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DM Meeting @ 2006-10-11 18:00:00

DM Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, 11 October 2006

6:00 pm, Ground Floor, Rootes Social Building

1. Welcome and apologies

DMs present: James McLachlan, Robert Gardner, Mike Joy

Trainee DM present: Nick March

Apologies: Rachel Crofts, James Emmott, Michelle Foy, Max Leung, George Marshall

James welcomed those present to the first DM meeting of the new academic year.

2. Rotas

No empty slots were filled, so please sign up online if you can DM a show in Week 3.

3. Keys

All DMs must join the society and then should collect their keys from Pam in Union North.

4. Estates

In the vacation, Estates mentioned that problems with L3, such as broken carpeting, should have been reported. However, Mike informed us that the substandard fire doors, the broken and loose carpeting, and the loose wires, amongst other hazards, were formally reported to Claire Beament, the university's Assistant Safety Officer. So far, Estates have done nothing about any of these faults.
Mike suggested keeping a log of problems with L3 and occasionally reporting it. James M. will look into implementing this.
There may be an online form available via the Estates section of the Warwick website where faults can be reported. Again, James M. will investigate this.

5. EPOS system

The problems with the EPOS system are generally resolved. DM override is not working properly though, and should not be used at present.
The Members Editor is usable now, although some glitches remain.
Front of House will need the third laptop back soon - if not for busy shows, then for training stewards. The laptop is being used for the data projector until the Technical Team find a better solution.

6. AOB

(i) The lack of new stewards was discussed.

The turnout at the General Meeting was poor, and this was reflected in the number of people at the meeting who were specifically interested in Front of House. However, there was some interest in stewarding from potential projectionists, and several members have emailed the exec about getting involved with Front of House.

Of all those who expressed an interest in Front of House at our stalls, only one person has stewarded a show.

In absentia, George suggested a publicity drive to recruit stewards, but it was agreed that we should see how many new stewards sign up in the next two weeks before this is considered.

(ii) Front of House socials.

Nick suggested that we organise regular Front of House socials - maybe once a fortnight - to see films, have food, and drink. Saturdays are generally favourable for socials, and the plan for each social could be decided in the weekly DM meetings.

(iii) Change of venue.

Nick would prefer DM meetings to be held in The Graduate, which "has good beer and (when they've got them in) pork scratchings". James M. will ask whether society meetings are allowed in The Graduate in time for next week's meeting.

(iv) Rob reminds DMs to invite stewards to Xanana's after films.

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