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Exec Meeting @ 2009-10-27 19:00:46

Exec meeting 27.10.09

Start 7pm

Present: Mat, James, Owen, Matt B, Ben , Rob, Gaby

Apologies: Vicky

1. Welcome and apologies
· Mat welcomed everyone to the meeting
· Mat wished ‘Get well soon’ to Vicky

2. Sponsored Event
· Skip ads and trailers – just leave the slides running longer and then play the KPMG video
· After KPMG video - put the lights up, Mat will make a speech, followed by the KPMG representatives making a speech
· The union have lent us a KPMG banner – where to put it up? Suggested across the desk at the front of L3, but objections to that, as there will be too much reflection, which will ruin the film – will put it on the balcony
· We’ll order Dominos for the crew to eat during the film : Vote: unanimous
· We’ve agreed with Union that the tickets will have two drinks vouchers on them for £2.50, but if a drink costs more than that, then the person has to pay the full price, as it will be easier and quicker for the bar staff
· It should be communicated to stewards that they should not rip the tickets, so that they don’t damage the drinks vouchers by accident
· The Quiz is written
· Prizes might not be here in time, so we’ll use the prizes that have been ordered for giving out at the AllNighter and then we’ll get the prizes for this event from somewhere else
· Gaby to ask Tim whether the tickets for the event are ready on the system
· Crew that have signed up on the rotas should stay in L3 to clear up after the film, while some Exec & other crew that are around should head over to Copper rooms to set up the quiz and tables. Some crew should also stay back in L3 to guide people towards the Copper rooms

3. AllNighter
· First prize for quiz to be Airsphering for two – Vote: For Airsphering to be first prize for the quiz - unanimous
· Second and third prizes for quiz – choice of DVD boxsets
· Fourth and fifth prize for quiz – 5-film pass with DVDs from BFFS
· Vote: For the above prizes - unanimous
· Prizes for raffle: 1st – PSP plus two games; 2nd movie cell; 3rd – is the leftover DVD – Vote – For the aforementioned to be prizes for the raffle: unanimous
· Where is the stall for selling tickets going to be? – we don’t know yet, but there is an area at the stairs in SU HQ, which we’ve seen being used before, so that could be a possibility
· Mat was approached by ‘Vitamin water’, suggesting that they could provide drinks and in return, we’d send them pictures of people enjoying the drink – Mat will look into whether they can send some for the AllNighter
· Keep the prices the same? (£7 members, £10 non-members, £12 external, £3 for crew) – Vote – To keep prices the same: unanimous

4. Next term’s schedule
· Voting has now closed
· Gaby to contact Pride about a joint event, as they approached us at the fairs during the first week

5. Joint event
· Mat will re-work the contracts for the joint events
· In the past there have been three ways of running joint events:
o Option 1 – they pay, they keep profits/absorb losses
o Option 2 – split cost 50:50 and split profit/loss 50:50
o Option 3 – we pay, we keep profits/losses
· Option 3 is open to abuse
· Option 1 is unlikely to be taken up by any society, as it would be too expensive for them
· Some of the terms which should be included in the contract – we should be mentioned in all their publicity; any money has to be exchanged in advance; we’ll give the society space in our booklet and we’ll staff the event
· Mat will put together the contracts and they will be discussed via the mailing lists

6. Publicity co-ordinating positions
· We’ve had a good response – 5 applicants for each position
· Owen summarised the applications and expressed his views
· The Exec then chose:
o Monita Mohan as Chief Editor: Vote – To ratify: unanimous
o Aaron Peake as Titles Co-ordinator: Vote – To ratify: unanimous
· Owen would like to bring back the role of Distribution Co-ordinator. It was decided that it would be better if there were more people sharing the job – three was said to be a good number. Owen will let the Publicity team know about the position.

7. Purchases
· Fridge – the fridge in the Exec office has ‘died’ and several members of crew have asked for a new one. Matt B has done some research and the cost of a new fridge will be approx. £250. Vote: For Matt B to go ahead with fridge research and buy one if it’s up to £250: unanimous
· Spools – Matt B has looked into the cost of buying new equipment. It will cost approx. £2,000 – Vote – For spending £2,000 on new proj equipment: yes 6, Abstain: 1
· Servers - New servers will make fixing website quicker/Website and mailing lists won’t go down as much/at all. Vote – To spend approx. £2,000 on new servers: unanimous.
· There was a discussion on whether we should be making such big purchases, taking into account that we’ll need to look for new sponsors soon. It was said that we could afford to do so.

8. SSE Training
· Don’t need to worry about the ‘Running Your Society’ and ‘Equal Opps’ courses, but will need someone to do the ‘First Aid’ course
· Owen is happy to do that

9. Date of next meeting
· Would be nice in week 6, but Ben and Matt B can’t be here for that
· Monday, week 7 set as provisional: Vote – For meeting to be provisionally set for Monday week 7: unanimous

10. AOB
· The new servers should be dropped off with Andy at his work place, instead of being dropped off at the union
· The old UPS has gone (this needed to be returned to the company that we bought the new UPS from, in order for us to keep the discount we got)
· Ben showed us some mock designs for a new EPOS system and the website

End: 9.50pm

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