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Exec Meeting @ 2009-11-17 19:30:00

Exec meeting – 17th Nov 09
Start: 7.30pm
Present: Mat, Gaby, Nikita, James, Rob, Owen, Vicky, Matt B
Apologies: Ben

1. Welcome and Apologies
• Mat welcomed everyone to the meeting
• Ben sent in apologies

2. AllNighter
• The stall is sorted – we’ll be opposite Xananas and have been told that we can get a table from underneath the stairs
• Qualification prizes – Sarah, Amy, Owen, Janis, Gaby, Sam – chocolate – needs to be bought.
• James said that we’ve been given permission to have cold food and drink inside L3.
• We are not sure as yet, whether Warwick Volunteers Doughnut will be selling doughnuts at the event
• Quiz and Raffle prizes – Gaby has got all of them, bar one
• Matt B is going to Costco, so he can get food & canned drinks – the Exec have decided on a budget of £40
• At the end of the AllNighter we can give out the posters we have accumulated

3. Spring Term publicity
• Publicity is going well so far
• Aaron (Titles Co-ordinator) has dropped out of university, so the position is once again unfilled
• Owen said that there is no point in trying to find a replacement for Sam, as the titles for next term have been done and there will be the general elections next term, anyways
• Emmersons have sent us some samples of their ‘green’ options for publicity
• A bio-degradable laminate – will add an extra £140 to our normal order – everyone at meeting in favour of getting it
• Recycled paper – we had 3 samples with different content of recycled paper(50%, 75%, 100%)
• After a brief discussion, the Exec decided that booklets A2s could be printed on 50% recycled paper
• A4s could be printed on 100% recycled paper
• Owen will get a quote for next term’s order with the above options and the Exec will make a final decision then
• We’ll include the FSC logo and recycle logos in booklet.
• It was mentioned that the KPMG advert on the back for the advert was getting a bit old, so it was suggested that we try and get a new one

4. Ratification
• Sam qualified at the showing of Anvil – Vote: to ratify Sam – unanimous

5. Keys
• There aren’t enough proj box keys
• Mat will do inventory of keys and try to reclaim some keys that should’ve been returned at the end of last term
• If we need new keys we can get them cut ourselves or through Estates. If we go via the second option, we should find out how long it’ll take them to get the keys done, as we’ll definitely need some more next term.
• Security thinks we have 7 L3 keys. Apparently we used to have L3 keys, but they went back to Amanda, who should have given them back to whoever lent them to her.

6. Date of Next Meeting
• Monday, week 10 – Vote: 7 Abstain: 1

7. AOB
• We’ve run out of water for the water dispenser in the Exec office – Andy knows and is dealing with it
• It was suggested that for the next sponsored event we do a Casino night, as it will tie in with the film and may be quite popular. We can look into it.
• James proposed that Jeffrey be given Lifetime Crew Status – Vote: for – unanimous
• Some of the films have started arriving in cardboard boxes and some projectionists find it difficult to carry them up the stairs. It was suggested that we ask the L3 refurb people whether we could get a lift or a ‘dumb waiter’ installed when the refurbishment is taking place.

End: 21.05

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