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Exec Meeting @ 2009-05-27 20:18:00

Present: Mat, James, Vicky, Owen, Matt B, Rob, Ben, Gaby

Start: 6pm

1. Welcome and apologies
- Mat welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- There were no apologies.

2. Autumn term schedule
- The schedule, as it stands currently, should be ok with the Troys.
- Warwick Pride have agreed to the joint event, even if it doesn’t fall within Pride week.
- The new publicity sign-up pages haven’t been added to the website yet. Owen asked for them to be up by week 8.

3. Outdoor screening
- Matt B asked about the progress of the BACS payment to ‘Future Projections’. A cheque has been posted to them.
- Various other payments might have already gone through.
- The union can’t provide any barriers, but the university says that we could have some of their orange plastic ones, but we’ll need to organise their transportation ourselves.
- How many orange barriers would we need? – James suggested that 50 should be enough.
- Insurance is all sorted out.
- Matt B to buy hazard tape, which we could use in the event of not having enough barriers.
- Clothing order has been submitted and we’re waiting for it.
- Food – it was decided that we should order pizza (half a large pizza per person). We’ll get drinks from Tesco.
- Andy is sorting out the van, which will cost approximately £200 (+VAT).

4. Societies’ awards
- These are to be held in week 8 or 9 according to an e-mail from Lucy (Societies’ officer).
- It was said that we should e-mail the rest of the crew to see who wants to come.
- Everyone should wear filmsoc clothing.

5. Next meeting
- It was decided that it would be better to have a meeting after the outdoor screening to sum up the year.
- Wednesday or Thursday are preferred.

6. AOB
- It was suggested that we should change the website (or have as a feature on the new one), so that website visitors can download the schedule straight to their gadgets’ calendar.
- Rob asked whether we know what we want in our poster cabinets, which are going to be in the new union building. After a brief discussion it was decided that we should aim for the following: at least 2 cabinets (with 3-4 preferred); at the very least backlit; and with a computer screen and a small PC inside, on which we cold run a slideshow. Mat is to find out about the power requirements and/or power specification of the cabinets.
- It was discussed whether we should put information about film screening on the SU schedule (and ‘The Bubble’ leaflet that is delivered to kitchens). We decided that we could do that for special events like the outdoor screening and the AllNighter, but not for every film we show.
- The keys situation – Mat had a phone call from Estates, requesting we send them the key we’d like further copies of. Mat did that, but hasn’t heard anything back.
- On the same note, it was said that we should collect the keys of crew that are going to graduate, before they leave. An e-mail is to be sent to them.
- It was mentioned that it might be worth pushing for an electronic system which could be installed during the L3 refurbishment, where we can use our university cards as keys. Mat to get in touch with the people in charge of refurbishing to see whether that’s something that could happen.
- Union hasn’t come back to us about our putting our booklets in the freshers’ packs.
- Plans for sponsored event for autumn – see whether it’s possible to hire out a room at the Union for the night of ‘Il Divo’, which is going to be our sponsored event. Gaby to get in touch with the union about that.

End: 6.45pm

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