other possibility is SUHQ)
· Prizes – (Quiz) 1. £40 IMAX vouchers 2. Film guide of the last decade 3. DVDs 4.+5. 5-film pass
· Prizes – (Raffle) 1. 12 month Lovefilm subscription (Unlimited) 2. £40 IMAX vouchers 3. DVD boxed set
· Vote: For prizes to be as above: Yes – unanimous

4. Summer Term Schedule
· Refurb scheduled to start the 30th May
· Our schedule will therefore run for 5 weeks, with 6 shows in each week (that includes a show every Saturday).
· The PM will be on Wednesday, week 4, at 5pm.

5. Annual General Meeting
· The AGM will be on Monday, 8th Feb (week 5).
· Nomination for Exec positions to open today (20th Jan 2010).
· Close nominations: Wednesday, week 4 (3rd Feb) at 6pm.
· Gaby will be the returning officer.
· The order will be: President’s speech, Treasurer’s speech, Elections
· Vote: For details as laid out above: Yes – unanimous

6. Outdoor Screening
· We might not be able to get into L3 to get our equipment due to the refurbishment, but we can store everything in dump.
· We might not be able to do the Outdoor screening, if we don't have a Tech officer – will see at joint exec meeting.
· All the projectionists might be able to get together and organise the Outdoor screening.
· Film to be discussed at joint meeting.

7. First Aid Provision
· Request for pocket masks for CPR
· Reasons for: If there are any qualified first aiders, these could come in useful
· Reasons against: DMs are not qualified, therefore they might not be confident in using the masks; there is no immediate need for them (based on evidence from the past decade)
· Vote: For pocket masks: Yes – 1 , No – 6, Abstain – 2

8. L3 Refurbishment
· Refurb scheduled to start the 30th May
· Final meeting between affected parties should be in late Jan, early Feb.

9. Pre-film Slideshow
· Owen showed us the new slides that he’s designed. They were discussed and any changes proposed were made.

(Ben leaves)

10. SU Poster Cabinets
· SU don’t want static poster boards – they want something more technological.
· If we had static boards, we’d need to pay for and maintain them.
· The SU are thinking of getting large digital posterboards and TVs .
· We can get a spot on the SU’s digital posterboards and show PowerPpoint slides for a termly fee (it is as yet unknown how much that would be).
· Matt B enquired whether we could we get two digital posterboards ourselves (in addition to the SU’s).
· Static poster cabinets wouldn’t be such a good idea, as we’re not getting enough posters.
· The SU have said that we can only have one or the other, i.e. either static boards or use their digital ones.
· It was suggested that we should look into getting a digital posterboard for the area outside L3.

11. Pandora’s Pizza Box
· Pizza should be available just to publicity runs – any other action is that team doing what they are supposed to do.
· Anyone can come on publicity runs, so there is no equal opportunities issue there.
· Exec will consider each request separately, as not all publicity runs need pizza.

12. Date of Next Meeting
· Monday, week 4 (1st Feb)

13. AOB
· Selling of Associate Memberships – IT are dealing with it, but it has been established that these should not be sold and therefore the yellow box will be changed/removed for the time being.
· Owen and Marcus are currently recruiting a new Reviews Editor.
· Owen put forward Marcus Kelly for Lifetime Crew Status.
· Vote: For Lifetime Crew Status For Marcus Kelly: Yes – unanimous
· Vicky proposed Sarah Vermeulen for Lifetime Crew Status.
· Vote: For Lifetime Crew Status For Sarah Vermeulen: Yes – unanimous
· In relation to the ‘new’ booklet (new, in that it is now printed on 50% recycled paper and with a different gloss finish) – Owen is happy with the booklet and sees no reason to change it (in terms of paper quality).
· Mat should enquire whether KPMG would like to sponsor us again.

Meeting adjourned: 18:05

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