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IT Meeting @ 2009-06-09 23:01:23

IT Meeting Minutes 18th May 2009
Meeting Start: 19:15

1) Welcome and Apologies

Present: Matt, Rachel, Martin, Pierre, Tim, Ben
Apologies: Andy

2) Current Website Status
• Website is now on Miramax instead of Deluxe, seems to be running ok, however Tim has fixed a few points e.g. installing .php libraries. The website was moved to allow Deluxe to be updated. CVS is still on Deluxe therefore to commit changes/update sections of the website there is a new update command.
• Discussion about putting the new publicity tabs on website. Requested by Owen in the Exec meeting, these were: Titles and Editing similar to the Graphics one created by Matt. New Publicity tab to only be seen by the Publicity Team.

3) Physical Network
• Server rack dusty – needs cleaning
• Moving items around e.g. caballing needs tidying
• Data on Strong moving to Dean, then Strong can be removed from the server rack
• Deluxe may as well stay as the files server as it can be upgraded with more HDD, does it stay under the floor? – to be discussed at a later date
• Purchase a new screen for server rack – thoughts are to dissemble one of the old laptops.
• Purchase a new serial server - problems need access - idea put on hold for the time being
• Network ports – adding more network ports around the proj. box and other areas ad the slideshow, music and video server are all networked.
• Better cable for entertainment server - needs to be close to the data projector – problem with USB to serial port connection – problem between server and projector (disconnection and reconnection)
• Entertainment server should stay in situ for the time being, however could possibly go under the floor at some point if easily accessible. For the entertainment server to go under the floor would require a hatch by the fire exit. – with network cabling to under the floor next to the hatch.

Most of the above points need investigating and will be dealt with in the practical session arranged later in the meeting.

4) UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)
APC website – have entered serial number of the model WSC has and is possible to get a discount. Only restriction is getting one the same spec. or better.
Our current model:
Model No.: SU3000RMINET
S/N: GS9944005088

Site recommends getting a new unit instead of battery replacement.
Needs to be researched.
There are 5 servers that are critical these must remain on as long as possible and 2 others would be useful/nice. Therefore WSC needs to look for a UPS with 8 output ports.
Approximation for the power usage of the servers was estimated at 100-150 watts each.
Thought of having 2 UPS or 1. Was mentioned that 1 UPS is better as everything would shut-down at the same time and re-boot at the same time, once the UPS power runs out.
Shut-down – When UPS is running low on power Sony will be configured to shut-down other servers.
Order of start-up – Configure Sony to start-up others
Possibility of having a ‘wait’ command on the start-up of servers so a config. on Sony isn’t necessary.
Questioned whether it cheaper to trade in with APC or buy through someone else.
Trading in could save £150-250 depending on cost of UPS. 12% saving.
APC – Model number: APC Smart TPS3000VA USB and Serial MR2U, 3000VA, 8 Outputs, 1 Larger Output > £846 discounted price (trade in saving of £179)
Need to be researched whether we can find a similar UPS and the costing and what software comes with this.

5) New Slideshow Computer
Andrew is investigating. A new PC would be able to have a Widescreen output and therefore no aspect changes would need to be made.
Discussion on whether to purchase a new computer to do more than the slide-show. Problems with software compatibility.
Leave with Andy for now.

6) New Website
Project management section:
Useful things here –
• Ideal to have a project management system, to-do list etc.
• Can visit roadmap – input milestones which means we can record what we want to do and by when, deadlines, makes progress reports etc.
• Could incorporate into the website therefore when a website problem occurs it is reported without being forgotten, via tickets.
• Would be able to track who achieves what and when.
• Therefore trac should be integrated into the website and therefore use the website login and therefore you shouldn’t have to login again.
• Tickets would allow for problems to be flagged, but how to stop hoaxes. Trail, likelihood that it will have a high number of reports in the beginning weeks which should hopefully die down. If not could always be removed.
• If we are going to use it we need to set milestones and deadlines.

Would be good if the forum was part of the website.
Logins are the same across the board.

Discussion on the mailing list – to work out milestones and what we want to achieve within a deadline.

Site Structure
What do we want on the website – discuss at another time

Feature List
We need to go through everything on the current website and work out where it will go on the new website and what we want to include and what we want to remove.

7) Website Discussion
Rachel and Martin left at 21:38, others continue to discuss the structure of the new website. Compare to the old website.
Visited http://wiki.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/PHP5_Migration to see what sections of the website there are.
Start by listing everything we need to do, then prioritising.
5 priority levels that correspond to milestones.
Currently 3 milestones set – e.g. Milestone 3.0 the time in which the new site can become live.
Show future milestones and what will be including in that “release” e.g. Milestone 3.1 will include x features and the progress made on these can be seen.

Main features should be created as tickets.
Discussion on changing the ticket selection properties.
Changing of ticket types and general use of trac

Milestone 2.8 – A basic working framework (pre-release version of the website)
Milestone 2.9 – Essentials of the old website incorporated into the new website
Milestone 2.9 Alpha
Milestone 2.9 Beta
Milestone 3.0 – Completed Improvement of new website with additional features

More able to be viewed at:

Note about the trac – you can create tickets – giving them a number.
On trac wiki page: http://www.filmsoc.warwick.ac.uk/trac/wiki/TracLinks
If you are fixing/editing the website from a flagged problem via a “ticket”.
Instead of describing the change after a commit function you can name the ticket number fixed. This will provide a link too that ticket so the change is know by others if required.
May be able to find a way to automatically close tickets.

7)a) Website suggestion
• From Pierre – users able to flag films they want to watch and receive a reminder via email when the film is going to be shown.
• Customisable links at the top of the page e.g. you would be able to select your top 4 links.
• Site for mobile users.

8) Exec-Office Computer
• Andy has got the computer working in safe mode with no networking.
• Andy gave Tim a list of Licence Keys to try on the computer.

9) AOB
• Need to investigate the Union database as we need to access a list of all of our members – need to ask Andrew about this.
• The network connection that went to deluxe is now irrelevant which can be removed. Therefore providing an extra connection.

• Cabling at the moment – numbered cables go to patch panel under the floor and these go to places in the proj. box and exec office….no logical numbering we need to workout a what goes to where.
• Permanent network connection to tills.
• Purchasing of new network ports.

• Need to have practical session – Date to be arranged
• Date Arranged: Wednesday 17th June 2009 Midday
• Point about the current website – Tim ran a couple of benchmarks Miramax is running twice as fast as deluxe therefore worth while.

• Training of new IT team members – how they can be involved without being a computer genius. This should be discussed at a later date but before we recruit new members next year.

Date of next meeting: To be discussed on the mailing list.

The meeting was adjourned at 22:47.

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