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Exec Meeting @ 2010-02-04 19:49:56

IT Meeting Minutes 4th February 2010
Meeting Start: 19:18

1) Welcome and Apologies

Present: Ben, Tim, Ed, Chris, Andy, Adam, Matt (arrived 19:27)
Apologies: Martin, Rachel, no apologies from Bernard

2) Touch screen
•Fixed soldering iron and having another go
•Order more? – no waiting for the time being, until the system is operational and can be tested

a) Sponsored Event ticket
b) New Design
•Version 2.5.0
•New interface, but not for DM override
•Otherwise no new features
(Tim ran out of room 19:27)

4) ilight
•Q-proj used ilight during snaps test, however during Tuesdays the Q-Proj that used this feature used an iphone to log in onto the website, an auto login feature logged onto the ilight application, interrupting the showing
•We should have a way to terminate the sequence before reactivating the feature
•Fixing – time stamp
•Going to be re-enabled at the Allnighter and then deactivated again if the programming hasn’t been sorted beforehand.
•Ed will look into this new programming

5) Website Design
•Asked Matt what peoples thoughts and comments were on the design
•Image size on the homepage needs to be decided – this is a publicity discussion
•Matt reported that the current design was liked (metallic effect and button designs)
•RSS feed needs to be changed for another icon

6) Superclass
•It’s getting there, will hopefully be completed by next week

7) Slideshow Computer
•Already running at 7 o’clock
•Mouse pointer no longer in the middle of the screen while running slideshow and KPMG video – now sorted
•Fully working

8) Network Cabling to Concourse
•Working at the moment, wifi is set to restart each time admin needs to login and change the setting
•Run a new network cable across – however may get disconnected from time to time
•Need someone small - volunteers?

9) DMX Cable
•No way at the moment of running a cable from the console
•Run a permanent one to the lights themselves
•Use a laptop with a wireless connection and remote access
•Temporary wiring
•Set up the Jester – control with the Masterpiece
•Report back – after Donnie darko
•Can shutdown remotely however the fans still run until power is cut
•Shut down manually

10) LCD Screen Outside L3
•Means posters and film trailers can be shown all day for advertising
•Can we afford it – approx £1k
•Need screen, fixing, computer
•Insurance against damages - Ed
•Casing for protection
•Will the university agree to it? – enhance conference possibilities
•Andy will find out if the university will agree to it

11) AOB
•Would filmsoc like a colour A3 Laser printer
•Has a random fault that it doesn’t print PDF (from time to time)
•Cost – probably none due to the cost of disposal
•Where will it be kept
•Mailing list issue – we were using the old members table reminders are run using this members table – using the wrong ID – issue also seen while voting on the new schedule

12) Next Meeting
•Possibly Thursday – Ask Vicky when she is free

Meeting finish: 20:18

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