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Publicity Meeting @ 2009-10-29 18:00:00

Publicity Meeting, 29th October 2009. 18:00.

Present: Omar Al Meary, Jeffrey Choi, Ian Chung, Greg Frame, Mat Gardner, Rob Jones (late), Simon Haley, Veronika Lipinska, Marcus Kelly, James McLachlan, George Marshall, Monita Mohan, Patrick Pilkington (late), Owen Rye.

1) Welcome and apologies

Owen welcomed those present to the first publicity meeting of the new academic year.
Apologies were received from Anushree Agarwal, Rob Gardner, Ben Lamb, and Aaron Peake.

2) Appointment of new Chief Editor and Titles Co-ordinator

Owen congratulated Monita and Aaron on their successful appointment as Chief Editor and Titles Co-ordinator, respectively.
At this point, Owen raised the recent development of three vacant positions as Distribution Co-ordinator. He described the role and reminded everyone that applications are currently being taken via email, with a deadline at 5pm on Monday week 6 (9th November). He asked if anyone present was interested in the roles, receiving no response. Veronika questioned the need for such roles, and she and Jeffrey continued to hold a small discussion about leadership. Owen concluded that the reprisal of these roles within the Publicity Team structure is a welcome addition, providing more opportunities for people to get involved.

(Mat leaves)

3) AllNighter publicity

Owen announced that there would be a publicity run on the weekend of 14th/15th November to distribute posters around halls and departments before the event later that week.
Owen said that he would design a variety of posters for the event.
Marcus noted that 3 of the reviews had already been submitted which pleased Owen.

4) Weekly publicity

Owen asked if anyone present would like to help design the weekly leaflets handed out at screenings.
Rob and Greg expressed interest and Owen arranged to speak with them immediately after the meeting about specifics.

5) Environmental policy

Owen described his recent efforts to reduce the environmental impact of WSC's publicity. This included monitoring of how much publicity has been recycled at the end of recent terms and reducing order volume in future according to these findings.
Owen proceeded to describe his recent communications with Emmersons Press about alternative options.
He described Emmersons' sustainable standards, and their affiliation with the FSC and PEFC. He described that we could reproduce the logos of these standards agencies onto the publicity, which was generally approved by those present.
Owen also described the biodegradable lacquer available for the laminate material, which would cost approximately £150 per term's order and was received with general approval.
He also described the possibility of using partially or wholly recycled paper and passed around blank samples of 50%, 75% and 100% recycled paper as supplied by Emmersons. Concern was raised about the likely quality of print on these materials, and Owen agreed, suggesting he contact Emmersons again to request for samples with print. Jeffrey suggested trying out the 75% recycled paper on our next order in order to gauge its quality and, depending on the outcome, stick with it, or change to 50% or 100% recycled accordingly. Owen decided that he would explore the matter further and consult Exec before confirming the specifics for next term's order with Emmersons.

(Veronika leaves)

6) Spring term publicity

Owen confirmed that we would be producing the usual set of publicity for next term: a booklet, an A2 poster and an A4 poster.
Owen and Marcus discussed and confirmed a reviews submission deadline as being by the end of week 7. Marcus will email out recruiting reviewers late in week 5 once Rob Gardner, the Films Officer, has been able to confirm the schedule as much as possible.
Owen outlined the procedure for graphics and titles acquisition, especially to those new to the process. Jeffrey suggested we raise the minimum number of graphics to be obtained, and Owen agreed: a new minimum number of 5 was established, with some exceptions where this is not possible (e.g. for older films). Owen specified that the deadline for graphics and titles submission would also be by the end of week 7, and so Jeffrey and Aaron will email out recruiting volunteers late in week 5 also.
The above deadlines will allow editing to get underway in week 8, with a prospective deadline of the end of week 9. This will allow proofing to take place over week 10 in time for the submission deadline at the end of week 10 (Friday 11th Dec). Owen noted that the submission deadline is flexible, but ideally we should aim to stick to it.

7) AOB

- Memberships: Owen stressed that anyone on the publicity team needs to be a fully paid-up member of WSC. This enables us to reward contributors with their free films on our members database, and also aids the society to remain financially viable.

Meeting adjourned 18:42

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