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Exec Meeting @ 2009-06-24 19:00:00

Exec meeting 24th June 2009

1. Welcome and Apologies
- Mat welcomed everyone he meeting.
- Rob sent apologies for being late.

2. Autumn Term Schedule and Programming Meeting
- Schedule should be all finished with now – haven’t heard back from the Troys about any new changes
- Programming meeting – week not set, but will be on a Wednesday, due to L3 availability

3. Autumn Term Publicity
- Schedule for publicity for when things should happen is set
- Owen wanted to know the Exec’s recommended films:
Owen – Pulp Fiction
Vicky – Broken Embraces
Mat - Star Trek
James – The Wrestler
Gaby – The Ugly Truth
Rob – Inglorious Basterds
Matt B – Terminator
Ben – The Last King of Scotland
- Owen asked Ben whether we could have a website header with the many different film highlights (instead of just the next film) of next term for over the holidays

4. Sponsored Event
- The sponsored event will be Il Divo (Thursday, week 4)
- As per regular, there will be a quiz and pizza outside L3 after the film
- Other possible locations for the food were discussed – Chancellor’s suite mentioned, but there are problems with the timing of the event
- The Copper Rooms are another possibility – Gaby to check whether they are available

5. Autumn Term Socials
- Kayaking has been suggested as a social
- Socials in week 1 and 2 should be something for crew
- Social in week 4 should be suitable for new people and could be after the ‘Getting Involved’ meeting
- Kismet curry house in Leamington – Matt B said that they might give discounts to groups
- Other suggestions for socials included bowling and trips to The Electric

6. IT Issues
- P-drive (Publicity) and Z-drive (Exec) are down
- We need the P-drive back up from mid-July so that editors can access it in order to start putting the booklet together. Also, make sure that the remote desktop is fully functional, too, for the same reason as above.
- Is it worth looking into new servers? – The problems with the website problems started when we moved the website to ‘Miramax’ to upgrade the other servers. Ben to look at the price of new servers and to get back to the rest of the Exec.
- A lot of spam has been getting through lately – Ben will speak to IT team.

- Mat has spoken to Lucy – she is fairly confident that there will be no problems with us sending balance sheets to BFFS. Hence, we can go for full membership. Vote: To become full members of the BFFS – unanimous.
- The BFFS will be holding a Student Cinema Seminar – a couple of people from the Exec have expressed a desire to go and represent WSC at that.
- BFFS Awards deadline – 1st August
- What awards to go for? – Best Marketing (Vote: unanimous); Best Student Society or Best Society or both (Vote: below)
Best student society 0
Best society 0
Both 8 (unanimous)
Neither 0

8. Treasurer Election
- The next Treasurer election will be next term on Monday, week 5 (Vote on date: unanimous). This will be the last time we hold an election for Treasurer before the AGM.
- The election will be mentioned at the ‘Getting Involved’ meeting.
- Deadline for applications was discussed and the date of Wednesday, week 4 was chosen.

9. Summer Projects
- Mat mentioned a few projects he’d like to undertake over the summer. These are:
1. Updating the WSC Wikipedia page.
2. Getting rid of links on the page that don’t work.
3. Contacting the people in charge of L3 refurbishment to enquire about getting card readers in L3 (to replace keys).
4. Look into getting a new WSC banner.

10. Ratifications
(Gaby leaves)
- Gaby qualified as a DM at the early show of Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Vote to ratify Gaby’s qualification: unanimous.
(Gaby comes back)

11. AOB
- Deal with The Boar – they will put in something for us in the paper (a list of the week’s films was suggested and the WSC logo should be there, too, if possible) each week and we’ll give them a page in the Autumn booklet.
- The Boar will need to make a design for their page by 24th July.
- Gaby to enquire whether we can get an article in The Boar in the first week.
- The question of how to get more people involved was discussed. A ‘Get involved’ meeting is to be organised for sometime after the Societies’ Fair.
- Website – to update the website, everyone in charge of a section (i.e. Chief DM, Chief Proj, Publicity Officer) was asked to write a new blurb for their page. This is to be done by the end of the summer holiday.
- There will be a publicity run on coming-up weekend with free food for those that help out. The publicity will get delivered early September and can be distributed to pigeon holes before the coming-up weekend. Mat hasn’t heard back about putting booklets in freshers’ bags yet.
- It was mentioned that it gets too hot in the proj box – Matt B to look into various solutions.
- Ben suggested a collaboration between orchestra and film, i.e. silent movies, but L3 is too small to accommodate an orchestra.

End : 20.50

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