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IT Meeting @ 2010-02-17 19:55:01

IT Meeting Minutes 17th Feb 2010
Meeting Start: 19:00

1) Welcome and Apologies

Present: Ben, Ed, Owen, Fergus, Alex, Sam, Chris, Tim, Rachel, Andy, Martin, Adam, Bernard
Apologies: Matt (arrived just after starting)

2)Dump Clearout
•This weekend – possibly this Sunday snaps test therefore people around
•Make sure name of film are facing the correct way round

3)Recent Server Upsets
•Tim doesn’t know what has happened we don’t know what at the moment
•Email today is nothing important

4)Existing Website Programming and Updates
•Ed has put an online clothing order script
•Is it possible for someone else to program an ilight script before the AllNighter – Ed is unable to do this. Is Tim able to do this – probably not
•Suggested that we just enable it on the night
•Ed will try and code something tonight – if not then backup plan mentioned above
•Need to do a better finale – though the main body of the show has been created
•Are we doing the vampire week lighting there is enough time to do a simple “show”
oStarts Tuesday week 8 – discuss later (forums or emails)

Handover – exchanged keys – Fergus writing documentation

6)Practical Session
oTim suggested it would be good to have a session with the servers- those interested to learn about the servers should be present – those interested Chris, Sam, Fergus, Adam, Ed
oWhen is a good time for Tim
oNo use of screen but a lot of people in the proj. Box – 3rd march Wednesday afternoon week 8 – no snaps test on Wednesday
oAre we allowed more than the 5 people allowed – a lot of it is done on large screen therefore no size limit
b.Exec Office
•Clear out of exec office
oSome of it is Andy’s
oSuggested date Sunday 28th Feb
o 14:00 or 15:00 leaving before the Sunday showing
oNo objections to this date

7)A3 Printer
•Got an A3 colour printer from “unknown location” and we think we may be able to fix it.
•Have won a bid for memory off of ebay
•Owen asked whether it would be ready for Saturday and therefore be ready for publicity printing – is a bodge available for Saturday – try printing the publicity that has already been created – and see if it prints however requires paper.
•If not leave it until the AllNighter weekend to
•Not in an appropriate place – however no other place can be suggested
•This will make other obsolete – will get rid of these once A3 one is working efficiently

8)Slideshow computer Screen
•Currently got a 4:3 screen – therefore everything wrong sized
•Just under £100 and therefore is it worth buying it due to supporting the correct resolution
•No issue with proj.
•18” or 19” therefore so shouldn’t
•Large cost for something cosmetic – but if used a lot would it be worth it?
•Video advertising - Pentium 4 1.7GHz may be worth
•Put on hold for now depending on the situation
•AllNighter video sent to us in mpeg format therefore VLC can only play this – maybe worth borrowing one for the night to make things easier

9)Screen outside L3
•Would be used for advertising both University and us during the day and for video
•Refurb meeting next week and will be tied in with that and hospitality will get free us of the screen
•It is not worth having it mounted from a wall of a ceiling – it would be right against a wall but mounted from the ceiling
•Could make money from this with video advertisement and it would not breach contracts with sponsor – it would also not interrupt
•Insurance issue – if on inventory it would be covered but need to state that it is on the concourse
•Need to wait for the refurb meeting to get a yes or no
•Someone needs to look at a range of screens – emailing suggestions – Matt Breeze may have look into this before
•Need to measure between ceiling and doorframe – as people need to gain access to the booth.
•Alex will look into this and discuss it with The Breeze – and email IT

10)Emails to Reviewers
•On the election night it was noted that getting more people involved socials is high on the agenda
•Most reviewers on the website don’t get emails about socials
•Sophie has suggested about emailing everyone that reviews for the society receives email for the society, however if this is done will publicity “people” that are a members of crew get this email twice?
•When sending out the email – instead of sending to crew could change the way we send the emails as these reviewers are on the publicity emailing list so we could do a crew+publicity email

11)AllNighter Tickets
•Ed has created this – so no longer a point

•Update - trying to find a thinner cable to put through the laptop so that the casing fits together – has lost a reel of rubber that covers exposed wires – needs to find this before it can be finished
•Is there a working prototype so that the new EPOS can be tested
•Can we have a member of IT team to steward so that they can test this – Adam already has done so

13) New Website
•Superclass – done to a point where it could be used – will be put onto bzr tonight
•The website current look has not been changed since last week
•Andy setsup comp. and projector to show everyone
•Remove pricing – and can just put “free screening”
•Changes from last time –
oRemoved RSS and Home
oAdded Sponsors logo, SU links
•WSC around the logo cannot not happen because it cannot be read
•Fergus - Toolbar at the top more colourful – for example make the theme black and gold so like everything else to do with the current cinemas design
•Quickly create one that
oIs it possible to make Warwick the same size to
oChange of colour to the black and gold
•Suggestion for the film reel idea
•Vote of doing the top bar as a film reel –

14) Next Meeting – Date and Location
•Meeting in the snug – too loud, no projector access
•Date will be discussed at the server practical on the 3rd March

10) AOB
•Sort out deluxe so that it is refreshed
oAt the moment had got 8 HDD?
oDeluxe is the files server – plan to change it so that is it sharing is drivers and therefore directly accessible by the new servers
oTherefore need to take what is on it off and then re-configure and then re-install all this stuff
oHowever all publicity is on it therefore need a useful date from them
oDo we just keep the 1TB drive and get rid of the others? we don’t need more disk space – using approx 200GB
oProbably done with just a couple of hours of downtime
oTo be discussed between Tim, Chris and Adam
•Offsite backup
oDon’t currently have one
oTo be discussed on the forums
•Server monitoring – on call rota
oIT services will not want to change the number every year
oBen to look into it

Meeting finish: 18:40

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