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Exec Meeting @ 2006-10-14 19:00:00


Michelle F (Secretary), James E (President), Rachel C (Chief Proj.), Victoria G (Publicity), James C (Films Officer), Matt P (IT Officer), James M (Chief DM), Rob G (Treasurer), Martin Mee (Tech.), Nick M(Crew member)

2. Deloitte Event + Get to know your sponsor

Rob needs to get a price for the actual film but everything else is under control.

The Exec has been invited to a sponsors meeting with Deloitte in B'ham next Friday. Victoria may go but the rest of the exec have previous commitments or need to work the show – this was a very bad time for them to pick.

The event will start at the usual 7.30pm and Deloitte shall be advertising that doors open at 7.15pm.

3. AllNighter

This item was actually moved down the agenda as James C had to arrive late. However we now have 4 films confirmed and will be sorting out a mystery. The proposed running order is:-


You, Me and Dupree




We have also been given some student made shorts that we will be watching to see if they are suitable.

Victoria shall be making the publicity this week but will need help especially with distribution.

4. Treasurer's Report and Budgeting

It is impossible to give an account balance as the Union accounts are broken and showing £0 for all societies. Rob has discussed the new Union system with the Union officers as it does not function as we need. They are currently looking into options such as:-

- creating our own cost centre like WSAG and One World Week

- transforming all of our accounts to be grant accounts but not repayable to the Union

We all prefer option 2 and will await further info from AJ (FDSO)

Ticket sales and income this term from EPOS and paperwork are as follows:-

Sales - £1115

Tickets - £1240

Other expenditure - £3,000

We currently have just under 500 members. Overall we are concerned at the poor performance this term which can be attributed to many factors such as:-

- the late publicity from Emmersons

- The appearance of the Alternative Film Society

- The new DVD machine in the Union

- Cheap tickets at the Arts Centre


Idea to increase attendance and awareness of us have been contributed:-

"Warwick's Fav. Films" – a HUGE 30th b'day celebration vote across campus. Publicity would need to hit everywhere through radio, posters, newspapers, magazines etc etc. Everyone would vote for their fav. Film on a special website or website page and we would announce and schedule the best ones next term in a special week of fun.

Increase our advertising to staff via staff websites and Communicate.

Approach the alternative film society and try and work with them rather than be in competition to each other – Michelle has been asked to undertake this task.

5. Other Societies

People & Planet – Constant Gardener agreement is to be written this week by Michelle, they are very happy with arrangements and will be splitting costs and takings with us on a 50:50 basis.

LipSoc – no response

International summit – no response. Michelle is chasing these once more for an answer either way but we feel they may have been put off by the cost involved.

Pride – the movement of Pride week leaves us only able to accept that Pride will do all they can to publicise relevant films.

WTV – this has still not progressed as James E has been unable to arrange a meeting.

6) Socials

Socials page needs updating and Michelle is looking into Xmas meal venues. Nobody has yet contributed an idea for this or a week 6 social.

The Bar crawl shall be next Monday at 7.30 – info to be sent out.

30th anniversary celebrations for term 2 need to progress and it seems pretty much the consensus that we wish to have two events. One for the alumni/crew and one for all members linked to the " Warwick's Fav. Film" idea. Any suggestions welcome. Michelle already has lots of alumni interested.

We need to pursue Deloitte to get a figure regarding what they are willing to contribute.

7. Appendix amendments

James E has postponed this until the next meeting.

8. AOB

EPM will be Mon Week 5 at 7pm

Screenshots who have sent us the possible AllNighter shorts are having a film event in Bristol which we are going to look into attending in March as it is very cheap and involves a beer and film festival. Michelle is finding out more details.

BFFS autumn viewings is happening in Bristol at beginning of December. Victoria to sort out some people to attend.

Meeting closed 9pm (120 mins)

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