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Exec Meeting @ 2009-10-13 19:15:00

Exec meeting – 13th October 2009

Present: Mat, James, Vicky, Rob, Owen, Ben, Matt B, Gaby
Start: 7.20pm

1. Welcome and Apologies
· Mat welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the new academic year
· There were no apologies

2. Sponsored Event
· The Sponsored Event will take place on the 29th of October
· KPMG will send down representatives from their Nottingham office to give a talk before the film and to do a Q&A session afterwards
· At the BFFS awards, Mat, James and Owen were told that one of the Vice-presidents of the BFFS could come down and re-present the awards we won
· At the moment we don’t know whether that will happen, but Mat will chase them up
· For the food and drinks part:
o We could hire out Copper Room 1, but the terms and conditions are complicated
o An alternative is to hold this on the Concourse, but it will be messy and won’t look and feel as good
· Vote – to hold the food, drinks, quiz and KPMG Q&A session at the Copper Rooms: For - unanimous
· Is there a projector in Copper Room 1, so that Rob can do the quiz as a PowerPont presentation? – Gaby to talk to Lesley in Venue Booking
· Gaby also to e-mail Lesley about the number of tables and chairs we’ll require and to find out whether there is a microphone that we can use
· Prizes for quiz: a new PSP or an Xbox were suggested, but it was decided that those are not suitable prizes for teams. DVD Box sets were seen as the best alternative.
· The following will make up the prize fund: Rocky box set , British Film box set, Clint Eastwood box set, Coen Brothers Collection. Vote – for the above to be our prizes – unanimous
· Rob suggested asking KPMG to contribute 5 questions to the quiz about the company

3. AllNighter
· All the films are booked
· Running order: Transformers, [Quiz]Funny People,[Quiz answers and announcing new Projectionists and DMs] Coraline,[Raffle] Mystery film,[Shorts] Leon. Vote – for the above order: unanimous
· Prizes for quiz and raffle will be determined at a later Exec meeting
· Mat to contact film companies to see whether we can get some merchandise to hand out
· Owen asked Ben to repair the AllNighter link on the webpage to go onto this term’s AllNighter and not the one from Spring 08/09
· Owen will ask Marcus to send out an e-mail to the publicity team about writing reviews for the AllNIghter films. The e-mail should go out in weeks 3 or 4
· [“Screeching noise” James: Someone’s falling from a really tall building!!] <- had to leave this one in for the entertainment value J
· If we’d like to have an article in The Boar about the AllNighter, it would need to be handed in by week 4, to ensure it is published before the event

4. Spring Term Schedule
· The Suggestions page for next term is up and running, but votes are a bit slow to come in
· Mat to get a date for Sponsored Event in Spring Term
· Date for the PM – Wednesday, Week 4 – 5pm – Vote: to hold the PM on 28th October at 5pm: unanimous
· It was suggested that we could have themed weeks, where all the films we show will have something in common
· Gaby to contact MTW, Amnesty and Pride to see whether they would like to hold joint events
· Mat to e-mail James(Societies’ officer) to include this (i.e. possibility to hold joint events) in his weekly e-mail to all societies

5. Spring Term Publicity
· Publicity meeting to be held on Thursday, week 4 (29th October) to guarantee submission by Friday, week 10
· We will use the same means of publicity (i.e. booklets, A2 poster and A4 poster)
· Owen has enquired about using more environmentally-friendly publicity. There are two options: using a laminate (coating on all pages) that is recyclable and; using recycled paper.
· Using that will add about £600 to our publicity order (for each term)
· After a brief discussion it was decided that maybe the recyclable laminate is worth going for, but not the recycled paper, but a final decision will not be reached until we’ve seen samples of each of the two options
· Rob enquired whether we could get different colours for the booklets, rather than using the traditional colours associated with each term. It was said, that it may not be possible, due to the way the front pages were designed(the logo is connected to the colours, so it might not come out that well)

6. Getting Involved Meeting
· The meeting that was held on Monday 12th October went really well.

7. Treasurer Election
· Recap of what was said at last meeting – The election for treasurer to be held on Monday week 5; deadline for applications to be Wednesday week 4; replies from nominators to be in by Sunday week 4
· The above timeline will be followed, with the exception that the deadline for applications will now be Monday week 4, rather than Wednesday of that week. Also – replies from nominators to be in by 6pm on Sunday of week 4.
· Anyone who wants to run should be a member, as should the person nominating them
· Gaby to announce the elections ASAP, then deadlines as above
· Vote – For election to be carried out as above and Gaby being the returning officer: unanimous

8. Publicity Co-ordinating Positions
· We are currently without a Chief Editor and Titles Co-ordinator
· There was some interest from newcomers at the Getting Involved meeting
· Owen wants to open up the application process tomorrow and get the positions filled by the publicity meeting, which will be on the Thursday in week 4
· Deadline for applications: Monday week 4
· Vote – For the above to be carried out as described: unanimous

9. Purchases
· The Exec was asked to suggest any purchases that can be made. The following were suggested:
· Cue-dot maker
· Compressor (has already been bought)
· Laser colour printer (A3)
· 2 Servers – will be discussed at IT meeting
· New step-stool
· Film cans
· Film spools of various sizes
· Ventilation things (trunking??)
· Fridge
· Camera and Videocam

10. Mailing Lists
· The mailing lists were accidentally deleted at the start of term and have now been nearly reconstructed

11. Date of Next Meeting
· Tuesday week 4 was suggested, as it would be a good timing to fit in with publicity meeting (as we would need to ratify whoever is elected for the positions of Chief editor and Titles co-ordinator)– Vote – For next Exec meeting to be held on Tuesday of week 4: unanimous

12. AOB
· Exec memberships have been added, so the Exec now have Exec rights on the SU website
· We’ve been getting requests for ads with videos or just videos as ads. At the moment we can’t accommodate those, but we could do if we get a new compute/new software. To be discussed at IT meeting.
· The University will contact Mat in a couple of weeks about us attending a consultation about the L3 refurbishment that is scheduled to take place at the end of this academic year
· The plan is for the L3 refurb to start a couple of weeks early towards the end of the summer term, meaning that our schedule will be cut short
· Ben and Matt B won’t be around at the start of Week 6, due to course commitments
· No news on poster cabinets in the union

End: 22.02

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